Why do (((they)))have to ruin everything?

Why do (((they)))have to ruin everything?

Who is they

The fact that you believed star wars was ever good is proof of ((them)) already infecting your mind and making you a tasteless entry level pleb

Who is them

white male virgins in their early 20s


(((they))) hate white people, when you realize this then everything makes sense

What is that picture?

The adult children

interdimensional vampire child-molesters

Because they want niggers in our lives for some reason

Who in the fuck are you talking about?

white CEOS

And I want you hanging from a tree.


see this

I like this picture, it's from Reddit.

I like this poster, hes from Reddit.

they couldn't even bother to give the fans a reunion of the whole group (Luke, Leia, Han and Chewbacca)

I unironically thought it was one of the best star wars movies ever made.


Feeling's mutual you subhuman nigger-ape, in fact, I want your entire family to be hung from trees

> subhuman believes he has a monopoly on the board


>triggered Sup Forumslet
it never fails

I'm going to rape your ass

They live to see Goyim suffer. They literally believe that if they steal enough gold from the goyim, eventually their messiah will come, and make us all their slaves.

The reason they hate Christianity is because they hate Jesus, they wanted a messiah who would come and slaughter the nations of the earth, but when Jesus preached peace and love, they got angry and killed him. Their anger and resentment carries on as hatred towards all Christians today.

But this wasn't the Jews.
It was the women .

Spoken like a true nigger.



I've yet to see a jew or a good goy refute this quote. They know it's what their chief rabbi says and it's what their talmud says, yet they act like you are an anti-semitic criminal for openly quoting what their chief rabbi said.

>assuming my race because I want to rape neo nazis
spoken like a true Sup Forumstard


This is a good movie, and the only good SW movie with The Empire Strikes Back.

episode 7 sucks

Rehashed plot
Mary sue character

They can wear whatever they like, I'm still judging them by the size/shape of their tits.



Is that why the force can't make up its mind?

So are all your videogames, what's your point?

Imagine a world of film without America

video games are a different type of story telling

>hurr durr I'm a retard listen to my retard opinions
>well that's ju-