Gonna go see Baby Driver

gonna go see Baby Driver
taking one of these bad boys hidden in my jackets inner pocket
ask me anything

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Why are you doing those things?

what movie are you going to see?

Are you a nigger?

>shatter proof

What if you freeze it then hit it with a hammer?

>Beer in a plastic bottle

what the fuck?

People who buy steel reserve tend to be poor drunks in bad neighborhoods, exactly the type of people who will drink that bottle, smash it, and then hold you at bottlepoint until you give them another bottle. Safer to just give them plastic.

Do you make sound effects with your mouth when you drive?

Wow you must be pretty cool


Patrician choice in beer my friend

calling things "bad boy".

Steel Reserve is the epitome of low class swill. It's maybe the worst alcoholic drink I've ever tried.

>8.1% pisswater
nigger faggot

>hipster reddit beer
kys yourself


>Drinking numale "craft" beer



fuck off you redittors. this is a nigger beer thread. steal reserves cost 3 dollars and they fuck you up.

How young are you that you it's still socially advantageous to tell others about drinking alcohol.

Why don't you just go to a theater that sells alcohol?

Is your mother coming with you to help with the "no person under 17 in an R rated movie" or is one of your friends older brother a ticket taker?

theres worse. they make a stronger 211 which is like 12% alcohol


the second part

If you just want to get fucked up get a fucking Wódka or something.

>steal reserves cost 3 dollars
$1.50 for me

Wild Irish Rose is the worst I've had. Only booze I've ever straight up poured down the sink.

t. former Steel Reserve/King Cobra drinker

In my neck of the woods, King Cobra is the nigger beer of choice. Taste isn't too bad, but the alcoholic content is a bit lacking. They used to be a $1 back when I was a kid, but I think they're up to $1.89 or so now.

I don't get it, why beer? When my girlfriend and I go to a movie, or a buffet, we bring in those little 40 proof samplers you get from a liquor store, $3 per person and we get smashed without bringing in big bottles

You better drink it quickly. Once it starts to warm up, it becomes vomit inducing fart swill. It's also a good idea to have a savory snack to take the edge off of the taste.

t. alcoholic

I drank 4 Steel reserves last weekend. AMA

Buy a flash, fill it yourself. You're unironically being jewed


was your dad involved in your life?

Does it give you a Little Richard?

has anyone tried this distilled nigger piss? it's the worst thing I've ever drank in my life.

I had the Steel Reserve Hard Pineapple once, is this stuff good?

Yes. Still is.

>London Ale
>something that has been drunk by millions for hundreds of years

jesus christ.

>all these Americans that never gave the local homeless bloke £5 when they were 14 to pick two of these up, one for you and one for himself

for shame

Well, he should have raised you better.

So should have yours considering we're both here.

Natty Ice is pretty far up there.

not even close. you dont know your nigger beers

>it's not reddit to like ye olden brew

Why did you think this is worth posting?

That's like calling Guinness reddit

>guiness is not reddit

Jesus christ this place

>petrol station ale


>Drinking numale "craft" beer

you repeating it doesnt make london pride a good ale

nice pisswater fag

don't try and impress me pussy

>anything else
what are you, a woman?

god, what a loser

I remember drinking King Cobra. The local convenient store always had it stocked in Hilltop, Tacoma. It's not great, but it gets the job done.

what the fuck did they do to the steel reserve bottle? i haven't had one of those things since edward 40 hands in college.

you realize like 90% of people you're talking to can't even legally drink right?

Only thing that I prefer is Marston Pedigree but I can't buy that in my local shop.

Who /Mickey's/ here?

I wish they still sold stuff like that in 2 liter bottles here (America).

>never once brought alcohol to the kinoplex

Am I missing out? I am trash enough to do something like this but I bend over to authority to easily.

I used to. My token black friend taught me how to flavor it up with orange juice. Poor man's mimosa.

these are mass produced garbage that you buy 2for1 in essos

its better to drink a little before the movie (don't get plastered obviously) and then bring in a semi-strong mixed drink and just chill there

>wasting money on sips meant to be beverages

>not maximizing by liquefying stolen hand sanitizer with road salt for $0

They went to the shitty plastic bottles for awhile before putting it back in glass bottles, thank god.

I also enjoy Locally brewed shit like Wye Valley Breweries "Butty Bach", but for regular, standard drinking I go for the readily available stuff.

Why is that hard for you to comprehend?

I enjoy smaller batch stuff, but it's not readily available for me to pick up on my way from home.

this user knows.

Usually I only get drunk after the movie when I discuss it with my friend or friends. I rarely go to complete shit movies, but next time I do I'll try this.

broaden your horizons son
you can get much better for the same price if you travel further than a shell
go to a bp at least

edward 40 hands is the lamest "challenge" ever

You know you'd get on with more people if you weren't so pretentious

There's gonna be a bulge sticking out and how are you going to wear a jacket in this heat and not draw attention?

Your plan sucks bruh. Better look for a make-shift flask. Wouldn't recommend a real one, cops put you in cuffs at the sight of one, even if they're empty. This is the future we chose

>saying london pride and marston pedigree are shit and overpriced is pretentious
the fault lies with you, petal

Wait you cant bring own drink and candy in america? Common here to just bring a soda and put alcohol in it.

>tfw I wanked and edged for like 5 hours straight before I went to the cinema then I unleashed a cum Tsunami in the back row of seats after watching the new Beauty and the Beast

I had to sneak out of the theatre because I ended up with cum all over my pants and shirt

Why aren't you watching Planet of the Apes?

True kino connisseur spotter


Sorry had a few cold ones if you know what I mean lads! Hehe. Jajamensan

proof that burgers can't into beer.

that's more of a white person thing to do

tell me about it but it's still fun


Poop and Pussy
Pussy and Poop

Nope, we never could. This is the law of the land.

>Common here to just bring a soda and put alcohol in it.
Can't do that either, not anymore. I used to pull that move in the early 2000's. Everything's gone full gestapo, they call it a "zero-tolerance" policy.

These used to be only sold in glass till like 5 years ago since only niggers, and beaners buy them, and then break them on the sidewalk

What the fuck are you doing wearing a jacket in summer?

My alcoholic father and stepmother still bring booze in with them every time we go see a movie. Obviously you can't just pull out a pint at the concession stand and pour it in but they don't look in your purse or frisk you at the theaters where I live

Well duh, she's got a purse so your dad uses her to smuggle his liquor in that way

The rest of us have to improvise

Bump for hoping OP gets banned for off topic posting


Is this you?

>Can't do that either, not anymore.
Bullshit. My family still does it. We have fucking booze fueled picnics in the theaters. No one is the wiser. You just have to be low key.