Who are your favourite TV presenters?

Who are your favourite TV presenters?

Dutch news presenter. I stopped watching it because its full of propaganda, but still the women are neat.

What does she present...besides erections?

Beats me

Everything, she's the #1 person on TV in Ghana.

Why must negresses make me so erect

>she will never suffocate you to death while sitting on your face and farting
pls gib big booty black gf

Sweet fucking jesus

Too bad most of her shows are not online.

that weather girl that is dating a guy who plays cod

She lived in england for awhile, then moved to nigeria and became a celebrity there
shes also like 6'2 or something. amazon bros where we at

that brotier girl friendship, goddamn.

I... what. Wow.

i dont give a damn about her height but those tits and ass are practically monstrous
it's like an actual titcow

Post more faggit

Boobie meat

Mein gott.

she's only 5'10" but wears heels

>no actually good photos of Peace Hyde

Damn it. She's not a whore

This is amazing apart from the closeup on her face.
I live in a nig area and there are boatloads of nigresses with hot bodies but almost none with a passable face.


mama mia my test must be shot because I know I should be getting harder than diamonds right now and I'm not

Tall for a chick.

Whomst art this?

>ywn have your pelvis destroyed by a thicc ebony amazon

Wake up in the morning to watch the news for her

>been masturbating too much
>decide to not cum the next day(today)
>cum 4 times because I accidentally started sexting with two chicks with fat tits
>now this thread
no more..

>shes also like 6'2
She's not that tall, and she lives in Ghana.

BBC era Susanna Reid was the best

hot as fuck and an amazing voice
Now she's sat next to piers morgan on a channel with hundreds of adbreaks and co-presenters

Giant African boobs are the next big thing in big boobs. Invest before they moon.

Legitimately and literally basketball sized.

I really want to breed a nigger sow. Something about seeing a black woman with a swollen belly and knowing that its housing my european coded seed just gets me off. I sometimes imagine me - along with a pack of like minded white men - heading to Africa with the goal of breeding out an entire village of nigger women.

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