>Despacito starts playing

What's the hang up here? That the girl sees him in the Spidey suit, or they actually casted a white female in the sequel?


How come in literally every Spider-Man movie, someone has to find out Peter's identity?

>Spider-Man (2002): Norman Osborn/Green Goblin
>Spider-Man 2 (2004): Otto Octavius/Doc Ock, Harry Osborn, Mary Jane Watson
>Spider-Man 3 (2007): Eddie Brock/Venom, Flint Marko/Sandman
>The Amazing Spider-Man (2012): Gwen Stacey, Curt Connors/Lizard
>The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014): Harry Osborn
>Captain America: Civil War (2016): Tony Stark/Iron Man
>Spider-Man Homecoming (2017): Ned Leeds, Adrian Toomes/Vulture, Aunt May

At this rate, you might as well just have him unmask himself in the next film on live TV.


His spider sense was not tingling.

Its his aunt.

You got a hearty kekeroni out of me

this spidey doesn't have spider sense lets be real.

But his spider dick was

>Peter says to Tony that his senses dial up to 11
>no spidey sense

He gets caught out so much in the movie, can't even sense his fat shit friend, nor sense the rubble near the end that HE COULD BARELY LIFT as a 10 tonne character, top kek.

>Spiderman weighs 10 tonnes

Really makes you think

I'll argue that in the first two Raimi films it fits.
Norman finds out yet perishes with one last wish. It's a very humanizing moment.
And for the sequel, yeah it repeats with Doc Ock, but it works perfectly with those closest to Pete as one becomes closer to him as the other pushes him away.

Others feel like there were justing doing the first two over again, or in the case of Homecoming, the end is for a cheap joke.

Nah, it's Ned thats 10 tonnes.

Really though, this Spidey feels hollow without the Spidey sense. it's just so they can write around that power without having to think of it.
God, I hope the next movie ditches the 1000-Tools-in-1 Suit.

We'll get one more with this suit before he goes full Iron Spider and Venom joins his team

You do know that rubble lift was a recreation of what's basically the original test of Spiderman's strength, right?

lol that quality is so low you can't even see the lines on his suit

My whole theater erupted into hysterical laughter. Several members of the audience (millennials) actually starting consuming anothers flesh in a mad feeding frenzy of quips


>Camrip from some shitty foreign country

I mean, nobody is worse than Barry Allen in the Flash TV show. He literally reveals his identity to people he barely knows.

I can't even imagine how big of a pleb you have to be to watch a film, any film, in that state.




This Raimi worship is nostalgia fagging of the worst kind because you were all like 4 year old when the movies came out.

14 here faggot.