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>African-Americans.. as I like to call them


>"Mine's a Dell"
>Has Macbook

Every time

Come on man don't laugh at 9/11

I was walking through, debris and blood, in the streets of New York, searching for my.. brother. He was up in Canada.

new episode in 10 days

Reminds me of that tragedy.


Norm grew a great big bushy beard for the new season.

Predictions for the Jenner episode?

Why in Earth did he grew that horrible beard?

So people have a harder time recognizing him. Also because he can. user have you never tried letting your beard grow just 'cause?


>have you never tried letting your beard grow just 'cause?
Is that you, Sam?

One minor problem....the set! its too distracting . why are there so many clocks? we're not tuning in, to see what time it is in hong kong, we're tuning in to listen to comedians do comedy, plus some douchebag i dont know who he is but i'd like to punch him right in the fucking face!


>and then there's this guy over here, you know he's a famed holocaust denier, right?
>"who, Adam?"
>yeah this fucking prick, can you believe it? keep talking about how the chimney wasn't connected to the main building and death toll number changing and on and on
>"I-I'm not a holocaust denier, I'm Jewish actually, so.."
>Norm shakes his head

which episode was this? how far in?

My idea of heaven is sitting on a cloud playing a harp watching all my friends get fucked by the devil

I don't remember which one specifically but I saw it in the Jokes compilation video I'm pretty sure.

Butthole, second knuckle


has Norm become Reddit: The Comic

The meanest dogs are generally found guarding concentration camps

what nonsense are you typing?


norm is to Sup Forums what Sup Forums is to reddit

read it in bob's voice

post it. its so great

>Godfrey just losing it
I never realized watching Iago piss himself with laughter would be so entertaining.