This is fucking kino

this is fucking kino

Smart Reddit and Memey poster.




Basically Futurama for dumb kids who have ADHD, and Futurama was already pretty fast to begin win.

Where can I watch a stream?

it alright

I liked this show a lot more until I met it's fans. Now I can't watch it without thinking "I.. I can't be one of these people.. I just can't"


T.readit gold member

Its berty gud, but people talk about like it's the fuckin second coming. Probably because everyone's a nihilist these days and it makes them feel smart.....then there's the super fans

whatever you try and say is not reddit either is still reddit

fucking everything on this board is reddit get it over it, people have the same taste

I just watched an episode and I spent the entire time repeating the words "this is reddit, this is memes, this is reddit, this is memes"

>Being this much of an impressionable faggot
You might as well blow your brains out if you have such a hazy concept of your self that you believe that liking/not liking one show will change who you are. Either you're a cringy fag or you aren't, now go watch Rick and Morty you sperg.

So after a year of wondering I finally saw the Unity episode last night. Jesus Chr*st, this show is fucking juvenile.

How do you think Justin feels knowing that the site he comes to in order to get a serious critique of his work is totally incapable of discussing it?

Sounds pretty autistic fag

This show is fine if you aren't associated with the fans. Every fan of this show I've met quotes it left and right to make them seem smarter and funnier than they really are. The show isn't as bad as people make it out to be.

>a comedy cartoon needs to be mature as myself!
fuck off

>people have the same taste
Maybe the same shitty taste, excluding me ;)

Well at least 1.9 million people think that ending was "dark", when it really wasn't. If Rick is meant to be sympathetic in his nihilistic depression, he shouldn't be attempting suicide over extremely minor emotional stress.

Darker themes in children's programming are very effective because it is more about contrast than anything. It's why a show like Avatar can have "dark" moments you remember for years even though you don't remember the very similar concepts are spammed in edgy anime left and right. While I didn't think Rick's suicide attempt was particularly dark for what the show has done, I can understand why other may think so. The darkest Rick and Morty has ever gone was mindfucking Morty by making him bury himself, sending him on the road to be a depressed nihilist like his grandfather.

Nah, fuck off. I wouldn't even rank it amongst Adult Swims best work, let alone one of the best animated shows ever like many faggots try to claim.

If you're curious, the best Adult Swim cartoons are Venture Brothers, Moral Orel, Home Movies, and the Boondocks. All of which to varying degrees tackle similar ideas/themes/jokes to Rick and Morty's but are executed way better.

Agreed! Its crude and nihilistic comedy style go hand in hand with my sense of humor. I also appreciate how they are helping the viewing masses see the truth behind religion, and how idiotic it is to believe in a god. WUBBA LUBBA DUB DUB!

Basically a dumb post by a dumb guy who wants to appear smart

>T. Reddit

It's plot and dialogue-driven trash with baby's first pseudo-nihilism and existentialism alongside a host of shitty references. It's literally family guy but for numales with a more atrocious artstyle and not as funny


Its actually pretty good. Sup Forums just pretends to hate it because of its fanbase

Perhaps, but you're defending Reddit and Memey, so you're even dumber.

To be fair, it's fanbase is awful. Almost as bad as Marvel's.

Yeah I fucking love it bro haha I fucking love science wooo XD fuck god! Bacon is my god!

Doesn't have anything to do with the show itself though. Just don't go on reddit or whatever
Dumb shitposter

It's just so fr*cking dark. I love it!

Almost as worse as DC fans too.
Poo in loo.

take my upvote
how do you give gold on this subreddit?

Another dumb post, you're on a roll

>anyone ever using "pleb" in real life

yeah no

Why the fuck is this board so obsessed with reddit, can't we have one fucking thread without reddit posts

Fuck off back there you useless pile of dogshit

Sticks and stones, etc.

sup reddit

why yes we can m'gentlesir
I also love browsing le epic 9gag:
*watches rick and morty to have a le laugh*
*get important life lessons about le nihlism instead*


Literally me

You know nothing

y u no gib gold? xD

Did they rip off Doc Brown and Marty McFly, or are they totally different?

Morty is basically the same as Marty but perverted and Rick is just Doc but drunk and an asshole

We've already discussed it endlessly
Apart from the memes, the show is entertaining but the writing is lazy and edgy with the nihilist jokes and the improvisational comedy
If it weren't for the fans (t. reddit), this show wouldn't be so critiqued here

Season 1 was good. Season 2 was meh.
Most people just hate on it because of the obnoxious, disgusting atheist fanbase. You guys need to learn to separate the show from the people that watch it.

>did he actually die not knowing he was a hack?
Pure gold.