ITT: essential redditcore

ITT: essential redditcore

>making thread about reddit
doesn't get much more reddit than you do faggot

*grabs u by the throat*
back the fuck off???


Fuck you.

The Usual Suspects
Almost Famous

>it's an exiled disgruntled redditor makes a shitty thread to rant about redditors epise


>the conjuring
>the martian
>the departed

Any superhero movie, doesn't matter
Any science fiction movie

You know it to be true.


Church scene

I hate this documentary


>the departed



oh look at the ranking

i don't understand how is there such a hivemind? did they truncate outliers?

i really dont get why Sup Forums dislikes The Departed. it has a great cast, great script, jack nicholson is exceptional as always, people seem to get triggered so much at the fact they all die, which im not sure is enough reason to dislike it

I don't think I've seen a single bad movie posted in this thread.


Nice photoshop tits

It's from a movie poster, so it's 'post-poduction' not 'photoshoop'


>Roger Deakins is still yet to win an Oscar



because it's a gangster movie that isn't full of stereotypical guidos eating spaghetti while wearing undershirts and being served by some shriveled raisin of a mother

reddit has superb taste

everything tarantino


Is this bait, this was a fun low budget movie

back to r*****

Hi. Longtime Redditor here. There is no reason to hate our lovely website. We have many boards for your internet loving pleasures! I am looking forward to our Reddit and Sup Forums alliance! We'll stop by at your forum and you can visit ours!

signed, longtime Redditor

Redditors calling redditors redditors the thread.

>Sup Forums will never shut the fuck up about reddit

Definitely this, probably the most cringy film ever

Fuck off it was a good movie.

>nicole kidman gets welcomed into a small town, but it ends with them all gangraping her until she calls her gangster father to gun the villagers down

on the surface there should be nothing about thi I don't like


Lars Von Trier always finds a way to make himself insufferable

But seriously, fuck reddit. Worse than their actual taste is how they discuss topics.

by actual discussion and not just insults?

harry potter movies
and especially emma watson


By walking on egg shells and patting each other on the back at every opportunity. If you like that kind of thing maybe you should fuck off.

no i mean for sure it's pretty much reddit putting the hopes for humanity on some refugee nigger baby but don't bring it up if you don't like it. don't put people in a position to defend reddit because you know they will over some dumb niggerloving movie.


end of evangelion

I liked this whole movie.



Here's my nomination good gentlesir
