Infinity War Bread

Infinity War Bread.

>i am literally shaking
Why the fuck do numales write this garbage?

>still shaking
Sounds like the early signs of parkinsons disease

I would recommend they see a doctor immediately

>using the word "numales" unironically
how to spot a turmpanzee 101

>still shaking

(((eric eisenberg)))

Seriously though, I'd be embarrassed to be a grown ass man writing something like this.

((5)) hours ago

>still shaking

>why do people use figure of speech?!

>we are still shaking

American """"""""""""""news"""""""""""""" everybody

Lol, turmpanzee, check your spelling before trying to insult someone or you will look like a stupid cunt.

>literally shaking
Sup Forumscksuckers detected



He's asking why people use figures of speech that emasculate themselves
>oh my god the big purple grapefruit punched someone and im still trembling from the fear oh my I may have ptsd


They're shaking from excitement dumbass

most if not all marvel movies are bad movies and millions of people only watch this stupid shit for the very same fucking reason people like pewdiepie became famous: the masses apparently enjoy watching "entertaining" media that allows them to flip that switch in their heads and be brainless for a couple of hours. whether it's mindless nonsense action or a swedish faggot screaming at a camera... doesn't matter. same goes for the success of games like battlefield/cod etc.

people are stupid and enjoy stupid shit. these movies are only successful cuz of that very fact.



what did they mean by this?

He's gotta be careful with all that shaking.
The special edition Avengers™ Pepsi™ in his Spider-Man™: Homecoming™ themed Swag Bag might fizz all over his Disney's™ Marvel's™ Avengers™:The Infinity War™ Gift Cards, redeemable at any Target© or Walmart©.

No shit buddy, it just comes off as pathetic.


>Something bad happens
>Start shaking

>Something good happens
>Start shaking

>Nothing happens
>Start clapping

this perhaps?

Tobh you guys are a bunch of curmudgeons. This movie is going to be epic, yeah epic. If you're not an angry fuddy duddy and actually let yourself enjoy (crazy concept right?) the MCU movies, this is going to be the dopest of them all.

>20 movies of buildup and we haven't seen Thanos do shit

Can they possibly deliver?

you just hate fun

No. He'll be invincible for the first half and then Tony will just pull a math equation out of thin air that allows him to destroy the gauntlet or something

>tony destroys thanos self-esteem with lots of quips and thanos self-destructs in a big purple explosion
>"hey, does any want some grapefruit slices?"

Well the footage did show him using the gauntlet to drag a moon onto the planets surface

I don't get it, grapefruits aren't purple

>The shakening

How do we save the west?


Unless the defenders don't show up then I'd rather stream it.

Say hi to your wife's son for me


>Homecoming is flopping quick distract them!
literally every shill blog right now

>They're shaking from excrement dumbass

>i am literally shaking

>meme spouters acting as they have any authority in criticizing how people express themselves

So Caps totally gonna die right? His death would probably be the only one that'd elicit any sort of emotional response from me

>bear grills Gerber baby food knife

what did you expect

Can't wait. I'll stand up and cheer when Captain Globalism gets his.

Isn't it too early to start shilling?

Like is Homecoming bombing this hard?

Marvel pre-Avengers 5: Teflon Don Trump working his way to the Republican nomination
Marvel during Avengers 5: Trump on election night
Marvel post Avengers 5: Trump after being sworn in

Marvel has no real plan for after Thanos except prequels with Ant-Man, the Ravagers, and the Sorcerer Supreme.

get out


When I saw scarlet witch's tits i was literally shaking too.


I just feel like we should have seen him do something already. So then we could be like "wow, if he's that powerful already, imagine how he'll be with all the chaos emeralds."

Is that Ivan Ooze?

t. reddit

>he shakes when he gets excited
Check yourself for neurological disorders

Honestly I believe you're some 9/10 b8 with this post.... [sic] right?

>it was her turn !!

>mfw I'm excited for IW

>literally shaking from a garbage movie
How fucking autistic can you be?


Literally everyone here is. They're just too scared to admit it

Where does
>start tipping exorbitant amounts of money for services you already paid for
fit in the equation?

Are you guys believers in that goofy old adage "more than 3 shakes and you're jerking off?"

Definitely apropos here, however I can't help but think sayings/ethea like this are one of the reasons there's supposedly traceable amounts of male urine in the average buffet.

That said, I post here because I endeavor to do the discourse equivalent of traceable amounts of male urine in the average buffet.


>Express themselves
But they aren't, they're expressing journalism trends to the nth degree because people love that shit for some reason.

it's quite kino tbqh with you famalam desu

Wow, so this is the power of Sup Forums....
Not one of those faces doesn't scream "AUTISM!"

>Garbage movie

You haven't even seen any fucking footage from it yet you troglodyte

Still more diversity than most liberal groups

Not a bad looking cake.


kill yourself

>capeshit, a marvel one at that
>not a garbage movie

I know youre trolling, but in the case you're not, plz leave.

Post your dead eyes.

You'd need a time machine cuz it's all been over for a really long time, user.

You sure would know, fatty.

What did you mean by this user?

What else do you expect from reddit marvelcucks?

you misused trademark and copyright signs

>Marvel movies are garbage meme
None of them are shit, most of them are just mediocre with some bright spots like Iron Man and Winter Soldier

Why is Snyder so obsessed with cocks ??

t. triggered Sup Forumserina

This will be NYT headlines 10 years from now.

Instead of headlines like "Crash on parkway kills mother of 2" it will be "Mother dead after crash. We can't even..."

>waaahhhhh make fun of him
Why? He looks friendly and can bake. Post up a timestamp photo of you tough guy. I bet you're a bigger loser.

they are all mediocre and alle the same.
Literally a landfill.

PLZ go back to r/marvelcucks

Yeah I can see working with Snyder really went well for Ben

they have parkinsons you cock

>whiteknighting fat neckbeards
Geeez, a new low

I honestly can't tell if that's a woman or not. Looks gay as fuck.

>no photo
What a shock. Go on big man show us what you look like. Bet you're a fucking disaster.

Hello pajeet you are back with your new oc again?

grapefruit isn't purple dipshit


>t. Reddit tranny

I'm not. IW is a clusterfuck of all the marvel heroes. It's going to be a headache to watch.

>Sup Forumstarts get proxy triggered when fat neckbeards with Drumpf hats get made fun off

Honest question: are you on the spectrum?

>call other people "numales"
>they're numales themselves


>no photo
You're the reddit tranny aren't you? Fucking hell for you to be talking about peoples appearances is classic comedy. Post up a picture.

t. triggered the_drumpf neckbeard with Drumpf hat and ebin reddit frog cake from photo

Lel I knew it. Fucking hell I've seen the dischord photos you look like an absolute trainwreck. You should feel a kinship to people who look terrible. You're one of them.