Just saw an early screening

Casting these two as leads was a mistake.

They look and act far too young so you're constantly getting a Spy Kids vibe and they also literally come off as two siblings who fuck.

Other urls found in this thread:


That sounds pretty hot, I might go see this.

I wouldn't be surprised if that was Besson's intent. They do look too suspiciously alike desu.

So two hot, feminine looking young brother and sister that fuck and go on crazy adventures?

Imma watch dat.

I already got that vibe from the trailer. It does seem intentional though.

Still seeing it
Unfortunately every IMAX is booked with Nolan WW2 With Extra Intensity Music so will have to settle for regular cinema. On the bright side I can avoid 3D this way.

This. I wouldn't be surprised if we find out they're literally the same person split into separate bodies or some goofy shit.

>from the legendary director of
>actually listing lucy

lmfao im pretty sure everyone has tried their absolute hardest to forget that fucking garbage nonsense movie. why would you even list that god damn thing

Lucy made a lot of money.

Best known recent movie and it was a hit, production budget 40M, probably why they gave him the money to make this.

when i fist saw the trailer i thought it was hansel and gretel in space. they look like twins

Was it still worth seeing in the theater for the visuals or would I not be missing out on anything by waiting until I can watch for free?

I was convinced the characters were brother and sister until this thread told me otherwise.

>they also literally come off as two siblings who fuck

That's what I was hoping for.

There's no real reason to see it if you're not seeing it in theaters. The visuals are far and away the biggest draw.

why do they put these movie titles on the poster but leave his name out

Cuz we don't like them frenchies around these parts

Cara's eyebrows are so yummy!

Whoa whoa whoa

I didn't realise my boy Dane is in this. I'm actually considering seeing this now.

People were saying here eyebrows were weird so I googled it and found tons of videos and blogs about how to make your eyebrows look like hers. I guess it's a thing.

Why do you type like that?

They aren't weird, they're sexy and I love them! Tired of all these tiny eyebrowlet women who pluck them out until they're like 1mm thick. I need a real woman's eyebrows!


Now it's a must watch

Because Cara's my favorite model! She looks fantastic, and I'm super excited that she's in such a big profile movie. She is meant for super stardom, I just know it!

>they also literally come off as two siblings who fuck.
Thanks, definitely gonna watch this now.

Lily Collins is a better example of a top tier eyebrowfu

I've already determined that I am going to go in thinking they are weird awkward future people who spent their lives in front of a glowing screen rather than just sub-par actors.

Ooh yum, she's great too!

She's literally below average, I have no idea how the fuck she became a model

Someone said she has some rich family connections or something, seems right

what the fuck is her nose

fuck bros, she looks so evil here
that's some top tier makeup

A nose you fucking reptile

furry nose clear signs of plucked hair on upper lip. The women in my family have this. She's in for many future electrolysis treatments.

She can feel me cumming in her hair tonight if you know what I mean.

You are so full of shit. Yeah, she comes from a rich family, but she worked her ass off to get where she is now. Modeling is one of the toughest and most competitive jobs in the whole world. Just having a rich daddy isn't enough to make it to the top, especially considering how many models out there also have rich families.

Cara has earned her spot. She has fucking talent. And she's been working her ass off for almost a decade. Talent + Hard Work = Success. Don't be a hater.

Hi Cara's mom!

Found the virgin.

>she comes from a rich family
>she worked her ass off

>She worked her ass off to get where she is now
>Modelling is one of the toughest and most competitive jobs in the whole world
>She has fucking talent


Do you know how many rich girls try to be models? Money ain't enough to make it in that business, sweetie.

>did poorly in school
>dropped out of drama & music school after one year
Yeah she's had it rough despite her massive talent and hard work, the poor thing.

>they also literally come off as two siblings who fuck.

nigga thats the whole reason I want to see this kino

>In 2016, Delevingne co-starred as Enchantress, a villainess with magical abilities, in Suicide Squad, an action film based on the DC comic book series of the same name. The film was released to generally negative reviews, although it was a box office success. Delevingne's performance was well received.

So is this gonna be another shitty movie that Sup Forums pretends was good because it isn't capeshit or made by Disney?

Based on previous threads Sup Forums plans to hate it.

>design armor with huge metal titties
>don't cast a titty monster like daddario to actually fill them
what were they thinking?

She's so fucking cute. Dane, don't ruin this for us (also is she a slut?).

he's from the distant future, she's from France in the 15th century.

incest is the best

put your sister to the test

the guy looks like young DiCaprio on drugs


>also literally come off as two siblings who fuck.

Most people look gross with no hair.

She looks gross

She is out of this world cute

GO ON cuck go ahead and cherrypick more images I know you're dying to.

Is it possible to fuck the dyke out of a woman? Lay the pipe so well she goes straight as an arrow?

You don't need to. She looks gross always.

I think fucking like that turned them into a dyke to begin with.

The two leads are so androgynous you can't tell who's the guy and who's the girl from the poster.

She actually looks gross here though

No not really. I mean, even if you become her Alpha she'll still want to gently bathe other grils. It's part of woman's nature to nurture at least it was before the world went to shit.

When wearing shoes you can't even tell this faggot is female.

>She has fucking talent
and she eats pussy good too!

Lucy is the greatest pleb filter ever made. The more you dislike it, the stupider you are.

This is bad bait

>they also literally come off as two siblings who fuck.

you're trying to dissuade me from seeing this movie by saying shit like that?

>they also literally come off as two siblings who fuck

Consider an opening night ticket sold.

>making the same joke 6-7 times in 1 thread
>said joke was literally in the first 5 posts

so we are fully reddit now

Unfortunately everyone's trying to get upvotes with the same dumb shit

Edit: Thanks for the gold!

Came here to say this

no one's face should be this hq and large,christ.

You can identity theft people's fingerprints from HQ pictures now

Just imagine if you had a gf in real life, you could look at her even closer.

get off this board you fucking piece of shit. Sup Forums was built on hq pics of actresses.

I remember when i was 17 and i was friend with these two brothers, a guy and a girl. The guy was pretty androgynous and kinda looked like his sister. Well, i fucked them. Both of them. I'm not gay or anything. The dude was just really hot in that feminine way.

My one regret is that i never got to fuck both at the same time because they thought it was weird and were jealous of me.

So this movie is doing things to me, man.

I could... kiss her cute zits and the teensy tuft of hair between her eyebrows? :3

thats /hr/,goober.


Added to the list of words I have an unreasonable hatred for

Which joke? The eyebrow thing?

sounds good and weird and white

I like you my man

How does it compare to The Fifth Element?


We aren't joking when saying she looks likes a fucking man. We're stating facts.

Go to your safe space waifu board if you can't take the critiques of a cunt who wouldn't give you the time of day yet you obsess over her to the point of a literal autism symptom.

Actually she replied to me on twitter one time, so yeah. And she's not a cunt, she's one of the most real, down to earth celeb's I've ever talked to.


>Cara Delevigne
>Dane DeHaan


>is she a slut?
Pretty much all famous models charge 5 figure fees to get fucked on private yachts.

they remind me of pic related

That's not being a slut, that's being a whore. A slut fucks people just for the fun of it. A whore does so for financial reasons.

Though I don't get why anone would pay that much money for it. I could probably spend no more than a few hundred on a prostitute who looks better than most models and does a better job pretending she's into it.

Because you're not just fucking any model, you're fucking the famous supermodel Cara Delevinge. It's all about the prestige. Foreign businessman will pay absurd amounts of money, even going into the six figures, for just one night with a supermodel.

>they also literally come off as two siblings who fuck.

It is a french movie..

>Casting these two as leads was a mistake.

Yes that was the biggest blunder from Besson for this film, they have zero chemistry and also neither are any kind of box office draw.

Add to this the lack of any coherent story (basically just a mish mash of storylines from the graphic novels) and you have a visually good looking film, and that's it.

5th element suffered from a rather nonsensical story, but the character chemisty and a box office draw like Bruce Willis (at the time) made up for it.

A shame because I really want more sci-fi movies, and this will likely flop.

I guess if it makes them feel good they can knock themselves out, just feel like a waste to me, is all.

Don't worry about it, it's simply not true. Cara would never do something like that. The poster just hates Cara for some reason, probably jealous, so he is saying whatever he thinks will damage her reputation the most. It's nothing but lies.



40.4 million instagram followers doesn't sound like a big enough draw to you? Get real.

have only seen the commercials for this, not even a proper trailer
I figured that it was a teen book movie; am I in the right ballpark?