*stares concernedly*

*stares concernedly*

Thank god that nothing bad happened to Maurice

Why was Maurice so based, lads? Is it because orangutans are inherently dank?

Everybody loves Maurice. He's just amazing.

>I might not make it back.
>That's why I'm coming along, to make sure you do.


>Is it because orangutans are inherently dank?


Orangutans are the least violent of all apes, they also are very intelligent
I fucking despise jungle gooks for slaughtering them and destroying their homes


look at that cgi, it can't be topped, it's imposible

Meme character in a reddit flick


Watch more films, Sup Forumsedditor

Le good monkeys

First off. I saw this last night at a special thursday showing, and I'm not lying, probably 50 or more percent of the people in the theatre were seniors. Me and my girlfriend are 23 and we had an old couple in front of us and on both sides of us and it smelled like old people.

Second off, people were checking their phones 70 minutes in. It was distracting. The old man sitting beside me fell asleep and I knew when he fell asleep because his breathing changed from quiet to slow and heavy and the old lady in front kept turning around to see who was making so much noise.

Third off, when the movie ended, only 1 group of nerdy highschoolers awkwardly clapped. I felt so embarrassed for them, myself, and everyone around me. They started off clapping so confidently, like they thought they could get everyone else to clap too. Then the old lady on the other side of me was about to start clapping but when she saw no one else was joining along with them she changed her mind. Everyone left the theatre in dead silence.

this, he got shot in the last movie and it broke my heart just to see him in pain. he's such a sweetie.

Orangutans are the smartest primate hence why Maurice was intelligent before the vaccine broke out.

He even makes a point about being surrounded by savages in the first movie.

Chimpanzees are as smart as Orangutans, but are a trillion times more violent

thats cause chimps are niggers

Bonobos are smarter, so are Gorillas.

>not proboscis

This is why I only prefer to see a movie during "opening weekend". There's just something inherently depressing about seeing a movie in a half-empty theater where nobody seems to give a shit what's going on or they'd rather be somewhere else.

Woody harrelson's character was basically Sup Forums, he even built a wall