Talk with me about Manchester by the Sea

Talk with me about Manchester by the Sea.

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I didn't see it.

Don't talk to me or my thread again.


Unfortunately I haven't watched it yet.


boring and too melodramatic tbqh

unrealistic relationships and characters

Good movie. But whoever did the music should be stuffed into a rocket filled with turds and shot into space.

Haven't watched yet either, matey

so many scenes would play out better with natural sounds. hated how they used music during the police station scene especially

Kind of this, but Lonergan is a good writer and knows how to develop his characters.

It's a little too down on itself. If this board did those "sad-core" lists like Sup Forums it would be wayyy up there.

more like a deadpan comedy then depressing.

theres nothing wrong with melodrama

THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH (pause for effect, deep breath and a single tear runs down my eye) MELODRAMA!!! *piano chord*

He should have gone to prison for what he did. At the very least tried for gross negligence and manslaughter.

I felt like after halfway through the movie it peaked and the rest it just kept on repeating itself. The difference between casey affleck from beginning to end was so marginal I really didn't care. Yeah he had a glimmer of hope in him but this movie is like the equivilent of somebody who drones on and on well after you got the gist of their story

>The difference between casey affleck from beginning to end was so marginal I really didn't care.
That was the point. There was no difference. He couldn't beat it.

I hate this movie because how real this is, yet I love it
But it's fine

What are you talking about? He had slight happiness and hope in him at the end

In that he was able to emotionally connect with his nephew. But he still couldn't stay in Manchester because it reminded him of his dead kids.

yeah this. and it was super unrealistic that the mother would settle down with someone else so easily, have another kid, and then have sympathy for him and want to go out for coffee.

How so? People are humans.

idk, just seems like it'd be too traumatizing to recover from.

At some point you have to move on or your life is pretty much over. She knew this. And besides it was like ten years.

Women, am I right fellas?

i dont think you know what melodrama


>needing two posts to convey your point
Sheesh, no need to be so melodramatic.

I drove through there the other week on the way back from Rockport. Seems nice.

Yeah. The music seemed off.

post your face when americans kill their family members after watching a movie


>Did you see that, hun? If we kill our kid, we can be that fucking depressed and broken and aimless in life too!

What the fuck

I think the music during the interrogation was overwhelmingly loud, but once it ends and he reaches for the gun it really gives the scene an otherworldly feeling. It wouldn't work nearly as well for me in silence

But she didn't recover

My dick didn't recover from seeing based Michelle Williams nail another role excellently.

I expected sadkino.
Went in hoping to cry.

Instead I saw cokehead faggot numale kills his kids and becomes a huge loser and no better arc.
Was real shit.

It was mostly boring and melodramatic. And I don't remember what happened at all.

I almost cried when he tried to grab the gun. Got very, very, close.

Unfortunately, the next time I cried watching a film was Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2.

haven't watched

jesus fucking christ

there's nothing like that on this movie though, the camera was pretty much always static and the reactions and movements were on the hyperrealist side of cinema

>Moonlight thread
>everyone has watched it
>Manchester thread
>tons of "haven't watched posts"


It's probably just a shitty lawyers last ditch effort 1/1000 shot to get a few years knocked off somehow

Youve never had a serious relationship, have you?

It doesn't sound like it inspired them so much as it inspired how they would cover it up.

I'm reading the Reddit discussion about it right now and a lot of them bring up that for how serious the film was, it had quite a few humorous moments. Surprised there's no mention of that here.

Let's talk then.

he should've gotten back together with his waifu what a cuck

melodramatic lifetime crap

It's Amazon you prick.

Good film that the manchildren of Sup Forums will always call shit because they've never been outside their houses.

One of the few clever uses of crying Wojak I've seen, the other one being I can't find so you don't get to see it.

Needs to be less pixelated though.

awfully annoying performances all around

really wish he had successfully killed himself so it would have ended the story right there

Fuck you, Casey Affleck did a perfect job of portraying me.


..........I know?

I loved it when I watched it. I still love it. I feel like it's one of the few films I've seen recently that I'll still love years from now.

Gotta add that I love it because it connected with me for a number of largely personal reasons, so I don't think I'm the right person to argue about its merits or flaws. Some people talk about the music becoming too loud in parts. I didn't care, it worked for me. Some people argue about the pacing, saying it's weird and shit. I didn't care, it worked perfectly for me. Some people argue that the film is too much of a downer. I didn't care, it worked perfectly for me.

I don't think it's flawless. It's just that for me the flaws don't even register. Maybe this is what it feels like to find a film with which you identify and which you feel represents your experience. If so, then I think I understand why people watch relatively shit films and act like they're masterpieces just cuz they connect with them.

I do think even if it doesn't connect with someone, the screenplay definitely deserves all the praise in the world, as well as Affleck's performance. I have a hard time getting on board with any criticisms of those two things.

Anyways, I love it. I think my entire outlook on life would have to change and I'd have to be completely rewired from the inside for my opinion on this film to change.

Why would I want to watch a movie like this? It's just endless medium shots of a badly dressed man making a sad face. Who gives a shit? It's appalling that in 2017 it's still possible to have a career as a film director by just having the DoP neutrally film people acting out a play you wrote which belongs on a community theater stage somewhere. This isn't cinema.

>Anyways, I love it. I think my entire outlook on life would have to change and I'd have to be completely rewired from the inside for my opinion on this film to change.

My cock will rewire you, bending your asses two by two, deuce by deuche heheh

It's a good movie and main character was amazing performance.

What is cinema, then?

What were your ten favorite shots?

Well, I see your point, but let's suppose the top 10% of women would be able to do that and forgive him.

None of the film actually takes place in Boston.

Cinema is doing things only the medium can do.

Michelle Williams is really cool. She has the talent, not just the looks.

Do you see his penis enter her anus?

I watched this and haven't watched Moonlight. I don't care about gay niggers and Sup Forums told me it wasn't good anyways.

Just blame it on Twinkies next time, guys

I don't remember that scene desu.

I'll give it to you that the film looked bland, even if it was appropriate for the setting. But I thought the editing was solid and that's something I don't see discussed on TV nearly as often as it should be. Yes, the image is important, but the editing is just as significant.

That jarring cut and ost kick in from the brothers and Patrick laughing on the boat to Lee driving to the hospital was excellent.

The placement of the flashbacks was great.

The fucking lawyer's office scene was one of the best depictions of a panic attack in any medium out there.

Now, with the exception of the lawyer's office sequence, there's nothing here that's inherently very flashy, and I think that's why this film isn't clicking with many ppl here. It's not in your face. But cinema isn't necessarily about how flashy something is. One of the thing's the film is exploring is the internalization of pain and I think that film is the best medium for that. Like this would not be the same thing if you tried to adapt it to another medium at all. I don't see why you don't get that. Even if you don't care about the editing things I mentioned, the acting is proof that it couldn't have worked in any other medium.

Scenes like Lee shuffling and not knowing what to do with his arms when they bring out his brother's body, before they step aside to give him a look and his arms just deflate. When his wife calls and he tenses up and starts towalk towards the cabinet in front of him after hanging up, but then just deflates and walks back to his room. The lunch scene. And when he tells Patrick he can't beat it.

Maybe you didn't connect with any of these moments at all. That's okay, no film works for everyone. But I don't remember a single person in the audience from when I watched this film (and I saw it a few times) who wasn't completely silent and stunned when these scenes happened. Each of these scenes is a gut punch because it's real as hell.

For a moment I thought you said "Just not the looks" and I was like "WHAT"

>Sup Forums told me it wasn't good anyways.
Sup Forums is WRONG and I guarantee you they haven't seen it.

Not "interesting," but "fucking awful". I can't imagine even having the desire to torrent such a movie as Moonlight. Then again, I hate gay things. And am partially racist, though I'll let you decide what that means because I don't know myself.

>I don't know why I am racist
What a stupid fucking post, quit trying to fit in with this site because they are just fucking memeing you. The movie is hardly even about gay things. Go watch it right fucking now.

>I don't think it's flawless. It's just that for me the flaws don't even register.

I promise I understand what you mean, but I don't ...get it.

You mean in retrospect you look back and say "that was flawed"? Well then was it really?

No, no. I don't know what "partially racist" means. I live in an area where I can say "fuck that guy" thirty times a day, but I don't hate the race because those thirty guys are pieces of shit from a bunch of other circumstances. I think i just answered my own problem, but whatever.

this movie was talked to death for an entire month, every possible aspect about it has already been discussed

retarded brand of cinema you got there mate

Then with that settled, it's time to watch Moonlight. Enjoy a fantastic soundtrack.

You realize that this board has a lot of different people on it, right?

I think his point was aimed at the nature of the comments here, being surprisingly on-edge. Seems like acknowledging that a film has humorous moments, or is not a sappy 'play on emotions' through and through would be something important when defending it.
Seems everyone here is simply 'i hate it' or 'it's perfect', but little discussion beyond 'i hate/love it because it's a true drama'

>he doesn't know Sup Forums is just one deranged person speaking to himself endlessly

yeah I realize there's bunch of newfags saying 'why doesn't Sup Forums talk about this aspect of a movie' when they have already been discussed in several occasions

best scene ever

Why the fuck would discussing it on several occasions be reason not to discuss it again? You sound like Reddit with their "no reposts" rule.

maybe if she didn't have so much botox. Police station scene is better

actually its like 10 people and rest is AI

No, it's what the medium really is, rather than wanting it to do the job of literature or theatre because you're too pleb for the former and too broke for the latter.

>You sound like Reddit with their "no reposts" rule.
you sure know about that, and the point isn't that you can't discuss anything again and again, but don't make retarded claims if you don't know

>you sure know about that
Wow, epic.

>but don't make retarded claims if you don't know
The "retarded claim" you refer to was obviously referring to within this thread. When someone asks "Why isn't anyone talking about this" they obviously don't mean "across all threads on Sup Forums."

There is this but it's a tad outdated

alright, I'll bite
>cinema is doing things only the medium can do
so what are these markers that you say only the medium can do and manchester by the sea is not doing?

my Halloween costume tbqh

>downward spiral
>no Machinist
Come on.

Machinist is literally right there between Oldboy and Children of Men


What the user is saying is that the film resonated a lot with him and that he can see it has it's share of flaws, but doesn't care about them, since the film more than makes up for them.

Pretty piss-poor Bong accents for a movie meant to be set in Manchester.

Surprised Casey Affleck still managed to nip an Oscar with that pseudo-accent.