What are some good dark comedies?

What are some good dark comedies?

Pick related is a underappreciated gem.



requiem for a dream. laughed through most of it

this was great


I highly recommend Man Bites Dog from 1992 (original title "C'est arrivé près de chez vous")


Four Lions is great, but it is more of a black comedy, not dark like Very Bad Things.

Such a good film

American Psycho

Thanks, will check it out.

Kontroll (2003)

Fargo, Cornetto trilogy, In Bruges, RocknRolla

Death to Smoochy


Big Nothing

Ghost World is fun

and what fucking movie is this supposed to be you shithead

Everything by Lanthimos

Death To Smoochy

This. OP, next time provide the title. People will be more likely to reply.

It's Very Bad Things.

this pic in op triggered me to remember a simlair four dude fucked up movie that i saw which had jeremy pive called i melt with you. 2011. also underated, now i am going to watch it again, thanks op. i will prob check out very bad things also now

Dr. Strangelove is an obvious choice. If you haven't seen it, you should.