The Shining

What's Sup Forums's opinion on this film?

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Good, but check this shit out:

I might watch it one of these days.

Based Kubrick

Best Kubrick film

one of the best movie of all time, if you're smart enough to notice the details



instills a sense of dread in a way that only Polanski movies can compare to

come on mate it literally tells you who shot kennedy in that image

I don't get it

kubrick used 2 separate photos with 1 subtle difference

I didn't get that it was a horror film until he was about to fug that ghost and she got all ugly. I thought his job was fucking badass, and the whole, slowly going insane part would just be icing on the cake.
Like a benefits package of the job.


there's no ghosts, he only ever sees ghosts when he's in front of a mirror

What the FUCK did I just watch?

Sup Forumss not here right now...

>there are people dumb enough to think this was a coincidence

>Mr, we don't want to play anymore :(

It's the greatest horror film ever made in my opinion. There are too many boring sections in the Exorcist for that film to be on this one's level.

and what's that fucking difference? all i see is a slightly larger black mass where his shoulder is supposed to be

Post production was a mistake.

you cant see the lady's joint/cigarette in one version

whoa....... so this is true cínémá..............

Someone post that picture of Katherine McVampire holding hands with her hot brown girlfriend ala twins style

How does he get out of the freezer then?

is that important?

They're passing a doobie.

in the horror field the thing is better but as a whole the shining is the best

So who or what was Tony?
Is Tony a manifestation of The Shinning?

someone actually had the time and money to make that ?

we as a society are fucked/....

Stephen King wrote a semi-sequel to the Shining years later and it turns out Tony was Danny's older self talking to him.

Is this movie actually scary?

Too violent

It scary, but not like jump-scare scary.

Its a comfy/suspenseful scary.

Just watch it.


Can it still be suspenseful if you already know how it turns out and don't give a shit about any of the characters?

What was supossed to be scary or suspenseful in this film?

Yes, but remember to always meet horror movies halfway by watching them in the dark without distractions and no pauses, or only emergency pauses.

Overrated, mediocre, symbolism lost on me since I am not american

No. It's sometimes mildly amusing, nice scenery, shit acting/characters/story. Kubricks worst movie by a long way.

sum serious autism you got there

>I am not American so I didn't understand a movie with 4 actors

no you're just retarded

what did the handprint mean?

It's just the design, Rob.

What do you consider his best? Some shit like Spartacus?

How much did Kubrick know, guys?

I'm not much of a kubrick fan but I'd put 2001 and barry lyndon toward the top, lolita and the shining at the bottom and the rest in the middle

quite possibly the most entry level taste in Sup Forums history

great movie

ocean house hotel mission is also better than stephen king's book



This is kino.


wtf is wrong with you, it clearly shows the connection between the bush administration and Saudi aristocrats who funded the 9/11 attacks.

I made it a minute in before turning off. Whenever someone asks "what does 'it's reddit' mean" I'll link this video.

back at you if you like lolita and the shining.


Bloodlines is the shit, Nosferatu best clan.

fucking reddit

why did people hate it so much when it first came out?

But what did it mean?


It's like Adult Swim became more Reddit than is possible

Bathtub scene is the spookiest scene in movie history. It's not even close. I'm uneasy just thinking of that god forsaken laugh and the way she followed him. Kino horror

Watch the documentary Room 237 for the full autistic spectrum

one of the spookiest movies
incredible amounts of symbolism throughout the whole movie


He's doing the As Above So Below/Baphomet pose in the end shot. So many scenes are related to the tarot deck too.


This one seems like it could be a stretch but still spooky

> A youthful figure in the robe of a magician has the face of the divine Apollo, the sun god, with a confident smile and SHINING eyes. The Magician guides The Fool through the first step out of the cave of childhood into the sunlight of consciousness, just as Hermes guides Persephone out of the Underworld every year. He represents the potential of a new adventure, chosen or thrust upon one. A journey undertaken in daylight, in the Enlightenment tradition. He brings things out of the darkness into the light. He explores the world in order to master it. He is solar consciousness.

All this bizarre shit and nobody ever mentioned the moon landing faked theory, that is unironically impressive. Thanks for sharing all this stuff I had never heard of it.

comfy shining threads are the best

The Shining is so dense. But seriously, I keep learning new things about this movie and all the details put into it. No wonder there are those weird theory docs about it.

kubrick had way too much freetime, too much freetime

I'm really enjoying this thread too.
Please keep dumping your shinning/Kubrick stuff anons I want to go down the Spurdo hole.

This website covers a ton of the symbolism. It's shocking how much is being communicated. The monolith and life/death themes tie in with 2001. The number 42 is weird too. Danny wears the 42 shirt. They watch Summer of '42 on TV. "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" is 42 characters including spaces. 2x3x7=42 (Room 237). There are 42 cars excluding the snowcat in pic related. A rainbow angle is 42 degrees. There's a lot of rainbow symbolism in Eyes Wide Shut too. Some theories suggest Kubrick was trying to send a message about pedos/MKULTRA type stuff with the over the rainbow references.

We do not talk about Doctor Sleep, it is maybe the worst book ever.

>Danny is an alcoholic like his father
>The Shining is a tangible power
>There are "Shining Vampires" traveling the country in RVs sucking the Shining out of people
>Danny makes friend with a Mary Sue literal girl who is the most powerful Shining ever
>Danny defeats the bad guys by summoning the ghost of his father to kill the vampires with an STD
>mfw reading it



You're trying way to fucking hard.

Suppose Kubrick hated the project so much he said fuck continuity and put in pointless random shit to troll the studio, King, and the moviegoers?

it doesn't suck

Not really. If you have the time to browse through the site I linked earlier, it's clear there are intentional parallels. They both deal with life/death/afterlife and consciousness themes.

in pic related (7 diamonds each shot) each shot occurs towards the end of the film when each character is progressing towards death/rebirth.

I remember that book! Didn't finish it because it was awful.

>A director uses similar directorial styles in his movies


You actually have to be pretty fucking dense not to see the connection.

>A director uses Life/Death symbolism and archetypes based on Ancient religions/mythology in two of his films made ~20 years apart.

>directorial styles

It's not debatable if you look at the site. It would take me hours to post all the information here.

If I look at the site will you stop posting?


None of that shit means anything. All those "symbols" were in the original 1920s photo that they 'shopped Jack's face onto.

what kind of photo is that?

They put a tux on Jack and retouched him into a vintage photo. He's literally the only thing different about the pic.

does the pic exist in real life?

I read an anecdote somewhere (I think Full Metal Jacket Diary) that said Kubrick didn't give a shit about continuity and in one scene there was a chair in the background he thought the audience would find distracting so he threw it out in the middle of shooting.

No, they from scratch made a complete fake photo from the 1920s. Then after they made the fake photo they then photoshopped Jack into their fake photo.


Yep. More info here: