Frank Darabont’s Rage Boils Over: The ‘Walking Dead’ Emails

>AMC Networks filed an immense trove of emails from fired “Walking Dead” executive producer Frank Darabont on Thursday. They give a rare behind-the-scenes look at the tensions that go into a prestige cable show. Darabont has said the tone and the “hyperbole” were the result of a crisis on the show, and that he stands by the substance of the emails “to the last detail.”:

>Email to Gale Anne Hurd and others
>Tuesday, June 14, 2011, 10:39 p.m.

>Guys and gals,

>I am in a state of absolutely boiling rage right now.

>I just kept Denise on the phone for 20 minutes making her listen to me scream. I hope she conveys to you what the tenor of it, because you need to grasp my fury. I have never been a screamer, but I am now. The work being done on this episode has turned me into one. Congratulations, you all accomplished what I thought was impossible. You’ve turned me into a raging a–hole.
Thanks a lot, you f—ers.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Everybody, especially our directors, better wake the f— up and pay attention. Or I will start killing people and throwing bodies out the door.

>F— you all for giving me chest pains because of the staggering f—ing incompetence, blindness to the important beats, and the beyond-arrogant lack of regard for what is written being exhibited on set every day. I deserve better than a heart attack because people are too stupid to read a script and understand the words. Does anybody disagree with me? Then join the C-cam operator and go find another job that doesn’t involve deliberately f—ing up my show scene by scene.

>Email to Ben Davis
>July 21, 2010, 12:11 a.m.

>Please let’s stop invoking the “writers room.” There IS no writers room, which you know as well as I do. I am the writers room. The lazy f—ing a–holes who were supposedly going to be my showrunners threw that responsibility on me after wasting five months of my time.

>If it were up to me, I’d have not only fired Chic Egles and Jack LoGuidice when they handed me the worst episode 3 script imaginable, I’d have hunted them down and f—ing killed them with a brick, then gone and burned down their homes. I haven’t even spoken to those worthless talentless hack sons-of-bitches since their 3rd draft was phoned in after five months of all their big talk and promises that they’d dig deep and have my back covered.

>They didn’t have my back, they rammed knives into it.

>Professional courtesy is something one earns, and those douchebags have not earned mine. I don’t want to see them cc-ed on ANYTHING any more. They renounced that privilege by not even trying to live up to their job descriptions, by instead leaving me dangling in the wind like a hanged man. Calling their 103 “phoned-in” would be vastly overstating, because they were too busy wasting my time and your money to bother picking the damn phone up. Those f—ing overpaid con artists.

>Email to Gwyneth Horder-Payton and others
>Monday, June 13, 2011, 7:18 p.m.

>I am profoundly let down by some of this footage. I’m boiling mad.


""Villains"" who did nothing wrong.

>Email to Denise Huth and others
>June 16, 2011, 12:21 a.m.

>Shane being chased by zombies on the Parkway and being rescued by the RV is a major element we must reshoot. Seeing those dailies today left me gobsmacked and thinking I should fake my own death, leave town, and live under an assumed name. There are some shots we can use from Gwyneth’s footage, but only shots. Right now the sequence doesn’t exist. Re-shooting this along with everything else is something we have to plan for. And I haven’t even vetted the goat farm stuff yet, but I can safely bet you a million dollars there are major problems there too.

>Denise, I’m putting my anger and disappointment at Gwyneth aside when I say this. I promise I’m not being a hyperbolic–.

>Remember our experience with Allan Garfield on The Majestic? We were all so shocked because it was like he had no grasp of the basics of his craft? And it turned out later that he’d had a stroke he was unaware of? And a few months after we wrapped, the massive secondary stroke happened that put him permanently in the hospital?

>I am honest-to-God wondering if Gwyneth hasn’t experienced the same thing. That’s how fundamentally f—ed this footage is. It’s as if she’s totally lost her grasp of what to do. It’s like we yanked some kid with no experience out of high school and put her in charge of directing a show. And what’s really weird is that she doesn’t seem to know it.

>>If it were up to me, I’d have not only fired Chic Egles and Jack LoGuidice when they handed me the worst episode 3 script imaginable, I’d have hunted them down and f—ing killed them with a brick, then gone and burned down their homes. I haven’t even spoken to those worthless talentless hack sons-of-bitches since their 3rd draft was phoned in after five months of all their big talk and promises that they’d dig deep and have my back covered.
>>They didn’t have my back, they rammed knives into it.
>>Professional courtesy is something one earns, and those douchebags have not earned mine. I don’t want to see them cc-ed on ANYTHING any more. They renounced that privilege by not even trying to live up to their job descriptions, by instead leaving me dangling in the wind like a hanged man. Calling their 103 “phoned-in” would be vastly overstating, because they were too busy wasting my time and your money to bother picking the damn phone up. Those f—ing overpaid con artists.

Heh, pretty good.

Why did AMC release these? Were they trying to make Darabont look bad?

All it does is show just how badly they got BTFO.

>There is no writers room, which you know as well as I do. I am the writers room.

>If it were up to me, I’d have not only fired Chic Egles and Jack LoGuidice when they handed me the worst episode 3 script imaginable, I’d have hunted them down and f—ing killed them with a brick, then gone and burned down their homes

Based Darabont.

I saw Frank Darabont at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.

He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

>prestige cable show

didn't a guy from this show die today?

>There IS no writers room, which you know as well as I do. I am the writers room.
major kek

holy shit I'm terrified of Darabont now. he's gonna come and murder me for all my shaneposting

Well its good to know at least one person at the company is upset about how shit this show is.

I just can't tell if it was this guy's butthurt that made it tolerable or worse.

>>Remember our experience with Allan Garfield on The Majestic? We were all so shocked because it was like he had no grasp of the basics of his craft? And it turned out later that he’d had a stroke he was unaware of? And a few months after we wrapped, the massive secondary stroke happened that put him permanently in the hospital?

To me it seems like Darabont vastly overestimated the resources and talent available to him when showrunning a tv series.

It's only very rarely do things come together so a great show can be produced with decent talent in every production role. But more often than not you likely get stuck with shitters who up to that point worked on sitcoms, nickelodeon garbage and daytime tv.


Season 1 and 2 are the worst seasons, but I greatly enjoy Darabont telling it how it is

if it weren't for darabont, TWD would be fucking nothing. He's the one that brought the original cast together and had them take pay cuts. AMC are supreme cucks for not giving him the freedom they gave gilligan. I hope darabont CLEANS them out and AMC realizes how much they fucked up by not letting him do his thing. If he wins, he gets 10% royalties on all episode for life.

>I just kept Denise on the phone for 20 minutes making her listen to me scream. I hope she conveys to you what the tenor of it,

What a dick...

>There IS no writers room, which you know as well as I do. I am the writers room.

>I’d have not only fired Chic Egles and Jack LoGuidice when they handed me the worst episode 3 script imaginable, I’d have hunted them down and f—ing killed them with a brick, then gone and burned down their homes.

>>Everybody, especially our directors, better wake the f— up and pay attention. Or I will start killing people and throwing bodies out the door.
>>F— you all for giving me chest pains because of the staggering f—ing incompetence, blindness to the important beats, and the beyond-arrogant lack of regard for what is written being exhibited on set every day. I deserve better than a heart attack because people are too stupid to read a script and understand the words. Does anybody disagree with me? Then join the C-cam operator and go find another job that doesn’t involve deliberately f—ing up my show scene by scene.
Holy fuck! This is awesome!!

just a stunt guy, who cares

Yes... and a few days ago the guy who voices the ads for TWD died in a plane crash. I hope Tara dies next.

The guy did that did the voiceovers for FTWD promos died in a skydiving accident a few days ago, then a stuntman for TWD died today.

>mfw i will never get to see a Darabont version of TWD

>Seeing those dailies today left me gobsmacked and thinking I should fake my own death, leave town, and live under an assumed name.

holy fuck i love this man

>If it were up to me, I’d have not only fired Chic Egles and Jack LoGuidice when they handed me the worst episode 3 script imaginable, I’d have hunted them down and f—ing killed them with a brick, then gone and burned down their homes.

remember how /comfy/ The Mist was? imagine that for multiple seasons spanning 7 years.

>Then join the C-cam operator and go find another job that doesn’t involve deliberately f—ing up my show scene by scene.

Can we find this C-cam op?

>the kikes at AMC think releasing Darabont's god-tier banter is going to hurt him

what the hell has frank been doing these past couple years anyway? he hasn't done anything since walking dead

>Tfw no Darabont emails boiling with rage on how fat Tara is.

he goes into hibernation every 10 years. we won't get another darabont kino until around 2022.

> And it turned out later that he’d had a stroke he was unaware of? And a few months after we wrapped, the massive secondary stroke happened that put him permanently in the hospital?

> >I am honest-to-God wondering if Gwyneth hasn’t experienced the same thing. That’s how fundamentally f—ed this footage is.

Based Fucking Darabont

>I’d have not only fired Chic Egles and Jack LoGuidice when they handed me the worst episode 3 script imaginable, I’d have hunted them down and f—ing killed them with a brick, then gone and burned down their homes.

Absolutely based

It really sucks that they torpedoed his show and turned it into what it pretty much immediately became after the pilot. Hopefully darabont has some more movies in him even if they're low budget

>>Remember our experience with Allan Garfield on The Majestic? We were all so shocked because it was like he had no grasp of the basics of his craft? And it turned out later that he’d had a stroke he was unaware of? And a few months after we wrapped, the massive secondary stroke happened that put him permanently in the hospital?
>>I am honest-to-God wondering if Gwyneth hasn’t experienced the same thing. That’s how fundamentally f—ed this footage is. It’s as if she’s totally lost her grasp of what to do. It’s like we yanked some kid with no experience out of high school and put her in charge of directing a show. And what’s really weird is that she doesn’t seem to know it.
this is the funniest goddamned thing i have read in a while

yes, i remember, and i think AMC has reached a previously unknown level of idiocy for running Darabont off TWD. good god, the guy directed Green Mile and Shawshank Redemption. just hand him a pile of money and let the guy do his thing. it'd be like owning your own US Mint by the end of the series.

Is Frank Darabont, dare I say it, /ourguy/?


I think you're sucking his dick a bit too much dude. The guy couldn't fucking escape from King stories, that's how shitty he is.

>writes and directs two of the greatest films of all time
daily reminder that Trump's personal lawyer (yes THAT guy), a litigious, alcoholic kike that got exposed today, is the one that released these emails to damage Darabont's reputation.

he is /ourguy/


My respect for Frank Darabont has tripled.


>dying in a skydiving accident
What a memester

>that got exposed today
Exposed for what?

writing threatening emails, no joke. google it fag

he did that shitty noir starring shane on tnt

God was that show dull. The amount of Walking Dead alumni made it obvious it was Darabont taking his ball and going home as soon as possible rather than trying to sit down and let a good idea ferment in his mind.

I don't have a Constanta appropriate enough to respond to this

Lads is /brickposting/ going to be the hip new Sup Forums meme of Summer 2017?