Did these men save or destroy Hollywood?

Did these men save or destroy Hollywood?

Lucas is the only one who's willing to at least admit his shit stinks.

Martin is glorious. The others are Jewish scum.


No one fucking cares, retard, and Spielberg is the only Jewish one there.

>t. the goodest goy

>t. mohammed al mohammed

The only gentile in this picture is George Lucas, he's also the only outsider. Spielberg and Scorcese are Hollywood shlock makers. Coppola had the decency to stop making movies.

>t. schlomo shekelstein

it's not their fault they made good movies

>what is twixt
Only thing stopping him is funding

Why does George always shit on turbo manlets?

They literally destroyed cinema.

Film art in US peaked at 1968

Scorsese and Coppola are fantastic directors and true artists. Spielberg is a cash grabbing jew and Lucas is an autistic faggot who got incredibly lucky.

Jaws and Star Wars in all seriousness destroyed cinema.

It's just a natural thing to do when you're taller than them. I always treat guys who are shorter than me like children.

Found the Jew

>Scorsese is bad
Can anyone enlighten me on why this is the case?

>No one fucking cares
Why do people say this?

>Spielberg is a cash grabbing jew


>implying New Hollywood ever had a chance in Burgerland
>implying there ever was an alternative timeline where Robert Altman was some box-office god

That shit was never gonna last. It was a dream. And a dumb one.

To shut down people saying things they don't like

I remember that day. Glorious to see Marty finally get his due.

Why the fuck is Lucas in that group? The only good thing he made is literally DUDE LMAO SAMURAIS IN SPACE. Literally a movie for kids.

>what is American Graffiti
>what is THX-1138

Both suck.

it was the Oscars of 2007. Coppola, Spielberg, and Lucas introduced the nominations for Best Director. Spielberg said something like "You know you've made it as a director when you win an Oscar" and George peeps up "Hey guys!? I don't have one!"

It's a bad meme because he's Hollywood and "kinosseurs" aren't supposed to like that.

Do you suck off people taller than you too?

Being contrarian is how you get cred on a Chinese cartoon forum, apparently

They were heroes that lived long enough to become the villains.

Yeah I guess Coppola's problem is that his shlocks didn't even make money despite Hollywood approval. He had the nerve to tell Lucas wasted his time with Star Wars. Really? Why did Coppola tried a space sci-fi Supernova that was a major flop?

>never heard of supernova
>might be alright
>click on trailer

The Hollywood jews gave an Oscar to George's wife along two other guys for editing Star Wars but didn't give one to George for writing and directing the movie. That's the jews telling him fuck you, they always hated him and now they kinda got their revenge by turning the franchise into kosher firendly shlock.

Marry, fuck, ignore, kill

Who's the guy on the left?

Editing saved Star Wars, same with Apocalypse Now and Jaws; All three were saved in the editing room.

Sofia coppola

Yeah, that 's what the jews said, it must be true. George barely did anything, it was only his greedy wife who was behind the genius. It's too bad she never did anything on her own. Did you know she failed film school, that's why she was stuck in an editing room?

I didn't say George wasn't a genius, I'm saying the film was saved in editing.

That's bullshit, an urban legend. How can a film like this be saved by editing. Everything made sense in that movie. Besides, the editing was made by 3 people, not just his wife.

>Everything made sense in that movie.
Yes and guess what: It made sense because of the editing. And I nowhere once praised his wife I don't even know his wife's name you are the one who brought her up.

Lucas fired the original editor himself. He wanted a more fast-paced energetic pace and the original guy wasn't getting it. So he got his wife and two more people tpo take over. And I'm pretty sure he was in the editing room with them. He didn't just take off and let them sort out his mess.

Yeah I assume he supervised the process as most directors do. Maybe he deserved an Oscar. I don't know. It's not 1977 anymore. I wish Star Wars would go away.

Yeah right retard. Did his wife make any reshoots to "fix" the original movie? Why do you think Rogue One and Han Solo got extensive reshoots? Once principal photography is done, there's not much you can do but follow the script. There's nothing to salvage if it's bad.

You don't have to be Jewish to be part of the Saturn Death Cult. Coppola killed Filipino workers on the set of Apocalypse Now, and built a live animal sacrifice ritual right into the story. Heaven smiles down upon murder of innocents. But Child sacrifice doesn't guarantee a film's success if the film isn't any good. Spielberg proved that with 1941.

They definitely saved the industry from time to time when they were under the dark times of not knowing what to do to attract movies goers.

>muh Kubrick
US film has been rising and rising but finally peaked in '07

WTF !!! A dude had done marvelous jobs alongside with Star Wars series. What do call "American Graffiti", "Thx 1138", or "Tucker"....

Ah-ha---- !!!

Nope, he makes two bad movies and suddently everything before that doesn't matter anymore.

Notice the inverted pyramid above the i instead of a dot.


>only muzzies dislike jews
Top fucking lel

They hogged it all and surely screwed over talented young up and comers. Buried into nothing. It's the good ol goy.. I mean boy system. The jew monopoly that runs hollywood

they pretty much ARE hollywood post 1970

Lucas and Spielberg have killed the New Hollywood so fuck them!

Don't they make kids movies?

You were saying bitch?

THESE are the men who saved Hollywood (the entirety of the US to be exact)

He made three horrendous movies, directed one good movie, made other people make the two other movies he's known for, and made so-so movies previously.

So yeah he's shit.

Weinsteins fucked up hollywood.


They certainly contributed to Hollywood's success by making some of the most notable movies of the 20th century.

Today however,
Lucas and Coppola have closed their shops while Spielberg has lost his touch
Only Martin Scorsese has been producing top tier movies for the last 20 years