I was blown away by Nova in War for the Planet of the Apes...

I was blown away by Nova in War for the Planet of the Apes. She is the most adorable and precious thing I've ever seen and I dread to think what was done to her for her to get the part in this film.

The pedo casting couch isn't real... right guys? Please tell me this delicate flower wasn't harmed.

What the fuck is wrong with you

JESUS CHRIST What is wrong with you?


is this in the new apes movie?

how much screen time does she have?

What's wrong with Hollywood is the real question. Any movie with child actors gets me thinking about the things Elijah Wood and Corey Feldman have said recently

>p-please stop talking about my pedo ring

I'm sure she's just fine.

pedophilia, I think that's quite evident

>stares emotionless at the corpse of her father and shows no sign of sadness
>cry's when the gorilla that she has only known for maybe a day at the most dies

what did she mean by this?

how fucking new are you?
are you a shill

Spielberg is into young boys. Cruise is in into big guys

excuse me but this board has always been full of racist pedos

I know you're concerned and all but christ you sound fucking creepy as hell.

>casting couch isn't real
only in cases of nepotism and sometimes even then


nobody is discussing politics?

White girls are far superior and you know it. Look at any shitpost about a young girl, 99% of the time she's white

plz respond

New Apes film.

Substantial screen time.

Yeah that was weird.

Something about this picture is throwing me off. It's like her smile is too small for her face. It's freaking me out

Think about the subliminal messaging here. This girl is whitest, most Aryan looking blonde girl they could have cast. She reacts ambivalently to the dead white cuck who was killed by the tall dark alpha male and subsequently comes to love the strong, dark colored apes who killed her weak white father. It's such a primal display of tribal politics. That whole subplot was a clear metaphor for BBC.

You need to understand how you are being conditioned.

I can get behind this.


Fuck you,I'm not racist.

so we all agree then, racists are more disgusting that paedos
in a recent UK survey, people said that they are more willing to live next to a conviceted paedophile than a racist bigot.

breaking news: muslims prefer living next to other muslims

Fuck you people are disgusting

agreed my friend, nothing worst than a racist sumbag.

(((They))) extra-dimensionally vampirize the boys

Cmon dude, basic Alex Jones kino

I liked the part where the national anthem was played over the apes being whipped.

Breaking news: every group prefers to live next to other member of its own group.

>American cinema
>National anthem is part of the film
>Everyone stands up and starts singing along
>When it's finished they applaud each other and bully those not singing

Yeah, not fascist at all.