Cast it

Cast it


Idris Elba

idris elba


I. Elba

Me as Guy who hides this thread

i hate (((you))) all

Sup Forumseddit
Sup Forumseddy
Sup Forumsedward
Sup Forumsermin
and Sup Forumsirgin

stringer bell

Idris would also be a good choice.

>David Hayter actually thought he would eventually play Snake in a Metal Gear movie just because he could do a generic gravely voice

Norm MacDonald

>David Hayter actually thought he would eventually play Snake in Metal Gear Solid V

As the DARPA chief? Okay.

>tfw everyone thought Hayter's desperate saltiness on twitter was just a Kojima ruse and that Hayter would play a young Solid
>tfw that didn't happen
>tfw you realize Hayter's sad saltiness was all genuine

It's actually pretty unique and ironic. Too bad it's been shit since MGS3.


7/10 would watch ironically

Caramel covered all this in Sup Forums just wait for the final mission to be unlocked. That will reveal the true date that the real MGSV will be released we just need to disarm all the nukes.

Let it go, user...

he's too alpha for ocelot

this would be sick. young mel gibson would have been soooo mint for solid snake

travel back in time and cast kurt russel as all snakes

I want a Metal gear anime, live action would be weird

start with 3

Chloe Mortez as the surveillance camera

Michael Jackson as everyone.

He can still do Big Boss

Scott is useless.
>Jamie Bell as Ocelot
are you insane?

> I want a Metal gear anime
Of course you do

Trump as Roy Campbell

Trump would try to fuck his niece/daughter

is Mads a big enough guy?

For you

I don't care about it that much, but I'd prefer it over live action.