OYYYYYYYY veyyyyyy these goyim children are on to my plot to fleece their father for everything he's worth

>OYYYYYYYY veyyyyyy these goyim children are on to my plot to fleece their father for everything he's worth


I wish I could've saved her

she could fleece me if she fucks me

Oh man how I wished I was in Robin Williams place in Jack. A 60 year old playing a ten year old that ages at a alarming rate and bangs his best friends jew mom. Not to mention he got JLo as well hmm that movie seems weirder now that I think about it

yea plus he popped out of diane lanes pussy.

this whole movie is patrician vintage waifu. FFC does it again.

>Oy Vey these shvartsers are shtupping my tuches

did anyone else find this scene unnecessary?

>tfw she was raped by two niggers during a a burglary while her husband (?) watched.

Did you know her husband came out as gay?

I saw it on Oprah

>tfw you see your hot jew wife get raped by two black men
>You wish it was you getting raped


Me too user it kills me to know her and her friend where raped and right infront of her husband thank god she didn't let it ruin her life and she over came the pain

>tfw you're so jewish you sell the story as a sitcom

You think it was two metal heads getting revenge for how she made spinal tap change the cover to smell the glove

>mfw her husband jerked off while watching her get raped

Fucking cuck


>Jewish women age like m-


How come she didn't kick into full lizard-rat mode at age 30 like Sarah Michelle Gellar or Allison Brie?

>tfw you're so jewish you create an entire genre of porn based on your rape

>those fucking arms in the top left picture


I would love to fuck that annoying voiced jew.

I've been fapping to the thought of tickling her feet since I was 14.