What type of sequel do you want

>What type of sequel do you want
>Give me a sequel that does the apposite of the title of the movie
>Say no more

whom are you quoting?

>Get tricked into seeing a movie that's better than what's promised

What's the problem?

>Steve Jobs presents Planet of the Apples

Wrong thread??


Don't reply to me.

>book ticket for war of the planet of the apes online
>get to theater, black panther is playing

he's just... freeforming

Does that mean smalloe freu de frunte?

Did the Colonel do anything wrong? Other than touch the doll.


Being a bland uninspired character
Not fucking fighting ceaser like a good movie would

where do you even find "memes" like this? wherever it was, you should go back there

I found it here, guess I will stay

He fought Caesar.

For about ten seconds.

Would've made barely any difference if he wasn't in the movie altogether

Does the loli get a lot of screen time?

are there any good puns? there should be a scene where a soldier turns to the camera and says "These motherfuckers are going BANANAS"

Was I the only one that felt the movie was pretty pointless and served nothing in the continuation? The whole thing was basically a revenge flick, with no actual war, and a comedy monkey to make the people laugh.

I guess you're too dumb to understand good movies.

That picture is like five years old. Shut the fuck up.

This is an embarrassing image.
Not only that but you couldn't see that the OP made a spelling mistake and the person you replied to used that to make a joke.
Are you some 55 year old man who is starting to lose his sight but enjoys those funny pictures on the net