Long story short, my friend is insecure about his intelligence. He is stupid, but I want to bolster his confidence

Long story short, my friend is insecure about his intelligence. He is stupid, but I want to bolster his confidence.

What are some movies designed for dumb people to feel smart?

I was thinking of showing him Ex Machina.

arrival and interstellar are go to also sapranos if you want to watch tv

Waking life

Give him the book "The Idiot" by Fyodor Dostoevsky.

the matrix


rick and morty

I know it's hard to imagine but stupid people actually don't understand Arrival. Even though Villenueve's style is so dry it's like reading the instruction pamphlets in airplanes. You'll just have to explain it to them which will make it feel worse.

Kek nice thread

Intelligence is not something generated by watching movies dipshit.

Brains grow with exercise. Buy his potato ass logic puzzles and make him live actively by insisting he have some variety in his life, go camping, have a workout, sleep outside, talk with human beings in a workplace instead of living on a drone cycle.

Pic related is what happens when you live like a veg.

>brains grow with exercise
but luminosity is confirmed to do shit all for your cognitive better off playing vidya

This is a really good b8 thread, well done OP. Should gibe you at least 200 replies

Long story short, this friend of yours is actually you, OP.

Is this movie good? I tried watching it once but fail asleep drunk. Not saying it was boring but I just wasn't interested to pick it back up sober. I've heard its good though. Well?

As for your question, inception, adjustment bureau, shutter island, gattaca are good for that.

I liked it

Went to see it and some Mexican family few rows down apparently was supposed to see the 3D version, so they sat there watching the normal showing with the glasses for like 30 minutes and complained to management the the film was broke or some shit

Fight club

>b-b-but I thought she liked caleb. why did she kill him?

Very original topic

Ex machina was pretty flat, I don't remember it trying to jerk off the viewer's intellect with some bullshit deeper meaning.

This is a good suggestion however

ITT: people who think they are smart