Recommend me some great action movies

Hey Sup Forums
Could you recommend me some really good action flicks?

Something with well choreographed gunfight scenes without seizure-like shaky cam, where you can feel the impact of every bullet, aggresive style, even over the top stuff if it's for the sake of being awesome (but not full on parody)

I'm not exactly an action maniac, I've seen some basic action movies but I know some of you action experts can recommend me stuff I've never seen before and I will love, so give me your best shot!

Other urls found in this thread:


Shoot Em Up
Hard Target
Face Off
The Rock
Con Air
Terminator 2
Die Hard
The Good The Bad The Weird
Crank 1&2
True Lies
Mad Max 2
Double Team (so bad it's good)

The Raid
The Raid 2

I strongly second Dredd desu

Hard Boiled by John Woo

Is it really that good?

Hardcore Henry.

thank you user, I will check out some of these!

no good final boss fight
in your face CGI 3D effects that's going to be stupid as fuck if you're watching it on small screen without 3D

besides that it's solid

is the raid 2 as good as the first one? I loved the raid

A Better Tomorrow 1 and 2 (also starring Chow Yun Fat)

>Shoot Em Up (7/10)
>Hard Target (5/10)
>Face Off (8/10)
>The Rock (8/10)
>Con Air (4/10)
>Terminator 2 (9/10)
>Die Hard (10/10)
>The Good The Bad The Weird (6/10)
>Ronin (6/10)
>Crank 1&2 (7/10 and 4/10)
>True Lies (8/10)
>Mad Max 2 (7/10)
>Bloodsport (5/10)
>Double Team (so bad it's good)

ABT 1 = action kino
ABT 2 = dumb fun action pop corn movie

The ending to ABT1 made me fucking shout and cheer out of pure joy.

The final boss confrontation was great as it was, it didn't need to be exaggerated.

sure, but there really isn't a worthy opponent for Dredd, since we are judging the film as an action movie, it's lacking in that department.

I do agree it wouldn't make sense if Lena Heady suddenly buffed up and started kicking Dredd's ass, but she could've had a more badass henchman.

ABT1 peaked at the restaurant shootout and the ending was kind of silly

shame about hard boiled, fucking sucks

Nah, when he fucken turns the boat around and starts firing at the dudes with shotguns and MP5's with his theme song kicking in the movie peaked hard.

most of these and also Equilibrium for the gun kata scenes

and Dredd

gun kata...

the theory: the way to win gun fight is to stand in the middle of the room with no cover, be surrounded by all your foes, and win because of math!

the practice: get in point blank range with your opponent and juggle guns with plenty of slap fighting in between

then he forgets he's in a middle of a gun battle and stands straight up and gives a long ass speech about brotherhood

A lot of good action films are from the 80s, but here are some post-2000:

John Wick 1 and 2
Casino Royale
Black Hawk Down
The Matrix

Less guns, more swords:

13 Assassins
Kill Bill 1 and 2

So has nobody else here seen Hardcore Henry?

I heard about it, an fps action movie sounds really good, but could they pull it off?

I saw this very unpopular Takashi Miike action flick at a festival a few months ago and it was one of the most fun action films I have seen in a long time. I don't think you can find it yet, but keep an eye out for it.

Yeah, they definitely pulled it off.

the raid films

the story is more a traditional crime drama and it kind of drags on without the high concept "cops trapped in a criminals building" angle, however there are fucking 12 badass as fuck fight scenes so I forgive the pacing

and what would you say, which movies have the best slowmo gunfights?

max payne gameplay

>no good final boss fight

I actually really liked that it didn't have the typical final fist fight just like how it avoided the usual tropes of the female sidekick being the love interest or there being some over the top stakes to save the city/country/world

the climax is more Dredd proving how ruthless and cold he is rather than proving physical might which is suitable for the character

sure, I also love stranglehold's more fast paced crazy style, but I wonder what movies gives this feeling back the best

Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning

Brutal and gritty fight scenes with a weird uncomfortable psychological horror atmosphere, like if David Lynch made action.

now that sounds interesting...

Why do people who volunteer their opinions always have the shittiest taste?

The Killer (also starring Chow Yun Fat)

John Wick 1 & 2 has some very inventive action scenes that intermix accurate gunplay with close quarters grappling.

An underrated grounded action movie is The Way of The Gun, has a great gun battle at the end with the protagonists clearing a motel realistically.

There was a more comedic movie released recently called Free Fire entirely about a shootout in a werehouse after an arms deal goes wrong.

For more over the top gunplay Wanted and Equilibrium and if you want to go full anime-level retarded watch Ultravoilet.


Headshot (2016)

Found it online quite some time ago. Pretty fun. More of an absurd yakuza tale, rather than an action movie

Free Fire was really weird. It tried to be funny, but fell flat a lot. And it was a very boring action, the trailer made it look way more interesting. The script probably used the word "crawl" a record number of times, because after initial bullet exchange everyone was crawling everywhere whether they were wounded in their legs or not.

>Man From Nowhere
More of a thriller, but that final sauna scene will make you rewatch it several times

>The Yellow Sea
Mostly hand-to-hand fights, but crazy visceral. This movie made me fear being chased by an angry mob. Didn't think movies could convey that feeling so well.

>The Big Hit
Oldie, but but goodie. Mostly forgotten.

Drug War (2012)

Punisher: War Zone

My man

>The Berlin File

>No Tears for The Dead


that was terrifying