Is this the best Friday the 13th movie of all time?

Is this the best Friday the 13th movie of all time?

no, jason goes to manhattan is.

Jason takes Manhattan was better than X

Freddy vs Jason

Twice in theatre
It was awesome

>5 minutes in the city
>mugged and rape attempt
how accurate is this?

Jason X is the only Friday the 13th movie I liked mainly because it was too silly to be scary.

for the time, very.


That depends.

Does any other F13th have Jason beating one whore to death with another?

Kay-Em a cute

it was before Giuliani became mayor so yes it's accurate

no but using a sleeping bag to kill a girl was already done in part 9

The best is probably The Final Chapter, but my personal favorite is Part V. I never get tired of seeing Violet do the robot.

LOVE me some Jason X. personal favorite.

Millennials really don't understand what a cesspit of violence NYC was before Giuliani was elected. You know why all those movies from the 70s/80s depicted NYC as an urban hellhole? Because it absolutely was.

>Alright, we're making scary horror
Part I, II, III, IV and the remake.
Reminding that part III is legit shit.

>Alright, we're making fun horror
Part 6, 7, 8 and Freddy vs Jason
Reminding that part 6 is overrated.

>Alright, we have no idea what we're doing
Part 5 and Part 9
Reminding that Part 5 is entertaining as all hell

>Alright, fuck it, comedy
Based Jason X

no, its fucking garbage


Take a look at the old pictures of NYC.
It's just graffiti, drugs, and poverty all over.

I don't understand where people get that NYC is a great place.

Part 1: Jason's mother is the killer because decades prior the counselors had let deformed kid Jason drown at the lake and she went crazy.
Part 2: Jason was secretly alive the whole time, making it unclear why his mother went crazy. He saw his mother die so he took over killing counselors in her place.
Part 3: Same as part 2.
Part 4: Same as part 2, only Tommy Jarvis is introduced and kills Jason at the end.
Part 5: Tommy goes to a nuthouse from PTSD over Jason, and for some reason a random EMT becomes a Jason copycat killer that Tommy eventually stops.
Part 6: Tommy needs closure on the Jason debacle so he digs him up, only for Jason's corpse to be hit by a magic lightning bolt of zombification that brought him back to un-life to continue his murdering spree.
Part 7: Zombie Jason vs random telekinetic girl that's never heard from in the series again.
Part 8: Jason leaves Crystal Lake and goes killing people in NYC for some reason.
Part 9: Jason magically turns out to be demonic and only the magical dagger of vorhees can send his evil back to hell.
INTERLUDE Freddy vs Jason: Freddy pulls Jason out of hell to help his own resurrection. Hijinks ensue with Jason ending up back at Crystal Lake by the end.
Part 10: The police ambush Jason at Crystal Lake and capture him, putting him in cryo-stasis. He wakes up centuries in the future on a spaceship.

I didn't liked the one with the girl who had mind powers.

Me neither. Never understood how The New Blood has quite a sizeable cult following.

But Jason shows up at the very end of Part 1 as well

That was just some nightmare she had. Jason would've been 33 at the time.

>Jason magically turns out to be demonic and only the magical dagger of vorhees can send his evil back to hell.

Every fucking time


Was Jason jumping through the window at the end of Part II a hallucination/nightmare as well? I can never figure it out. It seemed to be implied Paul died when it showed Ginny yelling out for him in the ambulance but then again, it was quite ambiguous. He could have just been taken in another ambulance beforehand.

>part 1
>jason mother is the killer
how did they made more than 1 movie?

I've never actually been sure about that either.

People wanted to see more of Jason.

It's mostly because everything is filler untill the 10/10 final fight.
Kills aren't really exciting because everything's censored, teenagers are the usual with some "stand outs" here and there, dad returning to kill Jason was fucking retarded. All it has is Tina who's kinda interesting but doesn't take much time.

And it also doesn't do much with most of its ideas. Like, they introduce this super cunt bitch and give her the least satisfying death ever.

>those asses on part 2

It was an indie film on a few hundred thousand budget that grossed $55 million and somehow ended up an international success. Ended up being one of the most successful movies relative to cost ever.

The same way they made more than one Predator, or more than one Rambo, or more than one Rocky, or more than one anything. These greedy hollywood heebs will milk anything to death in order to make money. Look at Fast and Furious, the main fucking protagonist literally died IRL but they're STILL MAKING MORE MOVIES


how is the remake?
I remember enjoying the halloween remake.

predator 2 was lit

Paul Walker never was the main protagonist. Vin Diesel always was. Walker struck me as a second wheel, so to speak...

Freddy vs Jason is the funnest and easiest to watch

Pure kino, it was superior to VII, VIII, JGTH, and JX by a longshot imo. Might have been the best slasher of the 2000s actually, though the Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake is close to it. (ironically both made by the same company, Platinum Dunes)

it's the best of the platinum dunes remakes
which to be fair isn't saying much but still I liked it better then the Halloween remake

>he doesn't like Predator 2, Rambo 2, or Rocky IV

Parts 4 and 5 were't as bad as everyone says.

>texas chainsaw massacre
remake worth watching? I heard it had daddario boobs.

Pretty sure most acknowledge Return of Michael Myers as overall a good movie, obviously not as good as Halloween I and II, but still "good".

I'm not sure what you see in Revenge though. There was nothing redeeming about it for me. The kills were awful, Michael's mask looked like shit, the characters were meh, the atmosphere was lacking, among other things.

I honestly feel Curse is underrated. I think it was overall solid. There were some great kills like the one where the guys head explodes from getting electrocuted. The only things I didn't like was the omission of Danielle Harris (not her fault), and Jamie's death right in the beginning. I don't even mind the Cult of Thorn.

NOOOOOO, not the one from 2013 (besides, that wasn't even a remake, it was a reboot). That one was AWFUL.

The one from 2003 is GOAT status. I'd argue it is superior to the '74 original, it's that good.

Kinda wanna get into these movies, should I start from the beginning or skip some?

>wasn't even a remake, it was a reboot
what did he mean by this

I've watched all of the movies at least 500 times. I'm not exaggerating at all.
I usually watch one before I go to bed and this has been going on for about eleven years now.
Without a doubt, 4 is the best of them all.
It has the best opening, plot, ending.
Jason x is terrible

I find repeated viewings very easy with the F13 movies. I guess probably because you can just shut your brain off when you watch.

Would you mind saying what you like about 7 though? I find that one very hard to like.

I would recommend watching them in order.

Thanks senpai

While the gore is lacking and the characthers are iffy, I love the last third of the movie. Jason finally meets his match. Carrie lol
My appreciation of the film is also strengthened by the fact that the film was originally going to be Freddy vs Jason. Also Tina has mental problems which made her more relatable to me. She was more flawed.
The fight sequences between her and Jason are incredible, with many original ideas.
Also I liked that it brought back the "ambiguous ending" that wasn't present in part 6.
Also it had less humor than six, which I felt was a good change.
Also, minus the opening in Jason goes to hell, 8 and 9 were pretty dogshit
Which is why I appreciate 7 as it was
1. Original(which is hard to do in the slasher genre alone, let alone the 7th entry in a series)
2. I love Tina and her interactions with Jason
3. It was the last good movie, they pretty much went downhill after that

No problem, your in for a real treat.
1 is kind of slow but stick with it

>Also Tina has mental problems which made her more relatable to me

part 4>reboot>freddyvsjason>Jason X

4 best ones. All the others are good, but are about the same to me.

Hm, I see. I honestly like 8 over 7. They were at least trying something new to spice up the series. I didn't mind most of the movie being on the boat, it made up for almost every scene in Manhattan being amazing.

>Jason kicking the boom box and taking off his mask to the kids
>Jason shattering the window and then throwing Ken Kirzinger over the counter
>Rennie saying to the waitress that someone is trying to kill them and the waitress says "Welcome to New York kid"

The comedy was very well done.

I'm surprised you rate 9 higher than 8. Uncommon opinion.

you understand it's not like that now, right?

comfy halloween kino desu m8

I can respect your opinion
I've really wanted to like it; most recently saw it in the theatre
But it just never worked for me.
It's just bad. It has its moments like the ones you mentioned.
The ending is just retarted.
I can't stand the characthers.
They get on a raft and paddle to New York and Jason swims(?) the distance.
Stereotypical New York, heroin and rapists.
I could go on and on...

Jason goes to hell was bad, but the kino opening scene makes it better than 8 alone. It's probably the best opening of the series, and which has some strong contenders in part four and six.

rate my playlist for this weekend and add suggestions:
>jason x
>friday the 13th - 2009
>texas chainsaw massacre 2003 and 2006
>hellraiser 2


Texas chainsaw massacre 2+3
Way better than current ones
>bill Mosley
The monster squad (trust me)