Who should play manson bros?

who should play manson bros?

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Christian Bale

Connor McGregor


viggo or bale desu

Calum Von Moger

The Goose

Is there any other choice?

CM Punk.

>Charles Manson Punk

that would be cool

Idris Elba

but uniornically this

Over/Under on how many times nigger is said in this movie

I have it set at 45

What do you think?

Apparently Sky has been considered for a role.

The Last Manson on Earth.

If they are going exactly by the book then she will be playing either Susan Atkinson, Patricia Krenwinkel, or Linda Kasabian who all look nothing like her.

Who will play Tex Watson?

shes pretty cute. who is that


isn't di caprio gonna play him?

Sky Ferreira

Cutest little junkie there ever was.

A quick reverse image search says Zachary Cole Smith

shhhh dont let people know your manson knowledge power level

I bet it's not going to be accurate


i am totally here for this movie! he's got like 3 films left before he retires and this is a fascinating and awesome piece of history that i would love to see a wild and sensationalized aesthetically feet fetishy ott interpretation of.

It's Tarantino, i guarantee it won't be accurate at all.

It will end with Manson giving a one liner and going surfing or some shit.

Will the beatdown scene happen?

Who will play Denny?

Read the article, the main character is the detective who catches him, not manson himself. manson will be like hitler in that one movie

that would be in very bad taste towards sharon tate's family and polansky desu

I'd go with Jaoquin Pheonix?

literally whom? people only know Charlie

Tarantino is going to play the part himself.

hes going to play manson himself

Honestly this guy has the look



Why does Tarantino look like a disgusting dude who's into some really depraved shit and probably receives baby blood injection shots daily?

lol whoops, he literally already played him youtube.com/watch?v=8I8uA4EAelQ

paul dano needs to reprise his role as brian wilson whenever manson was hanging out with the beach boys

Same mind

Robert Pattinson is a decent actor and has a similar face to a young Manson. They would just need to employ camera tricks to make him appear shorter but it would be a cool left-field casting decision.

If that's true it sounds kind of lame. Manson and his weird personality is the only interesting part of the story. There's no good reason to dress it up with a fictional detective angle.

too tall
try again

The girl he was going to marry claimed he was 5'7" and he himself said he's 5'6 3/4" in an interview. He's obviously short but 5'2" is pretty extreme. Not sure which is true.

His police records and drivers license say 5' 6/7"

he also like 80 i'm thinking 5'4''

>5' 6/7"
Whew, why haven't americans converted over to the metric system yet?

Tarantino himself

Mark Hamill

waltz will be manson

russell brand