Spider-Man 2's CGI is better than homecom-


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That looks pretty cool.

Spider-man 2 was great on PS2

Watch the wall when ock pulls the door off of the vault. It's fucking atrocious.

Looks like it would melt if you left it in the sun.

Nostalgia fags always get BTFO by objective reality. They always remember things as being better than they are and hate anything new. They're the same type of fucks that will complain about the cgi in TFA that looks pretty amazing yet claim they love the original trilogy. Yet I'm here and I try to rewatch the original trilogy and it's practically unwatchable because of how bad the special effects are. Yoda looks like a shitty puppet and obi wan vs darth vader is abysmal. Just compare that utter shit to the darth vader we saw in Rogue One.

>CGI from gazillion years ago has some flaws

If homecoming looks shit now how bad will it look in 10 years?

Wtf I love spiderboy: diversity now

>They're the same type of fucks that will complain about the cgi in TFA that looks pretty amazing
its looks the same as 90% of anything out there, and the han solo ship monsters look syfy channel tier. rogue one has some pretty crappy creature effects too but at least that movie had some well detailed ships so it didnt look as bland as tfa did.

>utter shit to the darth vader we saw in Rogue One.
okay never mind you actually just impressed by any new glowing effect cuz "muh lights action XD"

you can nitpick from any of the movies
the fact is that at the time raimi spiderman had decent cgi, and the cgi in homecoming is decent for this year too

When he's throwing the bags of coins, the bags disappear completely on impact.

please go rewatch the obi-wan vs darth vader fight and tell me how impressed you are. Here I'll do the work for you.


sure the cgi is not so good, but its only used for a few seconds and you almost doesn't notice, now homecoming and civil war too is almost all scenes with a cgi suit, which they can't even make it look like the practical suit.

Exactly like happened in civil war with spider-man and black panther, even though black panther had a nice practical suit they still cgi'd it all over it.

That's what I mean. The cracks on the wall look like fucking plastic stickers placed on a flat wall. It was Sony for crying out loud, they could have done so much better.

choreography On that spin stunt was pretty impressive

How about taking a screenshot of a nonshit yiffy encode

Sure, then it will look even more like a plastic action figure.

I forgot to mention the cringeworthy dialogue
>When I left you I was but the learner, now I am the master
>Only a master of evil darth
*characters strike at eachother*

Just imagine if shit like this was in TFA. Sup Forums would be shitposting about it for years.

Modern CGI use is terrible not because of its quality (which can truly be amazing), but because of its overuse causing you to not care about the human actors on screen.

>Release date: June 30, 2004
>more than 13 years ago
>more than 3 presidential terms ago
>babies born when spider-man 2 came out are now teenagers

My nigga. Too bad I let my Mexican friend borrow it

2 0 0 4

The year of Troy, Shrek 2, AVP, dawn of the remake, van hellsing and national treasure. Literally looks better than all of those