LOL dying for this shitty show

LOL dying for this shitty show

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Don't forget multiple people either died or were degloved, mutilated, lost limbs, etc. for the last Resident Evil movie.

Didn't the narrator just die too?

> and Escape Plan 2: Hades
well, that plan backfired.

>n-no animals were harmed in the making of this film!!
>no one gives a shit if a person does

wait what? How?

real gore

Better than dying for Game of Thrones or Better Call Saul

the fuck is with that dog?

No, it's really not. Both of those shows are leagues better than the Walking Pleb, which is really saying something because neither of those shows are very good either.

wtf is the walking dead doing 20 stories high?

dying for Better Call Kino would be an honor

Somthing about her face really pisses me off for some reason.

Negan and Eugene take Tara on a helicopter ride.

it's a deer that's been shot in front of a greenscreen and added in post but no care has been taken to make sure the lighting is consistent

either due to time or budget constraints or because they're just phoning it in because they know how terrible it is and can't feel passionate about working on it anymore

Based pass poster

How are they going to die on Better Call Saul? Old woman attack?


walking dead?
more like falling dead, eh?

Would it have been so much trouble to use an actual fucking deer?

If you had to die under a director, who would it be? Me? I'd choose cra- I mean, I'd choose Jay Bauman.

There was a motorcycle scene where the stunt woman drove into an overhead camera because it was too low. She lost her low left arm and had her face mangled and flayed. She looks good after the surgery, better than many women

old age due to Planet of the Apes-esque time travel

Better Call Saul isn't a stunt heavy show so you sound like a dumbass for even mentioning it.

It's stock CGI dude. Not a real dear. Can't you tell?

Get your eyes checked, that is obviously a CGI deer

he fell 20 feet to a concrete floor

must have landed terribly

spooky, at least she ok

The first episode featured a guy getting hit by a car. There's quite a few Slippin' Jimmy stunts where he takes a hard fall too.

My eyes are pretty fucked up so maybe you're right.

Thank fuck actors aren't stupid enough to do their own stunts.

She really does look great now all things considered.
She's probably going to have to endure a lifetime of pain so I hope she sued the studio.

That chopper would be grounded if they dangled Tara like the walrus-shaped anchor that she is like that.

I'd die of asphyxiation just so I could bury my face on Jay Bauman's crotch

he was probably knocked out before the fall too, he landed straight on his head which is like unheard of for a veteran stunt actor

Stuntmen do not get enough admiration

Not really.

if they're lame yeah

yeah. well, the promo narrator.


Shame about her hips


fake and gay

difference being an animal can't decide for itself if it wants to risk injury for a stupid fucking tv show

Can't bruise the cruise.

Tom Cruise is lame both mentally and in regards to his filmography.