What 2017 movie are you most hyped about?

What 2017 movie are you most hyped about?

vaentine, kingsman 2

definitely not disney shill 9

I can't think of a single one. I find it a chore to watch anything made this century, really. I only do it not to feel totally out-of-touch, but I don't really have any time for contemporary narrative film.

Blade Runner.

Fuck capeshit.

terrence malick's new movie, apparently it's supposed to be a more linear story this time which will be interesting
also blade runner but ONLY because of ana

mein negger

Damn I wish I was as smart and had superior taste like you

sewer eyes

excuse me?

Her eyes have the color of a sewer.

Is sewer "perfect & beautiful" in some stupid foreign language?

no, it means shit.

Grey > Dark Green > Dark Blue > Brown > LIghter colors

Oof, those are some toasty, completely wrong opinions you got there in your pocket, bub. Light colors trump everything and "boring brown" is always dead last.
Who the hell has "grey" eyes?

It's rare but great, and yes, I do.

Find me a picture or post yours, I'm calling your bluff. No, Game of Thrones drawings don't count. As of right now, you and about 85% of people are losing to Ana.

listen, if the first thing that comes to your mind when looking at her face are sewers, then there is something seriously wrong with you

IT. That's it.

nother face, her eyes. I see crocodiles in a sewer the color of her eyes

>post yors
sure thing, let me just get my retina scanned by the NSA.

are you drunk? it's time to stop posting

Ah okay. Thanks for the fun. "Sewer eyes" is a great attention grabber. Keep that image, it's very triggering.
He's fucking with people.

Justice League
Blade Runner
War of the Apes

>He's fucking with people.

pic related

Every time I making a Stephen King thread it gets deleted now. Why? I don't post about the kid actors.

The new janny is very butthurt.

Call Me By Your Name. Who doesn't want to see an idyllic romance set in italian summer between a 25 y.o and 17 y.o. A love story that transcends the mores.

Shut up fatty.

Justice League
Blade Runner

Seeing Apes with my dad today. I usually don't know about any movies that look like actual thought-provoking kino until after they're already out.

Ragnarok. It's gonna save Thor-kino.

>took away his hammer
>put him in a hulk story in his own movie
>they even cut his hair

More like cuck kino.

lel kys


and also the layover

Phantom Thread, i think it's a Christmas release.