What the fuck was the point of this?

What the fuck was the point of this?
Did we really need 2 seasons of this shit?


There's no point in most of the series.

She learned to face change and also leveled up her assassin skills a bit.

we got to see 2 seasons of that cute blonde assassin, so I'm satisfied

No not really.

It'll probably be much better in the books.

My favorite character: Jaqen H'ghar

The point is that GRRM was going to do a timeskip but then realized he couldn't which is why Arya and Dany and others are just hanging around doing nothing.

This desu

Azor Jaqen

The whole show is shit.

The point is to keep you occupied with sensual titillation to placate you from overthrowing your masters instituting true communism

Really. Definitely the lowest point in the show for me, the entire arc. Show promise, but they botched it hard. Don't know how all that plays out in the book though.

By sweeping the floor all day?

I think she should have gone grinding outside instead of farming xp in there.

Wax on, wax off

Shittiest of shitty arcs. Even towards the end when we thought Arya had something clever planned for the Waif it turned out to be surface level garbage. Waste of time with nothing advanced other than we're supposed to now believe that Arya Underfoot is an elite assassin... riiiiiiiightttt.

It's Game of Thrones. A lot of things take place, but nothing happens.

But they bailed on the violence and titties in recent seasons after their faggy normie audience begin to screech over it.

No, everything up to the Red Wedding is pretty good. They said that was the reason they made the show, so it follows that the show would be meandering shit afterwards.

have there been any leaks?


she has great tits too, im surprised GoT didnt make her show them

They gotta stall for time with their garbage OC so that fat fuck can actually write something.

I remember that same feeling.
The way she smugly walks around, drops the bag of silver on the captain's table, and tells him they'll leave tomorrow for her. Then she instantly gets stabbed in the gut, I thought there would have been some face switching and deceptive magic but no, she was just smugly walking around before being destroyed by the waif

I imagine it was suppose to have a purpose at the start then D&D took over and went full autism.

Sorry to tell ya, but the show is not far removed from the books, even the parts which are ahead.

Once the show is done, I guarantee that when the remaining books finally release, they will change whatever viewers complained about regarding the show. Everything is fucking tweaked and focus tested in "universe" entertainment. It's the opposite of kino.

a girl has no plot.

>when the remaining books finally release

Or, GRRM is a hack and couldn't think of a good arc. Honestly, the best thing they can do now is kill Arya. GOT is at its best when the bad guys win.

gotta set it up for when she takes Sansa's face to bamboozle Balish.

Sorry to tell ya, but no one claimed it's far removed from the books.

"They" as in the writer? I really doubt he gives a fuck. His book will sell like hotcakes either way, not to even mention this franchise actually thrives on and got famous for ruining fan favorite characters with epic tweests.

i've skip'd all her scenes cant tell

The point was arya wanted to become a strong assassin. She had to become no one and go through rigorous training but in the end she couldn't let go of Arya and her kill list. By the end she learns a lot and takes the next step, also now she can clearly use the power of many faces so there's that too.

>hurr it's shit

Kill yourselves. Best show, best fantasy.

yes but that's not the point

>She had to become no one

job done no charisma or intesrest at all

What they should have done is switch that ugly goblin to a more normal looking person with at least a bit of acting capability.

I don't even understand what happened at the end of her plot. So she fucked up her mission to kill the actress and the waif was sent to assassinate her, but she was able to take the waif down. Then she gets told that she is "no one" now.

Was killing the waif a final test for her? Because that shows her combat skill but she still let her conscience get in the way of killing the actress, kind of a big fuck up for an assassin, and did nothing to show she had learned from that mistake and was ready to kill innocents. But that doesnt matter because she rejects the Faceless man anyway and he just lets her stroll right out to cause havoc with their ancient teachings.

Arya has had plenty of both, she's been determined and made things happen all show.

I'm guessing they think that she had to remove her as a rival, because even that is an identity.

That's not at all how it comes across on screen, but it's the closest thing to an answer I've come up with.

>things happen
We still talking about Game of Thrones?

It's not super clear yet but Jaqen looked happy about it. You don't know the gods plan.

Go to reddit, you would fit in wonderfully with your memes and one liners.

No you go to reddit, faggo. All your stippled dildos are waiting for you there.

Friendly reminder that S6 Jaqen H'ghar is the same Jaqen from S2.

it is absurd just how pointless arya's arc has been. she kind of just gave up and left the temple? just pointless.

She didn't give up, she decided she couldn't let go of her name and wants to kill everyone on her list.

The book at least implies she's busy while we're not seeing what she's doing. The Arya assassin subplot just feels like too big a diversion from all the other important story shit in both the book and the show. Unless GRRM finds a clever way to tie it to the other plots, the "Arya hangs out with some assassins then leaves" arc feels a bit useless.

so she couldn't let go of her name..... AFTER she let go of her name. hmm. ok.

how fucking lazy were the writers that they decided to undo arya's blindness after a handful of episodes?

I know this is bait but

Jaqen just LETS HER GO with all the secrets of the faceless men? What kind bullshit

Jaqen H'ghar, born in the free city of Lorath, was a Lorathi criminal who later emigrated to Braavos to become a Faceless Men. After getting the Braavos citizenship, he began the training in the House of Black and White.

Jaqen H'ghar is Lorathi-Braavosi former criminal turned Faceless Men.

But why was Jaqen a criminal?
Why did he emigrated to Braavos?
Why did he became a member of the Faceless Men?
Does Jaqen still have relatives? Other H'ghar brothers and sisters?
Does Jaqen H'ghar work-out? Hobbies?

Her storyline goes strait downhill after she leaves Harrenhal, the hound stuff is pretty good though

She never let it go though. Nice to know people who shit on the show are too stupid to follow the intricacies of the plot. If you watch it, Arya's actions always betrayed her words. That's why she hid needle instead of throwing it away with the other shit. She never could do it.

yeah but she hid needle BEFORE she let go of her name.


It still shows she is unwilling to let go of Arya. And when she saw myran trant it solidified that.

Arya is actually dead. The Waif is using her face

her interacting with hound was good
it all went to shit when she left Westeros
though you could say that every character that leaves Westeros becomes shit
see - Varys, Tyrion, etc

>Arya runs/jumps through Braavos after getting stabbed in the gut with a large knife, then kills the Waif.
>Jaqen inexplicably approves of Arya strolling in with the Waif's cut off face.
>How Arya even got in to their temple is left completely unexplained, even though she was and presumably still is on their death list. Also, the organization is depicted as being made up of like two (now one) people.
>But who cares! Arya can now teleport back to Westeros and kill the janitor from hogwarts in an ebic way.

For showfags, no. Only a nudge to those who read the books and screentime for Arya.
For bookfags, it meant a shitton because it most of the chapters with Arya leading up to that point, her name was not at the top of the chapters, only "a little girl" or "blind cat" or some shit or another, indicating her identity problem. It's not until she declares that she is Arya of Winterfell that she finally overcomes her identity crisis and leaves Braavos behind to return home.

Her arc there was never about becoming an assassin, but instead to overcome her identity crisis that has been present since she fled King's Landing with the Night's Watch recruiter.

The dark brotherhood is boring af

I've said that about the past 4 seasons, 2bh.

The epitome of "stretching" and it's just not interesting.

What the fuck was the point of this?

Jonathan Pryce is always awesome.

for cersei to blow up the sept with the wildfire, thereby being like the mad king and thus creating a rift between her and jaime

There would have been riots in the streets (of the internet) if Arya was removed from the show for a season.
Even though the reason D&D gave for excluding Bran from season 5 was that it would have been dull just seeing him sitting around doing his training.

To entertain us, isn't that the point of tv

They needed a way to remove several actors from the budget.

>when the remaining books finally release

>What the fuck was the point of this?

GRRM has some plan for the Faceless men. Some kind of hidden motive.

Show copies the book plot, then realizes they don't have the time or the talent to actually develop this plot. So they just cut it down, throw it away with a terrible action sequence and shit that barely makes sense.

Now we have Arya who can somehow steal faces and is a super assassin.

You got 2 seasons of it because they were following GRRM's slow as shit writing pace. Now that they've outpaced the books they are writing for a TV pace. Things will move faster now.

pointless Sparrow arc was, at least it was entertaining

i wouldn't mind those scenes if arya wasn't so hideous to look at
someone needs to do a GoT edit with a paper bag on her face

How was it pointless? What constitutes an arc as pointless?

fucking plebs
you're the cancer of nu-got

George deciding to stop writing the books didn't help. But perhaps D&D should have asked how it all ends and what the central plots were before they started hacking out parts of the story.

To my knowledge they do know how it ends and George already laid it out for them.

>True gommunism

I think they learned that later on. I recall an interview with them (might have been at the Oxford Union before S5) where they said they had to sit down with George to discuss the ending because they were nearly caught up with the books.
I'm sure they've also mentioned in the past that their original intention was to omit certain parts such as Dorne and Euron.

Based Skeletal


>finally unlock all the best gear and items
>nothing left to do with it
Fucking Ubisoft

If you're still watching GOT after the first 4 seasons you should be banned from Sup Forums

Wouldn't have time to watch Oberyn Martell fucking dudes if they put that in there.

They really should have stayed out of Dorne. If plot spoilers for next season are correct, it seems like the entire Dorne story arc will be rendered completely pointless.

This, akin to an unsatisfactory fap.

They could have ended the show at season 3 and it would have been a fine ending to the show. Just a few minor tweaks to the last episode and it would have been acceptable
>Dany is embraced by the brown people of slavers bay as a savior. Realizes she doesn't actually need to go to Western to be happy
>Jon chooses duty over a juvenile love interest thus signifying his transition into manhood
>Like other characters in the series, Robb flew too close to the sun and got killed for it. The good guys don't always win in the real world. Joffrey reigns for a long time
>With her family all dead, Arya is no longer bound to the expectations of being a high born girl and can finally live out a life of adventure
>Like Jon, Sansa also grows up. She realizes that her childish fantasies of chivalrous knights and handsome princes are just that. Fantasies. She realizes that she has in Tyrion a good and honorable husband. The two of them live out their lives happily

but muh white walkers