Dude Gawker didn't do anything wrong

>Dude Gawker didn't do anything wrong

Not since "Supersize Me" have I seen such liberal, brainwashing dogshit.

You have your propoganda settings flipped, the movie advocates for free speech and free press which are conservative ideals.

Liberals would argue Hogan's privacy and safety were violated.

not OP.
Except Gawker thought the fappening was wrong but see literally nothing wrong with posting Hogan's sex tape for everybody to see.
It's blatant hypocrisy

Typical conservatives have no grasp over their own ideology.

You realise politics is more nuanced than:

The Left hates Free-speech or The Left hates Privacy.

Much of Free-Speech advocation, throughout history, has come from the left, although it is true, although regrettable, that there is a contemporary groundswell amongst the left against free-speech.

>We'd publish a child sex tape unless they were under 4

Reminder that Gawker is /ourguy/

There's limits even to free speech, especially if that crosses over someone else's right to privacy.

>limit to freespeech
Spotted the commie

Meant for

free speech doesn't mean you don't have to deal with the consequence of your actions.
You can't just infringe on someone's privacy and expect him to be okay with it.

And even if sometimes it may seem "right", like for the Clinton-Lewinski scandal, Hulk Hogan is not a fucking political figure holding secrets from the public, he's a has-been washout who liked to indulge in sexual depravity, it's his own life why the hell did they think they could publish it like that?

It's already obvious Soros bought a stake in Netflix because I saw this pop up in the prize-winning movies category next to The Godfather and Pulp Fiction.

So you wouldn't mind having a video of you getting fucked by Hulk Hogan being made available for the whole world to see?

The funny thing is that the whole thing was a machination by the paypal guy to destroy Gawker.
It's glorious, he waited 9 years for his vengeance.

Gawker was given a court order to remove the video.

They didn't.

There's nothing controversial about what happened and it's not a free speech issue: it's a dumbass website thinking they're free to post anything they want.

That's the reason the documentary got made

Im saying that any restrictions to free speech is a bad idea.

Revenge porn occurs literally all the time, suddenly it happens to some hasbeen and its a big deal?

Rights to privacy became untenable with the advent of the internet. Get over it

>suddenly it's a big deal?

Revenge porn is illegal in a lot of places and was even before the Hulk Hogan debacle.

>dude, give up all your rights because the internet is here, Lmao!

Kys, faggot

>literally admitting that they would post child porn too if they had it

jesus fuck

>revenge porn
people are routinely prosecuted and sentenced for this
>"Get over it"
so, because it's easier to prevent crimes now I should stop expecting my country and state to enforce the crimes? that's fucking retarded. murder didn't become legal with the proliferation of firearms.

I'm still glad it happened to be honest, they had no right to infringe on the Hulk privacy, nor any other man or woman.
The fact Paypal guy played some 4d chess with them only makes it funnier.

Not illegal in my state.
Privacy is untennable to anyone not living completly off the grid. If youre to stupid to undderstand this then theres no helping you

The documentary sets a scary precedent where it's legal to attack and destroy journalists if they post the truth and if people don't like it they can attack journalists.

This is pretty much telling the story on how important it is to defend journalists as they are the most important people right now in the fight against lies and fake news in a post truth world against rampant proganda from the government and russia.

>Liberals would argue Hogan's privacy and safety were violated
if Gawker is composed of liberals, they argued the exact opposite and paid for it.
apparently all animals are equal when it comes to protecting against violation of privacy, but some animals are more equal than others.

>This is pretty much telling the story on how important it is to defend journalists as they are the most important people right now in the fight against lies and fake news in a post truth world against rampant proganda from the government and russia.

>posting sex tapes of washed up hasbeens is "truth" and "journalism"

>Samefagging this hard

I'll ignore your spelling errors, but we aren't talking about someone being able to look up my home address or driving record. You have some bizarre pseudo-libertarian belief system that justifies spreading illegally obtained material through mass media. This isn't about some guy tweeting "nigger" at someone and getting arrested (which is increasingly becomig a problem in Europe), it's an actual crime and violation of rights. Free speech does not allow one to disseminate any and all images that one can obtain.

what the fuck, is this an actual shill? how can someone have an opinion this retarded?

B-but an old celebrity having sex with his wife is journalism! I think

t. reddit

>Liberal friend says Thiel is wrong and maybe evil because he paid for this lawsuit
>Ask him "So as a member of the LGBT community you're ok with Gawker forcibly outing Thiel as gay?
>his face when

ITT fascists who hate free speech.

I'm going to hide a camera in your house and film you masturbating with your horse dildo then I'm going to post it on the internet and monetize it. You're ok with this, right? I mean it's just free speech.

>supersize me was liberal propaganda
America not even once
Hitler and Mosley were obsessed over personal health

>coherent worldview
choose one, always hilarious to see the infighting when one minority group criticizes another and their heads explode trying to calculate who is higher on the victim totem pole

I sort of feel sorry for Americans, they're so stuck in a hilariously skewered system, it's sort of like watching cavemen develop a rudimentary society.

Additionally, the copyright of any video/photo automatically belongs to the one doing the filming. Gawker did not have the permission of the copyright holder.

>they are the most important people right now in the fight against lies and fake news in a post truth world



Reality has a liberal bias -Stephen Colbert

It's sorry that you're so close minded that you can't see that the truth favours liberals. We dont need to lie or listen to false preachers to feel good we know that we stand for everything good and decent in the world today.

>We dont need to lie

"men can become women"
"Islam is a religion of peace"

Our media feel like its these braniac super influencers that can literally bend reality to its own will. They treat the public like they are cavemen+sheep hybrids and just blindly follow, they should the media thinks because the media thinks it is metaphysically right all the time.

That is why they want to destroy Trump so badly because he cast doubts on their entire scheme. They protected Obama for 8 years and perfected their art. Media thought it had everything under lock and key forever and then it all blew up and they want blood.

>chopping genitalia off is true and right and makes you feel good

people are free to do whatever they want with their money. if they want to pay expensive lawyers to help another person, they can do it. get over it

uh it was obviously sarcasm?

god just because a guy is giving sworn testimony before a judge while being sued for thousands doesnt mean it matters.

There's nothing illegal about hypocrisy.

That being said, Gawker is guilty.

>Things that never happened

>they are the most important people right now in the fight against lies and fake news
But they've been blatantly contributing to that for years now. Journalistic integrity barely fucking exists anymore thanks to disingenuous click bait sites like fucking Gawker.

>We dont need to lie
Stop fucking lying.

*tips fedora*