/tpg/ Twin Peaks General:

Sheryl in The Chair Edition



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anyone have that webm of lynch getting hit with the fucking door last ep?


seems like it's about the BOMB



why is Tammy fucking mommying him like that when he asks for a smoke?

>tfw too lazy to do another take

I still can't get past her disgusting fat ankles

Friendly reminder that it's been confirmed that Living In A Box recorded a song that plays during the Twin Peaks finale. It confirms Agent Cooper never gets out of the box. (Pic is Cooper)
Listen youtube.com/watch?v=guBsPkUkPQg

godspeed user

Did anyone else know about this?

Diane is fucking crooked.


capcha: 01800 Hyde




tHE best /tpg/ meme in years


Lynch wanted to see Larua Dern playing a bad, bad girl

what are you guys doing while waiting for quality posts on this general

I'm rewatching the first 9 episodes as a midseason refresher (I only watched each once, on airing) while programming with some Binding of Isaac breaks

I love reddit

Sitting and thinking what would Dougiecoop do right now.

>agent Tammy Preston will never stand on your balls, nonchalantly rocking back and forth and she shifts her body weight onto your manhood, crushing them with dismissive disgust

Friendly reminder that "Gordon Cole" is actually the manifestation of a Lodge Spirit.

Mrs Tremond's grandson is David Lynch as a boy, and "Gordon Cole" is his projection. Lynch's first movie was called "The Grandmother".

Gordon is not such an innocent affable man who can't hear well. He hears just fine (you really believe there was something special about Shelly's voice? lol). Who directed Cooper to go to Twin Peaks in the first place? All part of the Black Lodge's plan.

The "not Phillip Jeffries" whom Mr C and the others have been communicating with is Gordon Cole.

you all sit here having your little harmless fun but you would shit ur pants in u actually lived in twin peaks world

this guy gets it

Ha! Ernie Niles is as bold as can be! Let me at it!


>impregnated 4 women
>dated Isabella Rossellini
>raped all those women etc etc you know the memes
I think the dude's doing fine

He's a hack and a manlet. No wonder why he's so cringeworthy .

His hair puts him over 6'.

Wow he really IS beta

I'd be Laura's beta orbiter

No wonder he understands manlet rage so well.


/fit/ please go, 5''11 is pretty much the perfect height, anything above and you're an awakward lanklet

>Say 'please'.
>You heard me.

This. Everyone knows 5'10" is the suicide cut-off.

It also puts him over 9/10

>Nance's hair in Eraserhead was a reference to Lynch's own hairstyle
>Eraserhead was semi-autobiographical like the rest of his films
>yfw Lynch literally murdered a baby


Apparently Harry Dean Stanton is 91 today.

>implying it wouldn't be comfy
>ywn jump around and enjoy garmbonbozia in the convenience store with your bros

ha that dougie!

6' and 5'11"

happy birthday harry dean stanton

Am I a normie for wanting clear goals for our heroes other than figuring out what the fuck is going on?


hey there, Kyle. I'm Kyle too.
Now take off your pants right fucking now.


>Who directed Cooper to go to Twin Peaks in the first place?
Carl Rodd directed Gordon Cole to go to Twin Peaks in the first place, by means of his open letter to the Twin Peaks Post while editor Douglas Milford was on vacation. Mayor Dwayne Milford then wrote a letter to the FBI which resulted in both Cole and Jeffries visiting in 1983.

Absolutely LTFO.



Why did he use to dress like this though


I found this scene heartwarming. The guy didn't know he liked green tea latte and he never drank his coffee. Another subtle victory for good at heart Dougie Johnes.

Too poor to afford proper clothes


Based black women are far superior than white.

sheryl a cute.
a cute!

This guy knows whats up

that looks like a modern hipster

Man, Jack Nance still looked weird back then, but he was fucking attractive.

couldn't keep my eyes off of Lynch during this scene, no homo

Guys look at this , an interview of Kyle for a spanish newspaper


They ask him if he misses playing Agent Cooper in the show and he answers

>I'm really enjoying watching the episodes and im excited about hopefully the return of Agent cooper. I can't say too much about what happens but i understand that the audience is very excited to see him back again

Im the only one who thinks that this pretty much confirms that agent cooper will be back?

Did anyone else find it strange that Frost had Jack Parsons get blown up by a bomb, the whole right side of his face blown off, then walk around for a minute and straighten his tie before dropping dead? Thought the next paragraph was going to be "I fucked Ted"

>episode 8's mindfuck flashback would be completely incompatible with a more true-to-source S3
Where do people come up with this stuff? A non-sequitur flashback could be added to literally any series, and it would probably be even more impactful if it broke up a more familiar, down-to-earth series.

Friendly reminder that Eddie Vedder is a homosexuality

I can see Mark Frost being the type of person who jerks off to BB episodes like it's the greatest thing ever

Glad to know that the incredibly obvious train of events in episode 8 went straight over your head.

The thing he was doing with the eyes was hilarious somehow.

Cole quit, she doesn't want him to start again.

Lynch is a goofball

I was mesmerized by Tammy rocking back and forth like she's got a vibrator up her ass

now that you put it that way
yeah maybe I was jonesing a bit myself

Lynch's jizz was probably still dripping


Why was that woman at the casino the only one who is pretty baffled by how odd dougie is acting

In one scene Janey-E says "Dougie, I think you're having one of your episodes again" or something like that. So I guess the original Dougie acted weird too.

That's a pretty damn reddit tweet

He means non sequitur to the previous episodes.

He won't be back, it would be shit if Agent does, Dougie is more likeable and evolves more emotions and introspection to viewers.

In ep9 she says he had a car accident a while back and he occasionally has episodes

We had enough dougie, i bet that after the future events of 10/1 and then 10/2 cooper will be back.


are you fucking kidding me
so far dougcoop is just an op superhuman vegetable who is boring to watch but for a couple of hilarious scenes where he does some op psychic shit

Agent will be back
if not, then explain this
he looks pretty fucking normal here and he is standing next to some lady that the fucking INTERNET did not figure out yet

>figure I will try find Frost's book
>go into a book store
>ask if they have it
>"we're a religious book store"
>book store name gave no indication
>the person serving and the store assistant are interested to know what it is and have never heard of Twin Peaks
>I explain very briefly what Twin Peaks is
Store assistant was qt but I felt like such a spastic desu senpai

and he also got his pin back
dougiefags btfo

>went to Barnes and Noble the day or the day after the book came out
>I got the last copy they had in stock

you can buy it online, it's current year

>MIKE and Mike
>BOB and Bobby
>Andrew and Andy
>Richard Tremayne and Richard Horne
>Chester "Chet" Weems and Chester Desmond
Lynch and Frost got really creative with the characters' names.

Did you make plans to watch Twin Peaks with her?

>people with the same forenames don't exist in reality



How many episodes are left with this season ?


Someone post the webm of Montana hitting Chet and then laughing.

>Waldo and Wally Brando