Prisoner of Azkaban

This movie is so comfy because of how often the characters are shown in classes along with the cool transitions between scenes establishing the layout of the school and grounds.

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Watching these movies back it's really apparent how often people just give Harry shit - things that are crucial to his survival or the progression of the plot. He never earns anything; instead he's handed everything by side characters. It's like he's getting collectibles in a game. It's bad writing.

>here's a magic cloak LMAO
>here's a broomstick LMAO
>here's a sword LMAO
>here's a secret map LMAO

Watching on ITV?

I don't care how awkward it looks, the meaning behind the ending shot is great.

dullest etcetc


its the last time emma was a cute till she got cottage cheese filled legs

What's the meaning behind it?

Its Dumbledore's spirit animal spell celebrating his life as a LGBTQ+ indiidual.

that is a low quality post


His face effect looks like when he was being attacked by the dementors, but instead he is smiling and filled with joy - probably due to having a family member that loves him.

how is Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
is it any comfy?

How can you stomach it?

The aspect ratio is fucked and PAL speedup makes everyone sound like chipmunks

What do you want me to say?

>"Yes lad I am watching it on ITV. It's rainy here and it's adding to the comfieness. But we're already in the second half of the film now and it all gets pretty sirius (haha) from this point on. In fact I think the halfway point of Prisoner of Azkaban marks the tonal shift of the Harry Potter films"

That better?

I thought it was a metaphor for ejaculation. The very first scene of the movie alludes to masterbation. The entire movie is a metaphor for puberty with the final shot being the 'climax'.

It's alright. It tries to be 2 movies at once, and I don't think it works well. Colin Farrell is great in it, as is the baker and hot sister.
I'd say parts of it are comfy (the beast sections) but since it tries to be 2 movies, it also throws in some rather dark parts that don't really fit.

>PAL speedup


>PAL Speedup is a nasty side effect from the process of converting film into home video for European audiences. It results in distorted video. It is a widespread problem that is not sufficiently addressed in the Internet video community. In a nutshell, PAL Speedup is when a movie file plays slightly too fast, so it is shorter than it is supposed to be, and all the actor voices are slightly higher pitch than they should be. To some, it is not noticeable, while to others it is maddening. It is such a slight difference that it is right on the edge of human perception. Yet, if you notice it, then you don't like it.

>In Europe due to the oscillation of their electrical system frequency, they film movies at a different frame rate. Europe uses the PAL or SECAM video standards. For Europeans film destined for television are photographed at 25 frames per second. The PAL video standard broadcasts at 25 frames per second, so the transfer from film to video is clumsy. In this clumsy 2:2 pulldown, for every film frame, one video frame is captured. Theatrical features originally photographed at 24 frame/s are shown at 25 frame/s resulting in a 4% increase in playback speed. The increase causes a slightly noticeable increase in audio pitch by just over 0.679 semitones.

Harry reminds me of someone...

>A device that turns back time? Let's use it to save buckbeak and go to extra classes. Fuck Harry's parents.

Is the time turner the biggest mistake of these movies/books?

Look at The Cursed Child if you want examples of how fucked the Time Turners are

Thankfully I haven't noticed it. I must not be very perceptive.

reminder that nothing actually happens in this film and everything just sets up things in the other films

it is comfy tho

This is the one that I never rewatched and I rewatched pretty much all of them at least 3 times.

It's more kino than I thought.

The image on ITV is also heavily cropped to remove the black bars

The movie should look like this

What the fuck does comfy mean in this context?

Why haven't you rewatched it? It's one of the best ones. Many consider it to be the best.

This movie sure was comfy alright, so comfy that I fell alseep and when I woke up I had watched one of the dullest franchises in history. Seriously each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the books were good though
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

>This movie sure was comfy alright, so comfy that I fell alseep and when I woke up I had watched one of the dullest franchises in history.

How can you have watched it when you fell asleep?

One of the worst openings I've seen to these.

Apply yourself.

I really don't know maybe I never caught it on tv, also probably why I seen the first one so many times.

The movie that conveys a comfortable atmosphere. It makes you feel good when watching it. A 'comfy' movie has a lot to do with how good a film's world building is along with its sets and music. See the first 30 minutes of The Fellowship of the Ring.

Did any of you read the books? I only read the last one.

>introducing a time paradox
>introducing time travel to such a sprawling series of books

What the fuck was she thinking?

good job dude

>book list is trash
>but pasta about harry potter is spot on

Emma Watson was at her peak in hotness in the azkaban movie. That's why everyone loves it even though it's a terrible movie and the dementors are flying jokes.

Early Potter is comfy

The whole universe is fucked tho, wizards powerlevels are all over the place and you got shit like Like, how powerful is Harry? By the end his most powerful attacks basically are just pistol shots.

The point is Harry isn't a great wizard

He has a knack for Defence Against the Dark Arts class and flying, but that's about it

He's distinctly average

Has she gotten way ugglier or have I got gayer?

What about the more powerful wizards? You get told Dumbledoor is OP but you rarely see him do anything.

Is he op or does the super saiyan wand carry him?

Thats the thing, with 7 books and loads of lore. There are basic ass things you never really find out about

>This movie is so comfy because of...

>Alfonso Cuarón had the idea that when the dementors approached the Hogwarts Express the rain would turn to ice. However, due to his thick Mexican accent the visual effects team misheard "ice" as "eyes". They went as far as to draft a storyboard which depicted eyes falling from the sky, which they presented to a stunned Cuarón, who instantly corrected their mistake.

Should've kept it.

Rowling's world building is absolute trash. It's all about the coolness factor but absolutely falls through if you try to examine the world as a whole. And she's still on twitter making it worse for herself

dude she has cottage cheese legs and wonky tits



It's good.

I might be biased though because I watched it immediately after HP8 (which was awful)

Time travel is limited to 5 hours in the main series

The play does away with this though when it introduces Voldemort and Bellatrix's rape baby on a mission to go back and save her father

Then how does he become head of the Aurors, one of the most powerful wizards in Britain

Deathly Hallows Part 1 is the best film. We all agree on this right? A slow-burner character study that does away with dumb plot tools but instead focuses on the characters.

ay someone was watching ITV this morning

The Cursed Child doesn't even use Time Turners in the same way as the actual books. There's a reason it's been called nonsensical fan-fiction.

Isn't that the one that had Harry and Hermione slow-dancing for no reason other than to tease the shippers?

>if I pull that soul out, will you die?

I was reading on imdb that Cuaron allowed each of the cast to wear their robes and uniform however they liked, which I thought was a good idea because it makes Hogwarts feel more like a lived in school. But I didn't like that that there were so many scenes when they're not in their robes. I think in PoA there's at least the excuse that, I think, they were on a school trip for the final act of the movie which is why they were in casual clothes. But it was something that became more prevalent in the latter movies and it really killed the atmosphere.

see thread
stream it for keks
pic related keks
now im fucking into it again

thanks a lot cunts.

Is that the one that should have been called Harry Potter and the Never Ending Camping Trip?

Utter shit. Take the music and the castle out of these movies and it illustrates how flat most of the other stuff is.

Why don't they just make a TV show so they can actually focus on the school stuff a bit?

It's fine if the trashy half-blood kids wear normie clothes sometimes, but a wizard supremacist tit like Draco shouldn't be caught dead wearing anything but robes.

of whomst if I may ask?

Read back what I said, he has a knack for Defence Against the Dark Arts


I'm sure they will. There's too much potential for them not to, considering it could be about literally anything and at any point in the school's history. The only way they could fuck it up is if they try to tie it in to the Harry Potter storylines and central existing characters.

Harry's a talented but lazy wizard.

You want to slap him and Ron upside the head for being so fucking lazy about doing their wizard homework.

I was actually thinking of them doing the film series over as TV and just decompressing it. Show more than 5 minutes per book of them actually attending classes and learning magic.

Yup, why would not want to do your very best and learn as much magic as possible?

Especially for Harry who had such a miserable existence at the Dursleys

There's like 6 individual classroom scenes in PoA. Really adds to the comfy.



There's a grand total of one (1) in Goblet of Fire

Really cements it as the worst movie

>yes..yes.. for you..
>fawks.. he didn't fly so good
>tell me about mad moody why does he wear the patch

Reminds me of a certain blonde lady in game of thrones.

Really makes you think

Great scene. Cuaron was offered Goblet of Fire to direct as well but he couldn't because he was still doing post production on Prisoner of Azkaban when GoF started shooting.


>decide to watch the movies since I hadn't seen them since I was a wee boy
>Philosopher's Stone fills me with nostalgia and is a surprisingly good movie to boot, can't wait to watch the rest
>watch Chamber of Secrets and it's so much worse that I still haven't watched Azkaban a week later

is chamber just the weakest one?

Everything after Goblet of Fire is a blurry mess for me. I don't think it's a great movie but GoF does have memorable scenes, in my opinion, like the quidditch World Cup, the dance and the maze. I couldn't tell you anything that happens in OotP.

>I couldn't tell you anything that happens in OotP.

The bad guys turn into black smoke and the good guys turn into white smoke. And they can all fly around this way without brooms even though Voldy being able to fly without a broom was supposed to be a big deal.

Chamber is the least liked on but is secretly the second best movie after Azkaban. It's got that Columbus atmosphere just with a darker tone.


Chamber is a rehash of Philosopher's Stone

There's barely any new score recorded for it

>Chamber is the least liked
No, that's Goblet

currently listening to the jim dale audio book while i do other stuff.

Why is snape such a dick to neville? i thought he just didnt like harry because his dad cucked him, but snape is mean to everyone in the books

Who are you talking to, reddit style poster?

Thank fuck, I've been wondering what that was for ages, only really noticed on ITV with the James Bond movies because all the cutting for the action scenes in the modern ones were sickening.

I knew something was up, thought they were speeding it up to fit in more adverts or something

anyone else get the games at blockbuster?
somebody slit my nostalgic throat

Bond is another one that ITV routinely fucks up

Cuts to achieve lower ratings, cropped image to remove black bars, and PAL speedup

Pure shit


Why don't people like Goblet? Seemed like a serviceable movie.

Every time


Cut way too much, Dumbledore is loud and grumpy, physically assaults Harry

Everyone's performance is off, lines are delivered poorly, Emma's eyebrows are off the charts

Pacing is wack

Newell is a hack


Furthermore, they turned the best book into the worst movie

You can tell someone hasn't read the books or has little love for the series when they say Goblet is their favourite or rate it highly

All because of muh action setpieces

whats ur #keeno

>because all the cutting for the action scenes in the modern ones were sickening.

I watched QoS again recently. The cuts in the opening car chase is obscene.

5 > 7.1 > 3 > 6 > 7.2 > 1 > 2 > 4