Did she go too far?

Did she go too far?


She was raped by a jew exec and locked in a basement? Pedowood strikes again.

i think he had some sort of rape dungeon where he kept his daughters?

she's been in what, two hollywood movies?

i really hope she said this

Some Australian fella who kept his shiela in the dunny

The white haired chick from Game of Thrones

If she actually said this it kind of makes me like her more. I've always gotten an /ourgirl/ vibe from Emilia

>I get payed millions and my career is more or less safe, but I am totally oppressed guiz!
If fucking hate Actors so god damn much.

>my career is more or less safe
kek her's sure as fuck isn't

no one will know who she is in two years

>Another woman acting like it's hard being part of the privileged sex

How tiring.

>and my career is more or less safe
She's 30. Actresses fast approaching the wall have anything but job security.

worlds best dad

imagine being this dumb

She'll be fine

Wow she's bordering on offensively ignorant and stupid. What a lady.

If she was Emile Clarke (male of equal attractiveness). She'd be a phone salesman working Croydon who never had a gf after high school.

no she won't
her career is hinged entirely on being in a meme show. she's a fucking horrible actress and has been panned in every movie she's been in. once game of thrones ends no one will want to cast her.

>Another guy on the internet responding to a feminist statement by claiming that, in fact, the opposite is true

This and "IMAGINE IF THE GENDERZ WERRE REVERSD!!!" are getting very tiring. Everyone here knows they're retarded and we don't need you to point it out for us. You are just as annoying as the feminists.

shit thread
post I'M ACTING webms

He was Austrian you retard, an entirely different country


This is oddly specific.

It's like every week I see a new statement that's even more boisterous than the week prior.
It's like irl meming

are you implying that the opposite is not true? Do you truly think she is oppressed.

no you dont

Nobody has job security in any field anywhere.



landlords will always be safe from the serfs

God those fucking Eyebrows.

Women were a mistake

almost got me op. I thought it sounded a bit nutty

Was she a terrible actress too?

eyebrows shouldn't be able to do that

what do you mean?