Is it still the king of capeshit?

Is it still the king of capeshit?


if only for dafoe's "work was murder" line

Spider-Man 2 and 1, yeah. Right at the top.

Honestly 1 is just a big basket of cliches but fuck me if the execution wasn't perfect. Such a genuinely fun movie.

Yep, it's just like a comic book sprung to life.

not since 2008,I mean...unless you're an edgy/contrarian/hipster kid wanting to disagree with the entire world just for the sake of it



That movie isn't very good outside of the Joker, honestly. I feel like the Nolan movies just set the precedent for more comicbook adaptations that are ashamed of the source material. Still better than most in the genre though, but that's because the genre is pretty bad overall.

After TKDR it's clear Nolan made the Joker so good by literal accident since he cannot write for shit and his villains doing elaborate plans that are completely random and non-sensible is actually a mistake and it only seems to work well with the Joker because coincidentally that's his personality.

Honestly, I didn't expect the Birth of a Nation to get a superhero remake, but once you're accustomed to the idea, it's actually a great movie.

Rewatching it recently, I feel like it kinda lost a bit of its initial sting. Still a great film, but the pacing around the middle of the film felt off to me on recent viewings.

I feel like Winter Soldier is the modern comic book film others are compared to as of right now.

Not until Emily Jean started starring in them.

I never bought into this meme. He sounds like he was written by a 14 year old edgelord and I really felt no fear for that character.

Name two things wrong with Spiderman 2
Pro tip: You can't

This man understands.

BB and TDK are genuinely great movies. Nolan has a great track record, with TDKR really being the biggest fail

t b h its been so long since I've seen 2 I legit don't remember much about it other than the villain was a metal octopus that has a weirdly heartfelt scene or two

Watch it again, its kino



>blade 2 over blade
>v for vendetta
>hell boy


>how peter made that suit without experience and being poor?
>movie is a copy of SM 1 in many ways like ,villain is a normal guy that had a bad day and got crazy but is still a good man when sane.

>"Ashley Kofka"
>bad dialogue

First one is irrelevent two Spiderman 2 (Plus he made it, who cares after that)
Second is not a flaw

TDK > SM2 >SM1 > BB > TDKR > SM3

>Hulk 2003
>Not Great Tier

>spawn that high
>TASM 2 not in shit tier
>TASM 2 and spiderman 3 on the same level
>TASM 2 higher than superman returns
>superman returns that low
>batman forever that high
>MOS that high
>Superman 78 not even ranked

>Not really

Well 2 is. Currently. And by the time Justice League comes out it will be The Dark Knight again. Because your goldfish brain can't think farther than Marvel or DC. Hellboy is the true King of Capekino.

Fucking denial

Spiderman 2 has almost no faults. It is the top kino

Punisher War Zone should be in God Tier, Ang Lee's Hulk in Great, and Constantine in Good.

>liking the piece of shit that was superman returns more than or equal to man of steel.

Man of Steel is the best Superman movie to date, fight me.

I don't know what "Ashley Kafka" means. You can't say bad dialogue, because thats not true.
You can't list a "Flaw" from the first one and you can't say it as a retread if its not. Just because both villains are jekyll/hyde like doesn't mean shit

The circumstances of him making that suit aren't a flaw. That's a nitpick. It literally doesn't matter how he made it.

Man of Steel is the most bland Superman movie to date. A lot of things happen but it feels like nothing is happening.

>Continuity mistakes(a lot)
>retarded bullshit(only 25 pounds of tritium in the world)

Thats a lazy way of saying I didn't like the movie but I don't know why.
How you can think that of Man of Steel but can suffer through return of Superman or the Christopher Reeve ones is beyond me.

Its like saying Batman and Robin is better than The Dark Knight and its because the Dark Knight has a lot happening but feels like nothing is happening.

1940's Superman is long gone, get with the times grandpa.

Get a loaf of this fucking pleb.

Man of Steel is legit more boring than Superman Returns.

As long as it isn't rye.
Good tier is fair enough imo

Hulk is one of the most criminally underrated supehero movies

>doesn't even have a cape
>isn't even shit
This is just an action movie.

You're right.