The new Doctor Who

The new Doctor Who

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Good thing I didn't watch that shit in the first place.

The new Doctor Who

>White main character
>in current year
It's like you guys want to be on the wrong side of history

didn't that death-in-paradise cunt get pulled for it, Kris something? thought it was almost a guarantee that it was him.

The worst part is we have to pay for this shit

>he pays the tv license

The new Doctor Who

You don't have to pay if you don't have a TV.
If they come for you, pull out the cam and do the following:
and every video on the side listed
Pull the plug user. Pull the plug.

This cunt is in a feminist show and was cast in the Han Solo movie.

How can brits even communicate? Even youtube subtitles can't understand what they are saying

>That video.
user, I can't. I just can't not again

Behold the new Doctor

They're both jewish.

>New actor to be revealed after Wimbledon

It's funny, they only did this because Murray was knocked out to drive up ratings. Nobody in nterested in watching Federer crush another serve babby.

If you like piiiiiina colada

>Nobody in nterested in watching Federer crush another serve babby.
Wimbledon always has big ratings for the men's final though

New doctor who

b..but that's the master!

The new Doctor Who

They should have used him as the master in the new show too, talking about the everybody is Eric Roberts thing. He is literally becoming everybody, you can't watch a film without him being in it.
Also Capaldi was a Pompei survivor too, so it wouldn't be a new thing

Imagine if they had brought him back instead of that whey-faced poltroon John Sims. Eric Roberts and Michelle Gomez in a camp-off... ah well, Doctor Who's usually shit, why break the pattern?


Doctor Poo more like.

He would actually be great in the role, but it's the bint in the OP

He always likes to drezz for the occasion.

The new Doctor Who


I actually approve of this despite being against diversity shit.
The man has the acting skills, the humor, and charisma, as opposed to some random female white bitch.

Imagine him playing it like Thornton Reed

Unless Eva Green became the next Doctor, a woman will kill the franchise

Who the hell is this fat Jew?

>ratings for Nu Who are lower than ever
>implying the BBC will risk fucking things up further by having a female Doctor

Why wouldn't they? They get money from tv tax anyway

Why are you sure? She seems like the worst person they could cast, other than Rose West.

Are you American? Do you understand the the BBC isn't a commercial broadcaster. Their income is not dependant upon advertisements and product placement

They do care about ratings though, especially for BBC1 shows, and especially for BBC1 shows that only exist to sell licensed merch.

Ratings are irrelevant for the BBC here

No they don't.
They only care about propaganda.
Proof is trying to play diversity politics with two historical figures of a nation that is still trying to get its shit together and find its identity after 4 centuries of Ottoman rule and another 10 centuries of Rome fucking up its everything, despite it not being in any way involved in colonization and shit.
Talking about the Troy BBC-Netflix retardation of course.

If you think this ain't gonna unleash a special form of controversy that will make lefties lose the moral ground in this specific case, and if you think they don't know it, you are delirious then.

>If you think this ain't gonna unleash a special form of controversy that will make lefties lose the moral ground in this specific case, and if you think they don't know it, you are delirious then.

What the fuck are you talking about? You can't even speak English, how the fuck would you know how BBC1 operates? This is word salad.