Can't direct

>Can't direct
>Can't write the script
Why is Affleck being skrewed over so much?

Just like Snyder was fired (for those who think he chose to leave due to his daughter: why then has he messaged fans comments about BvS and replied to people asking about the symbolism in them if he choose to abandon the DCEU?), it looks look WB are taking full control and putting Affleck to the side for some reason.

It would be funny as hell if he dropped out completely. Everybody thought he was the best thing about BvS but that's like saying weight loss is the best thing about aggressive pancreatic cancer.

Not enough quips and shoehorned bat-family members to use for future spin offs probably

Live By Night flopping damaged his reputation and his own personal morale.

Well they need to set up Whedons Batgirl somehow. Now that WW is the hottest shit in the DCEU all breaks are lose. Expect gay Wonder Woman (i know, that is basically her only character trait) to be the bravest cape film of 2020.

>Everybody thought he was the best thing about BvS
But he was. To me, BvS had potential to be good but unfortunately the movie fell in the gutter.

>People actually think it's a masterpiece
Not at all. What would have made it actually good is if the film spent some time mentioning Robin, what Batman had been up to recently, whereabouts of Joker, his relationship with Alfred, his private life.

All in all they should have released the Batman movie before BvS.

>All these screenshots of Affleck's Batman looking like he will have a lot of cool scenes
Instead we have random Lex and Lois subplots.

Yeah... a 5 minute scene which was all about Superman's mother

Wow. That's a serious fall from grace. Wasn't he Snyder's supervisor at one point?

>It would be funny as hell if he dropped out completely.
Pretty sure he wants to.

Suck it DC. This is what happens when you try to step above your pay grade.

Zack Snyder wouldn't be girefbbecause he's still ill directing part 2 idiot

It's just not fair

>mfw Ben drops out of Batman and is cast as Batgirl

The guy directing has done the most dark blockbusters to date. It'll be super grime dark

>we will never get another Christopher Nolan Batman
I hate this shit world.


>Why is Affleck being skrewed over so much?

Because he has no talent.

Next question.

>Zack Snyder wouldn't be girefbbecause he's still ill directing part 2 idiot

The script was written by Ben Affleck and Geoff Johns. It was bound to be a mess. Better to leave it to a capable director.

Sup Forums took them for granted. They were genuinely well-made films with solid acting across the board, great scores, good scripts, and tightly woven storylines by a group of people that were actually talented. Now WB is trying to follow Disney's lead by hiring directors and trying to have ultimate authority over the final product, yet they don't have a Kevin Feige talent on their roster.

>Now WB is trying to follow Disney's lead by hiring directors and trying to have ultimate authority over the final product

They got Matt Reeves to do Batman. He's far from some television yes man director.

Why are Marlels larping in a world where DC is DOOMED TO FAILED....even though they've been saying that for the past 4 movies and its shown that there's no stopping.
If Affleck wanted to leave he would've done so, there's nothing stopping him. It's clickbait bullshit that Sup Forums contrarians are spreading after WW and SS Oscar BTFO them out of the fucking water.

>D23 happens
>Surge of Marvel Pajeets

Reeves has as many poorly-reviewed projects as the Russos, user.

he has one

He probably wanted out after the shitfest BvS turned out to be. It's hard enough to be under scrutiny for his Batman portrayal, imagine adding writing and directing to that. It's just too fucking much.

he said he wanted to make a detective Batman movie
then they decided to use Deathstroke as the main villain, it's going to be action shit worse than Lego Batman

I'm honestly looking forward to The Accountant sequel more than this.

Matt Reeves ... Only rotten thing on his resume
The Pallbearer in 1996

Dawn 90%
War 94%
Cloverfield 77%
Let Me In 88%

If only he had something like You, Me & Dupree on his resume.

>If Affleck wanted to leave he would've done so, there's nothing stopping him.
There's these things called contracts that actors sign. That's what's stopping him.

So do the Russos. That's my point.

They have 3


They have 2: You, Me, and Dupree and Welcome to Collinwood

Aubrey plaza wants to play cat woman, yay or nay Sup Forums