Memes aside, the entire last season was consistent with the overall high quality of the previous seasons

memes aside, the entire last season was consistent with the overall high quality of the previous seasons

>dude nazis are evil psychopaths lmao
yeah no

>His name is Hank for 4 seasons.
>Is retconned to be Isaac in season 5

Why was this necessary? What is it even good for?

Was he a Jew?
What kind of name is Isaac ?

This is objectively one of the shittiest memes this place has ever created. And that's saying a lot. Give it up.

>referring to yourself as a sack

>having a problem with this

Sup Forums is a very strange place.

It was not perfect but not bad either, the other option would be more mexicans

oh shut up already

>My name is "Ice Zack" Schreider.

Was it supposed to be his "macho" name? Was he trying to intimidate them?

His name isn't Isaac you f*cking idiots

Show was better contrasting cancer, desperation, and in-over-your-head drug dealings. Not when it was just Scarface starring Bryan Cranston as Tony Montana.

That's the part that frustrated me. The cancer was basically a non-issue after season 1

It wasn't really though
Plebs who hate season 5 miss the point, Walt was still the same nerd he was in S1, he just got high off the accomplishment of taking down Gus Fring. As he was stomping around pretending to be Pablo Escobar, saying cringeworthy shit like "Say my name" he was actually far, far in over his head and completely ruined his life and the lives of everyone around him. He only managed to redeem himself by cleaning up a little of his shit at the end.

reddit-tier humor

Epic post my lad.

No, he was calling himself "ASAC Schrader".

ASAC stands for "Assistant Special Agent in Charge"

>my NAME is...
ASAC is a job description and not name in any sense. He could have said "I'm ASAC Schrader" or "My name is ASAC Hank Shrader". But this doesn't make any sense

season 3 best season

theyre all good though

No one cares

Take your autism elsewhere

The neo nazis barely even talked about nazi shit. A much dumber show probably would have had them say something race related every other sentence. They were just a prison gang that fell into their own race like every prison gang.

He absolutely wasn't the same though.
>He was stomping around pretending to be Pablo Escobar
That's precisely the other anons complaint.

That's not an argument though

eh not really, 1,2 are good seasons, 3,4,5 is a completely different show. And of the latter, 5 is at least fun

actually Hank was never intended to die in the original script but the actor wanted to do something else and they let him go with killing him. just a fact for all the faggots

seeing how limited options were after season 4 for the plot to develop, they really did an excellent job. It's actually more like two seasons though.

the only seasons that really stood out as exceptionally bad to me was 3. Yeah we get it SKYLER and JESSIE are having a hard time, this does not require an entire season to expand upon.


>when people argue about who is the bad guy
they're all drug dealers, mercenaries, maffia, cartel, and junks who kill people just because it's convenient. And skyler is OK with her husband who she hated being a drug dealer and murderer because he know is cool and has money.

the only good guys were hank and gomez, they literally just wanted to stop drug trafficking and related violence

>the actor wanted to do something else and they let him go with killing him
they gave him two entire episodes of freedom from Hank

Breaking Bad memes are funny :)

Of course Sup Forums would be upset at just the thought of people having negative views about Nazi's