Why are so many great directors currently doing nothing

Has anyone noticed that all of our time's greatest directors have suddenly stopped doing anything since like 2012?

He's making a movie about dogs, user.

Should be decent.


where is David Fincher?

Who else are you thinking of?

>Malick is making movies like crazy
>Lynch has Twin Peaks
>PTA is working
Probably the best living American directors are still working, and that's not to mention the foreign ones like Von Trier or Weerasethakul

Spent the last couple years directing another Netflix show. He has autism that forces him to do over 9000 takes of something as simple as a guy getting into a car and driving away, so multiply that over an entire series.

But Von Trier hasn't done anything of substance since 2011

his last 2 "films" and I say that lightly are nihilistic crap.

Isn't Wes Anderson currently working on another stop motion movie?

That's fair I guess, he is working on a new one though



you mean since 2014

because Grand Budapest Hotel, Gone Girl, Biurdman

Yeah, odd, why hasn't he made a film in four years? A big gap for him. I know he's working on a new one, but still.

>... Gone Girl, Biurdman [SIC]...

Almondized pasturized cornified syrup in your food califying your third eye, folks. It's really THAT simple.

Yeah it's really wierd. I think it's just the shitty financial climate, plus a lot of filmmakers seem to be right at a stage where they hit big financial success and take it easy

E.g Darren Aronofsky,

PTA (who's last 2 movies flopped),

Terry Gilliam is trying to get Don Quixote off the ground, or just finished filming I believe

Charlie Kaufman went into career statis after synecdoche and his comeback flopping might make it hard for him to get work. If he let go of directing he'd be able to make more stuff

Films also just take years to make.

>Terry Gilliam is trying to get Don Quixote off the ground, or just finished filming I believe
it just finished filming.

>best living foreign directors

fucking kek'd

is this a meme? I started watching his movies to see if I missed something. It's painfully bad.

>Great directors take time to make each movie
>I wonder why
Gee, that's one heck of a mystery!

>PTA (who's last 2 movies flopped),
PTA is literally doing a DDL film this year.

>he doesn't like joe
Back to r*ddit, if you will.

it's probably a bit over your head, no offense

Aronofsky has a new movie out in like three months, chill.

Fuck off, he is one of the best directors working.

The best living director (after Lynch the god of course) is Shion Sono


I don't think that's the case but it's not like I have a film school degree so I must no know how to appreciate it

They are working, Jarmus, PTA, Scorsesse, Solondz, they all have recent movies or about to be released

The "popcorn auteurs" like Nolan and Fincher are doing even better, they are literally turning down projects while swimming in money. It's all good