So... Donald Drumpf

>So... Donald Drumpf
>[entire audience literally shits itself laughing]
why is this allowed?

I'm not even particularly Sup Forums but doesn't this form of "humour" get stale after a while?

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The man is a walking joke, all you have to do is mention him and people just fill in the 500,000 idiotic things he has done to have a laugh.

We live in the age of us vs them echo chambers, the pro trumpers arent much better

I wouldn't mind if he had actual jokes. Instead its just spin to demean the President and all of his supporters. I was a Bush supporter and thought he was hilarious back then, because his writers crafted jokes with merit and every so often they would counter punch the left.

Now it's just a fucking hour long lecture series every night

Comedy Central has a whole show dedicated to this, so nope.

Don't get me wrong, the pro Trump idiots are pretty cringe and stupid themselves, I wish just wish we had someone with actual wit making fun of the president and satirizing them

Maybe if the president would stop fucking up left and right there'd be less to mock him about

It's the same issue Fox News and the NRA have. When a democrat is in office, Fox News has a lot to do and gun support goes up for the NRA.

Today, we have a useless fuck up as President. Comedians have nothing to make fun of because literally any joke they come up with is either less funny than reality or actually IS reality.

Way to miss his point faggot. Bush fucked up constantly and they actually made jokes about it. You could genuinely laugh at the Daily Show even if you liked Bush.

Colbert just passive aggressively, and sometimes outright angrily, spouts opinions to applauding drones.

Obama did plenty of fucked up things that were just never reported to this degree

I remember when liberals were so desperate for a target that they went after a fucking Canadian MAYOR for several months

to be fair Rob Ford was a laughing stock almost universally, it wasn't a left/right partisan thing

But Trump is legit retarded. Like, he consistently demeans himself pretty much every day. The reason the jokes feel too easy is because they really just are right now

Bush and Obama fucked up, but are relatively normal people. You guys should really be treating him as an exceptional situation, because he is.

wow what a jerk

>Maybe if the president would stop fucking up left and right

300000 yes, three hundred thousands new jobs in February after over 150000 new jobs in January. If you don't know what you're talking about, don't talk.

Missed the point again, so I'll try one more time.
Trump is not so unique that you can't write good JOKES, in fact, Trump related comedy was better before he became president. See based Conan.

this meme still sucks tbqh



Why does anyone care? Who do you know that still watches TV IRL? Political comedy generally always sucks no matter who is the target of the joke. Just don't watch.

t. reddit

This is really your bias, and social conditioning, talking, not an objective opinion about Trump. It's harder for you to see that because you're bombarded by anti-Trump stuff all day, but still, you're being played. Not to be too ashamed though--99% of people are played sometime, and a large percentage are played most of the time.

Nope. Not in the slightest. Look it up. I guess we know what media you're watching if you think it's a joke. Stop getting mind raped by liberal media and seek out the truth, faggot.

Man, the guy can't even form one remotely coherent sentence, ever. You don't need to go much beyond that to prove how retarded he is.

I'm enjoying how one man can make people so assblasted and obsessed by simply existing.
Everything he says is a scandal, everything he tweets is a shitpost, every time he moves his head the wrong way or gets to much ice cream CNN goes into overdrive to make a full day report on it.
Its so fucking surreal

I'm not as woke as you sir but I'm not gonna beleive you just because you sound confident but cant post a source because "it's not worth the time"

I wont even say nice try

t. reddit

A retarded man doesn't stay rich and get richer. A retarded man doesn't also become President, beating out a rigged system. He is uncouth, rude and shit at speaking, but a retard he is not.

There's a difference in what "fucking up" means. Bush made terrible geopolitical decisions, was thrall to his father's old political allies, and spoke funny.
Obama did a lot of fucked up things overseas.
Trump, on the other hand, is repeatedly fucking up through sheer incompetence. He makes ignorant statements that could be avoided by talking to one of the many experts at his disposal, but he chooses not to. Key positions in the government are unfilled and he doesn't seem to think that's important. He contradicts himself all the time. Nothing he has done suggests he has any idea how to navigate his office.

I honestly watch it maybe once a month. I'll put on a clip on YouTube and proceed to stare at the screen. I don't even smirk. At least with Bill Maher or even that guy who plays Johnathan Pie, I'll laugh at their jokes.

t. reddit

It is not. I went into the election saying that Trump and Hillary were just as bad as each other and didnt care who won, and found people were shitting on him excessively.

After he became president he's proven himself to be a moron, no question about it.

you're missing the point. There are jokes. They are just really easy to make now because of the situation.

>There's a difference in what "fucking up" means
what kind of Newspeak logic is this? Fuck off.

>Anyone who doesn't suck Trump's dick as much as I do is biased

Also, he's the least funny one right now. Trevor, Seth Meyers, John Oliver, even Sam Bee is better right now. He's just boring

t. reddit

Trump has been highly successful in multiple complex undertakings. Thus he definitively has a high abstract intelligence. Meanwhile, someone who has been socially conditioned by CNN and NYT mindlessly repeats "He's stoopid." You're pretty convincing.

Doesn't matter how much you hate, or have been told to hate, this or that politician--it's literally impossible to do what Trump's done without a high IQ. You're pretty ignorant though so this will probably go over your head.

>I wouldn't mind if he had actual jokes.

I guess you don't get that Trump is a walking punch line

t. reddit

>ignoring the rest of the post
trumplerinas are such pitiful creatures

Try a little reading comprehension. The posts are using "fucked up" in completely different ways.
>Maybe if the president would stop fucking up left and right there'd be less to mock him about
>Obama did plenty of fucked up things that were just never reported to this degree
One is talking about Trump's political gaffes of the last few months. The other is talking about Obama's covert wars.
Do you not see the clear difference here?

>I'm smarter than the president meme

t. reddit

>Trump has been highly successful in multiple complex undertakings

Then he wasn't the one making the deals.

I didn't. Your thesis was fucked.

You're basing this on media coverage. Trump has barely been President and hasn't done much actually. I fail to see what he's done that's so bad unless you buy into the whole Russian puppet narrative.

Obama did a lot of fucked up things overseas and over here. The media basically covered his ass over all the shit he did here.

t. reddit

are you retarded? Not all fuck ups are equal and this is obvious.

im glad that everyone is biased and being manipulated except you. What's your secret?

t. reddit

>Trump has barely been President and hasn't done much actually
Yeah, because he keeps shooting his agenda in the foot. Every piece of legislation he has tried to enact has been a clusterfuck, bogged down by other issues usually caused by Trump contradicting himself.

>I fail to see what he's done that's so bad
The key difference here is "doing something that is bad" vs "being bad at doing something"

No one is disagreeing with this. But from a comedy perspective, Trump fucking up the basics of government lends itself to comedy much more than Obama drone striking kids. Obama did fucked up things. Trump is fucking up.

t. reddit

Come on--this is just an excuse in order to support the obviously biased, politically driven narrative that "Trump's stupid."

Needless to say, you cannot go to an Ivy League grad school and become president (and do X, Y, etc. that Trump's done) if you're stupid (there's a possibility you could if you were non-white, because of affirmative action, but even that is slim). It is literally almost impossible.

Again--that's way too obvious to need to point out, but people believe what they want because of their emotions and to fit in socially--they throw logic and facts straight out the window.

basing what a president does on media coverage is bad now?

even without the russian thing, he's still fucking up the environment under the guise of helping coal miners when it's only the companies that will benefit, left the paris agreement because literally no reason, and goes back on pretty much every promise he made to his voters, and supported a shitty health bill because he didnt read it

His travel ban is going through. What other legislation? I'm waiting.

t. reddit

I didn't look at the posts he was replying to. My bad.

>has daddy money
>has daddy connections
>has daddy guidance
>he is super smart! teehee!

t. reddit

And leaning on Trump's past is an excuse to avoid talking about what he is doing in the present.

Paris Agreement has nothing to do with climate change. It's literally let's lower the world's temperature by half a degree in 100 years while giving billions to the 3rd world. It's a band-aid and when it passed most climate change activists were not happy. Now all of a sudden Trump withdraws from it and it's supposed to save the planet.

t. reddit
You're not smarter than the President. Keep falling for the Republican leader is either evil or dumb meme you fucking cretin.

Basically, Obama is the golden goose that they must protect since he actually fucked things up hard, but he's too precious while Trump does stuff that can be misconstrued and he's har har hilarious cuz he's a dumb orange right?

as an europoor outsider, today looks like it's way worse to say gibberish things like that "grab the pussy" thing than creating havoc in the ME, sending thousands of young americans to death, killing millions of people in their own country, depose foreign leaders for the sake of it and creating and arming terrorist groups disguised as "moderate rebels" - twice.

No need to be butthurt user
Just a reminder that you do not gain anything from defending the orange oompa loompa

you arent american if you legitimately think stupid people cant get very far with money

he won because of a combination of the media coverage he got, pandering to very loyal supporters and going up against awful candidates like cruz and clinton.

you say it has nothing to do with climate change then say it's about lowering temperatures? And then bringing up the money thing when the money you put into it is decided by the country?

t. reddit

>You're not smarter than the President
speak for yourself

I don't think Trump is stupid.

I don't think he's competent or suited to the job of president, though. Doesn't have the personality for it.

Do you think lowering the world's temperature by half a degree will solve anything? Or even a degree? Most climate experts say we are already fucked. Way more drastic changes would have to occur.

Right the US will only donate a dollar because they decided so. You really are a fucking idiot with no understanding of geopolitics. Please read the agreement.

t. reddit

>Actually calling the travel ban a victory
The entire travel ban rollout at all stages was a total clusterfuck entirely because of Trump. The first ban was rushed out and caused chaos at airports because Trump's administration botched the delivery. It drew massive criticism from intelligence and military communities. The Trump administration made no attempt to talk with experts at TSA and the military about how to craft a travel ban.

Then the process of withdrawing the ban, revising it, resubmitting it, fighting it in the courts, while insisting the travel ban is necessary for them to review US vetting procedures (without any evidence that current procedures are inadequate).

The travel ban is a textbook example of Trump rushing into ham action without taking the time to understand the situation or rely on the experts at his disposal to craft a better course of action.

Also the travel bans were done through executive order, not passing legislation, which he has also been woefully incompetent at. See repeal and replace, the budget, tax reform, infrastructure spending.

t. reddit

Obama is proof that you can do terrible things if you are slick and competent in the way you do them. Maybe Trump could learn a thing or two from that.

You're not smarter than any president that's ever existed. You have the IQ of a potato.

>You're not smarter than any president that's ever existed. You have the IQ of a potato.
speak for yourself

Also literally no reason for a country like China to stick to their agreements because there were no punishments that would prohibid us from continually sending them money we already dont have

So now these idiots are going to keep doing the climate adjustment as planned and we can reap the benefits without government handouts

NU Colbert

Old Colbert

t. reddit

>Climate change fatalism
Remember that climate change is expected to displace a third of the world population. Guess where they're going to go? The US and the EU.

Nah I'll keep speaking for libtards like yourself.

t. reddit

>He thinks half a degree is insignificant
>He doesn't realize the Paris agreement was just the first stage to bind major countries into a political body for climate action

He's proof you can do terrible things if you have the whole media backing and protecting you. He's the proof of a corrupt media.

Paris Agreement is not the final solution to solve the problem.

There was plenty of coverage of Obama's foreign wars. The lack of public backlash was due to his finesse at running his operation. Again, something Trump could learn from.

well you posted a meme, so you must be right

Yes it will? You think once it's lowered by a half of a degree we'll stop? Stop thinking so short term dude.

How can drastic changes occur when even the simplest, no downsides agreement is causing trump to run away?

>He thinks half a degree is significant
>He doesn't realize the Paris agreement first stage will last 30 years while India and China continue to pollute the globe making that half a degree even more irrelevant

He literally had the whole media on his side. They did everything to deflect from the shit he did, like encouraging BLM and racial divide. He gets praised for doing jackshit while also increasing the amount of spying done on everyone.

Trump literally gets called out for two scoops. If he even does anything, he gets called out as racist, misogynist, hating gays, etc.

the media isnt corrupt because it says mean things about the one you like

>He literally had the whole media on his side
Maybe Trump would get more leeway from the media if he didn't label them an opposition party and frequently use "fake news" as a way of deflecting from his own mistakes.

obama got called out for using mustard and wearing a brown jacket.

And the two scoops thing was a joke all of Sup Forums took super seriously while calling colbert triggered

encouraging blm isnt inherently "bad" because the group doesnt do stupid things, individuals in the group do. You may as well say nobody should endorse the NRA

You see, this is how I know you're some quasi-underage fuck who doesn't give a single shit about politics and only supports Trump because >tfw no gf.
BLM was something that popped up in his last two years as a president, but his drone strikes and shit happened for 8 years and you didn't even bat an eye.

t. reddit

Half a degree now in the current year would help. Not in 50-100 years.

>He doesn't understand that a 2 degree change is enough to cause dramatic changes
>He doesn't realize that during the 30 year period India and China will need to massively change their energy infrastructure to be compliant with the agreement at the 30 year deadline, and that change on their behalf will be incremental rather than happening all at once

t. reddit