This was, unironically and with complete seriousness, a perfect film

This was, unironically and with complete seriousness, a perfect film.

Other urls found in this thread:

Aside from the continuity errors and endless plot holes, sure.

Your life is a continuity error, bitch.

real life has endless plot holes

The best part is Sam Rockwell's performance of Jesse James changing in the play

That score

best film of the 21st Century

>didn't call it kino
Kept reading there
I feel like Zoey Deschanel is kind of awkward in it, but maybe that was intentional

The film literally only has two problems. Pitt didn't do a whole lot to act like Jesse and the narrator sounds like Alec Baldwin which makes me think of Royal Tenembaums which takes me out of the movie

She's only in it for like 5 minutes and it's implied she was a gold digger that didn't really like Ford and was only with him for the fame. That's why she acts so cold and awkward around him.

I mean her role is like a minute long at best.

Good film made great by its soundtrack imo

Then go outside.

Didn't she have a much bigger part in it that ended up getting cut? I vaguely recall reading something about that awhile ago

Definitely the best nu-western along with Hell on Highwater

I do not like it. it's boring and the plot is spoilt by the title

Yeah her acting was the only thing I disliked in this movie. It wasn't convincing and somehow the way she talks seems so out of place

Fake rate for bait mate

don't fall for it


>caring about spoilers

>underage redditor thinks slow and boring = kino

>first mention of kino in this thread
I think you're the redditor around here.

Honestly i thought it didnt get interesting till he killed jesse and had to live with it



The best track of the film. Not even in the normal version of the OST.

It needs to be said that any soundtrack Nick Cave is involved in is perfect.

Does this play in the film?

>brad pitt

never watched it. why did he kill james? like what was the actual purpose behind it

It may be his best performance. It's a little different from his other ones.

Watch the movie and find out user. It's really good.


Here are some more spoilers for you:

Brutus betrays Caesar
Judas betrays Jesus
George Washington was the first president of the United States of America


genuine American kino

The only flaw in this film is Brad Pitt

Brad Pitt was good though, basically the only film he was ever good in.

What did he mean by this

He didn't deserve his fate

The first cut of the movie was almost 4 hours long and it only screened once.

>Pitt didn't do a whole lot to act like Jesse

It's not like Jesse was famed for his extravagant behavior, I mean we're talking about a real person here with real problems, if they made him an over the top, tarantino-esque western leading man then it would have ruined the whole kino IMO.


>ywn get a Blood Meridian film in the same style as TAOJJBTCRF or a Bloody Bill Anderson film

I fall asleep at the first train every single time. It's like 20 minutes into the movie. Only Brad Pitt movie I havent fully watched

>Being this much of a plebian.

He just wanted to marry a whore ;_;

The only reason the film exists is because of Brad Pitt, he got interested in the script and funded it through his own company, he also didn't allow WB to change the name of the film

The guy loved working on it and still considers it the best film he had acted in

it was pretty boring desu

Its the best movie ever made. full stop

real life is stranger then fiction sometimes.

I know people have bitched that both missed so many times in the gunfight between Wood Hite and Dick, when the shootout is historically accurate.

I want them to release that, would buy

The scene where the train arrives and they're all watching with their masks on with the soundtrack gets me. Also:
>Casey Afflecks performance
>The shootout scene in the bedroom
>The entire third act
>The entire soundtrack

>I know people have bitched that both missed so many times in the gunfight between Wood Hite and Dick, when the shootout is historically accurate.

nobody could be that stupid, it was filmed that way to show how unromantic gunfights are.

Even when hite is basically dead.

"He's still sucking air" as they casually talk to him about how the kids will miss him, it's grimy, its real

>nobody could be this stupid
These are totally uneducated, hot-blooded, out-of-control bandits that have been killing people since early adolescence. They absolutely can be this stupid.