This is not ok

This is not ok.

>no perches for falcons

might aswell remove the screen and give out condoms to every seat for convenience

>those lonely single seats on the left aka my seat

I can see why theatres do it, to bring more people in. Making it an "experience" and all that bullshit - bringing the living room to the theatre. But yeah, I fucking loath it. I don't want the lights up slightly so waiters can bring people food/drinks. I want uncomfortable chairs that 500,000 people have sat in before me. And if people have to munch on something, make it dry like popcorn or something that'll be eaten in under 5 minutes like a hot dog.

Where the fuck am I supposed to place my crablegs?

better than that autism friendly bullshit

how the fuck do you clean that shit
>"This chair is currently in the laundry"

have your gf hold it for you

I know gf posting a shit but this is a horrible idea if I went to this with a gf ppl will just end up masturbating each other

truly they are making degeneracy more tempting with each passing day

this. Maybe it's my nostalgia but i dislike reserved seats. I used to go to movies on a whim with people and it was fun, now my local theater (used to be a cool cineadome) is all reserved recliners and I can never get good seats there

why not just stay home?

but, can you shag with with your gf there ?

thank Mexico for showing American what luxury cinema is

This thread serves to remind me that no one loves me and they never will.

Jesus loves you, user-kun.


What? Catering to yank-sized people is not ok?

Fuck off

See, this is why no one loves you.

there should be hammocks

Are those single seats for fat asses? I see the woman in the bottom picture but is she just there as a guide for the morbidly obese? If you think you're four times as wide as this bitch, come to our theatre and have a heart attack trying to climb the stairs.

>not buying a projector and a comfy as fuck sofa/couch
>not having a cinema room in your house

Implying you won't have to be married in the sight of the lord to enter the kinoplazzoa

seeing a movie with an audience is an entirely different experience though

sorry, singles sit on the steps

where the fuck is this? all I can picture is teenagers fucking in it.

>how the fuck do you clean that shit

They don't.

An entirely shitty experience more like.

fuck, buy more couches and invite friends
>implying I even use the fucking room when a girl isnt over
>tfw it has a hidden AC system that keeps the room temperature slightly cooler than the outside
>its just slightly cold
>guarrateed cuddles

Not a fan. I'd probably jerk off and fall asleep covered in my own filth with my dick out and get discovered by some waiter checking to see if i needed anything.