Ape Trilogy > BatNolan Trilogy, Godfather trilogy, any trilogy. Prove me wrong

Ape Trilogy > BatNolan Trilogy, Godfather trilogy, any trilogy. Prove me wrong

Monkeys are fat

Still not as good as captain America trilogy.

Obvious bait aside, The first Avenger was mediocre, Civil War was overrated. The winter soldier was the only one I really liked.

Apes are far better and Cap A that never had a real third movie, MCU instead made avengers 2.5

True prequel Trilogy Kino C'monen through nigger


Apes is still good tho


Are these movies actually good? The annoying ads I keep seeing on YT don't really do a good job of selling them.

So are these movies connected at all to the original trilogy, or are they just sort of inspired by it? I haven't got around to watching them yet, but they look good.

Trust me, they are very underrated, intact I can see this movie grabbing an oscar

Inspiration. There's no organic connection to the other movies, especially the sequels to the original.

Reboot because using eugenics to create genius ape slaves sound retarded today so they gavem them a new origin

Do you want to see thinly veiled liberal propoganda set in a grim dark universe where monkeys ride horses and shoot machine guns at evil white humans? Then you will love this movie!!!

Isn't the guy in the turret just the gunner? Why does the tank start going crazy when the driver is fine?

They went with the much more believable Deus Ex machina gas, instead.

Sounds p fun desu
Though I don't get how the humans would be portrayed as evil because in the trailers I've seen for the last movie it's made pretty clear that both sides are trying to wipe each other out, so the humans are defending themselves as much as the apes are

>Ape Trilogy
Is that the Friday movies?

Rise is the only good one, and LOTR will always be God Tier

The Captain America trilogy is like the Nolan trilogy where each film got worst. Civil War however is an abortion of a film so the Nolan trilogy is better.

Yes they're connected. I saw all the originals last year but you only really need the first and maybe the second of the originals because it took a dive when Heston left. There's references you get when you watch them.

Saw War tonight and it was great.

Take this trilogy instead you fucking pleb