So this was pretty good

So this was pretty good.
Why people hate on it again?

because scarjo isnt asian

It was a solid 5/10. Of the movies I watched recently.
Bone Tomahawk: 6/10
Ghost in the Shell: 5/10
Kong Skull Island: 4/10
The Mummy: 3/10

You mean Disney/Marvel shills.

Shit sound track
Movie had no soul
Recreated scenes felt empty, and too short.
Visually stunning, but utter lack of good music
Entire movie felt like it was trimmed down from a 3 hour running time

Only Sup Forumsedditors hate it

Posting Superior Western Live Action Anime

>because scarjo isnt asian
because scarjo is a piece of shit

OP here, kinda agree on
>shit sound track
They should've used more weird japanese vocalizations.
I respectfully disagree with the rest of your arguments though.

but in the movie she is

This might be the reason for the hardcore anime fans.
But i don't get why reviewers gave it such a low score because they probably have never seen the anime, it's actually a good movie on it's own.

Some of them have. It's pretty well known even in US.

Because 1995 animation movie was a good cyberpunk movie about the limit between machine and human, evolution and the question "what am I ?"
The scarjo movie is just a pretty Robocop/Jason Bourne movie.

Some things in it were amazing, some were downright awful, should have made a movie about two hours of s9 doing a cool investigation and action, rather than focusing on this awful, cliche genesis story.

>People complain the actress isn't asian
>let's make her mind asian, maybe they will be pleased

its terrible, the graphics weren't very good either

It's garbage in every possible way except

the story was a shit robocop ripoff.

scarjo can't act. when she isn't being a manic pixie dream girl in Lost in Translation. She is just a monotone stoic.

the movie starts by telling you who the bad guys are, the head of the company that built the Major. so there is no weight or reveal to the Kuze story arc.

the major has little to no character development. even when she discovers who she was before. It barely changes her. they try to end the movie with a moral. that no one can tell you who you are. yet the major ends the movie by continuing to be a Section 9 operative. her past as an anti cyberization anti government rebel teen, is basically a non issue.

Batou and Aramaki were the only good parts of the movie.

the original movie was only used to storyboard some scenes. basically nothing from the manga, other movies, or the anime.

because Scarlet Jewhansen

Best cyberkino in years

Even if it was a stand alone film and the original never happened, it was still boring and empty aside from visuals and the mother scene.

The ending was way too safe, basically a return to status quo

Because it isn't diversity when you incorporate a white person into an all asian story.

>status quo
So Major didn't change in any way, hmm?

other than knowing that she used to be a japanese girl, nope.

the major keeps on being the weapon that Hanka Robotics built her to be.

msm hivemind.

usa gov used this flick as a testbed for some new powerful mind control shit, and it was an astounding success. there's no other rational explanation.

Just finished it last night

Indirectly, yes.

For a role such as this, you could have hired a scrub since the actual character is supposed to be a machine. You could have shaved off 10% of the budget easily from this, and with a few script changes shaved of 15% of the budget. This alone would have made it at least slightly profitable instead of a flop.

It's a total Hollywood cash in of an actual good movie and it feels like that all throughout. There is nothing redeemable here. Accept that your liking it is perpetuating this endless cycle of Hollywood being creatively bankrupt.

I think you are absolutely on point on the character development part.
Also, they just slapped all the references to the original OVA to give a wink at the older fans, but in the end it came as a very weak movie.


it starts out good and it turns in to "take down a mustache twirling villain in a cyberpunk setting" movie

The last Robocop is better than this Ghost in the Shell. The man to machine drama in that was much better and so was the corporate antagonist.

Scarjo is shit in everything besides under the skin because she barely talks and is at least naked.

>only watches trash