I have an IQ of 87, what makes me clinically slow

I have an IQ of 87, what makes me clinically slow..

Can you explain to me if Shia was being ironic or if he's truly a racist? maybe he said that bieng black and a cop was wrong.

"You're going to hell because you're Black" to a Black cop.

Other urls found in this thread:


I think he was "Angry" and the things he was saying were the things he thought would "hurt" the other people. Since he couldn't hit them.

Yeah I agree with this, kinda like the kramer thing he just went with the worst thing he could say to offend someone.

I believe he is racist.
doesn't matter because his money will get him out of these minor crimes.
he can be as racist as his little jewish heart desires.

That is not an exact quote. He never said "..because you are black.".

You have to understand people like Shia to interpret his paralytic ramblings. He's saying the guy is going to hell because cops are evil and kill black people, so this black cop is a traitor to his people.

He literally didn't say that. All the "your own kind" stuff is super weird, but I get the impression he's so washed up in SJW nonsense that he got lost in the juice.

Why is Shia emerging from a wall?

Hey there, Shia!. Exact quote:

> 'You're Going to Hell' Cause You're Black'

Here's the video:


Knowing Shia's beliefs, he probably meant that the black guy was going to hell for persecuting a white ally like himself.

It makes since he tells the black guy beforehand, that the president doesn't care about him and that Shia was on his side.

poor shia, hope he someday overcomes his mental illness

He literally did

Again, not exact. How could you listen to this and say that's an exact quote?

"You especially, deputy, that's sad as fuck, man." "Cause you a blackman."

Just like the other user's said, he's ashamed the black deputy would toss him in jail for no reason. The black deputy is a traitor toward's Shia's "Black Lives Matter" belief.



Do SJWs think people of color should worship them?

I can think I sort of understand the angle Shia was going for here.

He says that the President doesn't care about him (Implying that the President hates him because he's black)
He says that the police force doesn't care about him (Because he's black)

I think he's trying to call the black dude a race traitor, basically? Which is fucking bizarre coming from a white guy

all "diversity" people are the most racist, sexist, people out there. that all they see. that's the entire world they live in. they claim diversity like religious repentance. the rest of use got more important things to deal with than to waste time giving a shit about someones sex, race, some other worthless shit.

> I think he's trying to call the black dude a race traitor, basically?

literally this, he wanted to call the Black cop a race traitor but didn't dare to use the actual term.

Lol is Shia that delusional? Does he think a black cop is gonna break ranks to help him because he virtue signals BLM?

They subconsciously see other races as inferior and in need of "saving". Rejection of that is tantamount to being a traitor to them. Look at what NYC SJWs have to say about blacks that don't parrot their beliefs back at them, calling them "Uncle Toms" is the least rude shit they say. Shia caused a scene at a Buffalo Wild Wings after he went up to 3 black guys and asked for a cigarette. It escalated and one of them called him racist and he freaked the fuck out, his world-view was shattered.
Liberals have a lot of self-hatred that the project onto other people and their own race.

>Liberals have a lot of self-hatred that the project onto other people and their own race.
I love how you assume all liberals are white with this comment. Are you retarded? Seriously.

he's was psychologically trying to manipulate them.

>black guy
>starts talking in ebonics to make it seem like they have something in common
>says something along the lines of race traitor

>white guy, tries to reason with him
>"your wife likes black dick"
>tries to get cop to form an argument about his detention
>tries to use argument against cop

>female officer, emotional argument
>"why am i being detained?!"
>"these cuffs are too tight"
>simulated crying

I love how you assume I'm talking about non-white liberals at all in my post. You are deluded and retarded. I also love how the only thing you think you can refute is that "b-but not all liberals are white!" instead of literally everything else I said. You're a sad little deluded fuck.

Post the pepe edit


>You're black and you're going to hell because you're moving agains a liberal
That's what he was trying to say.


Do you want a cuddle, OP? :)

He's just calling him an Uncle Tom and he was self aware enough at that moment to remember not to say "Uncle Tom" but he knows what it is

So long jewboy


>blacks don't get hired
gib affirmative action
>blacks get hired
yo fuck dat uncle tom

Sup Forums threads not Sup Forums opinions chumpo

That's how people think, they don't notice the double standard because it doesn't appeal to their agenda

People that think blacks are beholden to their political and social movements are just of guilty of stereotyping as the people who think blacks are all gang members



It's like one of my Japanese animes, where he's partially embedded INTO the wall, and his booty on the other side is getting used by black prisoners for his penance of speaking out against his superiors.