Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?

who will play him in the inevitable biopic?

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>there will be youtuber/twitch biopics in 10-15 years
And here I thought we were already at the bottom with capeshit and sequels.


>this is an "average" size in America


>pewdiepie biopic directed by david fincher

Can I be Ishmael?

the real question is who will be the first youtuber/streamer to have a biopic?
sodapoppoin' is my bet, he has the popularity and narcissism

>le capeshit and sequels amirite?


Why is obesity glorified? Or is fat fuck like a car crash, you slowdown just to observe the carnage?

>unironically defending capeshit





god i hope the fat thing waddling behind him is his wife


Why do you disgusting heartless Sup Forums right wingers want to deny this man health insurance on the basis of a preexisting condition? His weight isnt his fault, and even if it was, healthy people should be forced to be in the same insurance pools as him because health care is a human right. He has a right to get hundreds of thousands of dollars of medical care for not being able to stuff his mouth full of mayonnaise. And those making healthy life choices should pay for it.

Stop being so heartless and return to Sup Forums

This guy just uses his YouTube popularity as an excuse to avoid losing weight. He's had years to lose weight and he's still a fat fuck.

why is this allowed?

white """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""people""""""""""""""""""""""""


>His weight isnt his fault
Yes it is.

brown people really have no standards