What are your favorite Family Guy episodes Sup Forums?

What are your favorite Family Guy episodes Sup Forums?

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The one where they rip off The Simpsons. It was just so fresh and unique compared to all the others.

b ta

Fuck off.

Seriously, fuck off

What makes you think you're accomplishing anything

because you're really not

At least put sage in the options field you fucking double nigger

what makes you think you're better than anyone by doing this

Ooh, sorry, I'm not allowed to say whether I'm saging a thread or not.

Someone should dump the images where it triggers the barneyfag. Apparently its spongebob, family guy and something else.

there is no point

Reminder barneyfag start these threads just so he can sperg in them.

Ya seethin

fuck off

I mean it

Da one wer petah fucks da babeh

Road to the Multiverse

Just fuck off


just fuck off

When are you gonna reply to me, Lee?

there really is no reason for this

Redpill me on this meme.
Is it normie trash or meme-kino?


If anyone wants to tell him hey,


No he doesn't. You can test this for yourself. Start a thread with one of his trigger images and he will show up.

lel the autism is unreal

that's canadians for you

Is there any connection between Family Guy and Bronies or is this just spam?

Peter has a pony face when you open the gif

It takes very little to end up on his Barney shitlist.

>Family Guy
>Pink Floyd

Are some other ones.

Bird is the word is still kino

You should see the gap in this dude's teeth.

I did and he hasn't shown up yet which leads me to believe he'll see this post and desperately search for it now to cover her ass.

Came here to post this. The only other episodes I remember are Da Boom and the Road to Germany.

I'm assuming it's this one?
Because if you feel like you have to do this, then that shows you're complete cancer shitting up this site.

The one where they go to the south.

You can damage control all you want Barneyfag but I know the truth now. Also Barney is great get over yourself.


Just come and watch some Barney with me. We'll make it a date just you and me together in a dimly lit room with some wine snuggling together on the couch all night the only warmth coming from each other.

there really is no purpose

Barneyfag aren't you concerned that people have so much of your dox?

just why

like there's no reason

there really isn't

there just isn't

i'm afraid of this thread


literally die

just why


just no

there's no need for this harassment

there really isn't

can someone explain what's going on itt?

Just post Barney.

there just isn't

there really isn't

I mean it, there just isn't

is this guy about go commit a mass shooting at a convention or something?

just fucking stop

i mean it

you fucking stop. Why don't you do this shit on /mlp/??

And attack them for posting their shit where they're allowed to? That's not me.

it just isn't

it really fucking isn't

When are the mods going to revoke global rule 15?

there literally is no point

how does this guy just KNOW
does he use fancy tech that identifies images or something?

He had been using that edit for a good year or so, he's trying to change it up by putting it into a gif

maybe it's the same person

It's never been that way. Granted, there are a few rare instances where I have seen an imposter try to do that to perpetuate that myth, but most people think of that as the rule and not the exception.


Why can't you just learn to laugh and chill out dude?

There's just no reason for any of this

people feel the need to make this an ongoing war against me

You're the one on the crusade.

Is vendettafag still harassing you?

what the hells going on in this thread

Yes, he is

a righteous one though

Is vendettafag still harassing you?

Can someone please explain what's happening in this thread
Who let /r9k/ run rampant

You wish

With autism on this spectrum it's hard to imagine anyone else

I really wish it'd end


Every day you just further prove how much you belonged in that sped class.

No but somebody should honestly shoot Lee to put him out of his misery once and for all.

there just is no purpose

When the fuck was the last time that gook actually had a proper q&a with the community? This needs to be fucking addressed.

Everything Lee does is LITERALLY Spam, and then he goes on and accuses others of "breaking the rules".

there really fucking isn't

Wow this is the first time i've seen you on Sup Forums

your reach extends

hang yourself

What's his endgame?

just fuck off

Guinness World Record probably.


You fuck off.
I wanna discuss my favorite Family Guy episodes

What do you think Lee jerks off to?

Too bad OP wasn't actually serious. Wait for a serious thread.