Why did Tim Allen's show get cancelled, Sup Forums?

Why did Tim Allen's show get cancelled, Sup Forums?

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Roseanne got revived

Why do politics even matter in TV shows?

Shit threads are always stared by OP giving a loaded question.

Also, correlation does not imply causation.

Find something more meaningful to be angry about brainlet.

that's nice

why did tim allen's recent tv show that has a conservative bent get cancelled?

why are cuckservatives the biggest snowflakes

t. leftist

why do leftist babbies project so hard?

you're the faggot crying about your precious sitcom getting canceled.

*inquisitive grunt*

>I-I'm n-not the snowflake y-you are

How is asking a simple question about it, crying about it?
Are you okay user?

A question I've asked myself for two and a half years now.


Money. The network would have had to pay more of the shared production costs for the new season. Same reason Rome got cancelled.

>unironically being conservative
I know it's not 2006 anymore and somehow being liberal has become the shamed stance but you're still all braindead.

haha great thread reddit you're really fitting in

based our guy

>it got cancelled because its right wing
kek, always with the conspiracies

>Not getting the connection
OK kiddo here it is
>Tim Allen's TV career is finally revived post Santa Clause
>Show stumbles at first
>Picks up steam as it reaches syndication and people realize how good it is
>Eventually reaches where it was pre cancellation
>Roseanne and Tim have bad blood with one another
>Roseanne wants back on TV with her old character
>All other comedies are under performing but conforming to the ABC narrative
>Coupled with increased costs from actor raises ABC axes their best show and gives the slot to Roseanne to do whatever with
>The show could live on because it is produced by Fox, but they won't air it on their own network.
>Currently in limbo unless they find a way

Cost? Tim Allen probable had a big contract also ad rates are 100 percent dependent on how big your audience is. It's also dependent on who is watching. Perhaps the viewers were lower income and therefore less desirable to advertisers. All that combined would make it a sensible cancellation.

Poor ratings and high production costs due to losing contract with production studio

im sad this got canceled i watched it with my mom

>*inquisitive grunt*

>making a point about broad ideological hypocrisy by using the cancellation of a TV show as an example

Only in America

unironically asking this?


Not that guy but I'll ask it unironically.

I know. They should have been libertarians instead desu.

libertarianism > liberals/conservatives

It's because reality has a liberal bias

>Poor ratings
it got great ratings though

Upvoted for reddit gold.

>I was educated by South Park

>Upvoted for reddit gold.

ecks dee my main man, really memed my almonds

Not for how much it cost, no

>it got great ratings though
no it didn't

"His" show was not cancelled because of his political views. ABC did not own the show and were paying to license it. There is obviously a lot more behind their decision to cancelling it then some conspiracy cooked up by an underage """""conservative""""" who does nothing but shit post on the internet.

No, I was educated by economics textbooks but believe what you want.
I bet you're cucked enough to support central banking and the corporate enslavement that inevitably follows from it.

I bet you unironically posted that "liberal bias" quote too

hi redddit

why do you put the word conservative in quotes?

You are aggressively grasping an invisible straws.

Go away, Milo. Pretend to be an intellectual elsewhere.

I would bet 10k that you support central banking


milo is just as much of a pseudointellectual as any leftist

You are naive if you think the current political climate and the fact that ABC is a liberal jewish-run company has nothing to do with it.



why do right wingers always argue by defining words and throwing up a smoke screen? All National Review articles work this way.
>The Left says it values tolerance in the sense that it wants to eliminate racial bigotry, the antithesis of tolerance
>The Left criticize me and oppose me for my racial prejudice
>What a bunch of hypocrites! So much for the tolerant left

>Black Lives Matter emerges in response to the persecution that America does not value black lives
>But if you say Black Lives Matter then you must mean ONLY black lives matter
Conservative analysis is just arguing over words and meaning


Perception that America does not value black lives *

>saying all lives matter is racist

>Conservative analysis is just arguing over words and meaning
That's literally all I see Liberals do as well. You guys are so alike that it gets frustrating watching the two groups go at it sometimes.

Fuck Tim Allen and his corny ass show.

>try to support based rightwing media
>watch a few episodes
>it's actually complete trash

Look lads, Allen is cool for being conservative. I support Norm Mcdonald too. But I can't watch this show. Not after "jokes don't have to be funny" mde. I wasted hours of my life for no reason can't do it again.

Didn't Allen just use that as an excuse to drum up support post-cancellation? Fox was making the show for ABC and that contract was about to expire and ABC decided to aim for shows that would attract younger audiences instead of picking up the tab. As I understand it, the show was doing alright but not among the younger demographic that the ads were aimed at. I didn't even know this show existed until Allen made waves over its cancellation. Which I suspect was his intention all along.

>Black Lives Matter emerges in response to the persecution that America does not value black lives

Why would all of america care when not even blacks care about black lives?

I agree that politics and entertainment should be separate. Here is a good Neil Postman quote:

"And so, I raise no objection to television's junk. The best things on television are its junk, and no one and nothing is seriously threatened by it. Besides, we do not measure a culture by its output of undisguised trivialities but by what it claims as significant. Therein is our problem, for television is at its most trivial and, therefore, most dangerous when its aspirations are high, when it presents itself as a carrier of important cultural conversations. The irony here is that this is what intellectuals and critics are constantly urging television to do."

>this level of butthurt libfag

TV shows are full of politics because it's easy to consume at the lowest common denominator. Producers of these shows are well aware that many people don't like the news reporting format so they inject political and social commentary into every TV show so that they can reach the masses who are unaware of what they are even consuming, which is usually a very biased message delivered with little or no supporting facts.

is it opposite day

marxists and their neoliberal useless idiots are masterclassers at semantics, entryism, and controlling language. it's kind of their whole deal. their obsession with censorship is based on controlling ideas. control the language, control the people. they also conflate speech with violence so that their enemies can be labeled violent and prosecuted by law.

basically you're McRetarded my man because right wing faggots tend to be about muh classic traditionalism and objectivity while leftists are modernist utilitarian thought police on a scale that fascists haven't even considered. when right wing does it, it's because they are subservient to traditional bullshit like muh g*d, not because they want to control language itself.

if anything the right's recent focus on language is a response to leftists. since leftniggers make everything about language and call people names and lie, right wingers spend a lot of their time refuting strawman semantics now.

Because he's racist, didn't you read the OP image

>bitches about strawmen
>uses a strawman

Running away from this thread as fast as I can.

I don't mind Tim Allen, I liked Home Improvement back in the days, but supporting Trump does make him a traitor to his country and having his show taken off air is a pretty mild punishment for that.

>supporting your democratically elected president makes you a traitor because he might have some connection to russia

What was the reason given for the show being canceled ?

Not that user but it's because you're gay

Invisible straws held by an invisible hand

"democratically elected" by a minority. Sure, it's well withing the confines of Americas democratic system but don't try to tell me he was elected on anything other than a technicality or that his election reflects the will of most american citizens.

Abolish the federal reserve

do it


go ahead and run away, that's what racists always do

If it were a plain majority, people who didn't vote wouldn't be accounted for. Which would still bias things.

>and he doesn't even have any connection to Russia

He is a colossal moron though. At least Bush only SEEMED stupid because he was a terrible public speaker.

Sure. But people who didn't vote I assume just didn't care one way or the other. Which is fine, I always supported the right to not have an opinion.

>*inquisitive grunt*
In before they don't get thi-

In after.

>he said while posting a gif from a show that it literally ABOUT politics

>>The show could live on because it is produced by Fox, but they won't air it on their own network.
Why won't they? This is what you should be asking?

IMO they should bring it to Netflix like Arrested Development. It's already ON Netflix, so they definitely have a deal going.

>the guy who led us into a war for no reason and fucked up middle east relations is better then Trump, who hasn't done anything of note so far.

When people say Bush is better then Trump it just makes me think "I will always think the current republican president is worse then Hitler." People would be saying the opposite if we had Bush now and Trump before. So dumb.

Trump is more ignorant than a fool. Please don't romanticize W

>remove millions of illegal beaners and crack down on fraud
>suddenly shilldawg has the minority of votes

I'm being a bit facetious but we'll never know how true this could be because it's racist to investigate ; )

There's this retarded cognitive dissonance happening where the US somehow simultaneously has a racist white supremacist majority population, but also that most people want to vote for Hillary Clinton "who would have won in a legitimate" election. LMAO so which is it king dumbass, do these rednecks secretly #standwithHer?

Networks don't cancel shows that make money.

You know what would really help our liberal cause?

Not picking up the next season of Tim Allen's show.

kek Arooo?

A significant number of people didn't vote anyway.

No matter who would have won, they would be representing the interests of a minority. Calling Trump out for this is just bizarre as it's not the first time in US history it's happened. In both of his elections, Bill Clinton lost the popular vote.

I really like how every form of pop culture entertainment, whether it be TV shows, movies or video games, has become non stop liberal propaganda.

Because there's nothing I love more than being preached at when I'm looking for some escapism after a hard days work. Thanks liberals!

there are plenty of people with the power to do so who would absolutely de-platform any famous person they don't like for political reasons. what's your point?

It's probably because they have to keep paying more and because it's a co-production with Fox they get less back end and less DVD sales, so it's not worth renewing.

Like, TV is all kikes to begin with, but i don't really see this as being inherently about politics when the economic argument is way more logical.

>I'm being a bit facetious but we'll never know how true this could be because it's racist to investigate ; )

Get real, if Trump had any hope at all he could prove that he lost the popular vote because of fraud he'd have thrown obscene amounts of tax money at an investigation to have it proven. The fact that he didn't shows quite clearly that he knows he's bullshitting.

>conservative says he doesn't like it
>m-must be a liberal!
It's hilarious that you think you'll last four years, much less eight.

> bill lose popular votes


this is a very entertaining thread. I don't usually see this much mental gymnastics and liberal butthurt.

>haha look at those liberals cancelling that show they're so intolerant
>so that make me totally okay to want to deport millions of innocent people out of the country

A conservative accusing people of mental gymnastics, that's cute. Projecting much?

cant fucking wait for the asshurt

You're a fucking idiot.


Look here's why it actually got cancelled

>ABC didn't own the show
>the initial contracts were up, massively increasing production costs and thus the fee Fox charged ABC
>Because it was produced by Fox ABC would make NO MONEY FROM SYNDICATION
>The show only did well with audiences who advertisers don't care about
>Tim Allen is also a massive prick who was damaging the network's reputation

It was no longer cost efficient, ABC wouldn't make any money from having it run longer, advertisers weren't fond of it AND Allen was saying shit that hurt the network.

The last of these is the most minor, it was a very understandable financial decision despite the claims of the "muh liberals" crowd.

Also Fox fucking own the show, are a conservative network and even they never wanted anything to do with it because it's a shit show.

i want to deport more than millions my man

I'm sure you're right but this sure was poor timing. Just gives Trumptards more bullshit to whine about.

Not projecting. Covfefe much?
Tribal idiots like I'm guessing you are defend there position at all costs. Even above truth and reality.

And for the record I like tim allen but that show sucked

>right wingers like a drug dealing snitch

>Even above truth and reality.
Let's see all the truth and reality you're talking about.
Inb4 you provide none.


I thought this show was cancelled because ABC didn't own it, and the contracts were due to be renewed. So, it would've ended up costing them a lot more money (and Disney has recently been purging its TV networks, look into recent wave of massive ESPN firings).

Ironically enough, Republicans are whining about an independent business lowering its overheads and increasing its profit margins, something that they're supposed to support across the board. Really fires my neurons.