Is it kino? Is he /our guy/?

Is it kino? Is he /our guy/?

he is a manlet

fuck off homo

of course

Marvel fans BTFO

Who the hell is he?
Why is he in every porn ad?

That doesn't seem like it would be pleasurable at all.

That's a pretty decent twink but the whole being straight and fucking a cow along with the autism is kind of a dealbreaker

based jordi

What's Phoenix Marie thinking here?

Is Phoenix Marie a literal semen demon from Hell?

Sauce for the love of god

Just like in my chinese pornographic cartoons...

he has a big dick, he's not /our guy/.

Fot you

I suspect Jordi-el-niƱo-polla is in the autistic spectrum, not trolling. Maybe assperger.

Nice job. You fucked it up. Two shitty words. You couldn't even do that right. You miserable piece of shit. I hope you fall down a flight of stairs.

>new Jordi scene tomorrow

You're an angry gut.

>watching straight porn based on the male actor
Do straight "men" really do this?

danny is our guy

Yes. I can self insert into Jordi's role, because I am also a manlet

>he hasn't been avidly following Jordi's career since his first few vids

I hate her face so much


Why did phone have to bust her face up with Botox?

Do you think anyone has ever masturbated to this?

he is one of the youngest looking legal porn stars out there, so that makes him really famous by default. Most guys really like the young guy fucking a mature women scenario, he is perfect for it.


not this specific part, but I have to this scene. At one part she picks him up, puts him completely upside down and sucks his cock while bear hugging him, its fucking hot familam

Manuel Ferrara is based as fuck. If I'm looking for a video of a specific woman and I have the choice between a Manuel scene and a non-Manuel scene, I'll choose the Manuel scene every time.

Her closed-lipped smile makes her look pretty retarded.

The glasses somehow make it worse.

>Uncut cock
Ahmed pls go

>tfw Edge browser
>tfw can't enjoy the shenanigans of Sup Forums any more

>bane threads instantly pruned and 3 day ban
>this stays up for 30+ replies

They used to call him little Janny Hotpockets. He'd make your board look like fuckin reddit, scuse my language. He was terrific, he was the best, and he did it for free too.

Salud janitor.

you know mudslimes mutilate their dicks just like jews and burgers right?

Who is raping who ?

and people say manlets are unattractive and women don't like them

Can't say I'm as educated on Muslim penis

I've heard that once pornstars start doing black porn, they ruin their careers and star becoming less desirable? How is our girl doing nowadays?



>tfw when we finally purge all jews and muslims from the world burgers will also get exterminated
Serves you right for being good goys.

Insecure tall nerds started that meme to make themselves feel better and short people have been helping them spread it ever since.

Not telling tee hee

This. WAnt to know

It makes you look very retarded when you talk about stuff you know nothing about, especially if your try to make an insult.

What does sticking your dick in a vagina feel like?

>t. manlet

like losing your identity

Elsa Jean


Elsa Jean newfag trash

debbie duudoe

Losing your sense of self tbqh.


>the exact reply I anticipated
I bet you aren't even over 6'

nobody fucks with the rocco

no he just barely knows any english

>Being this bumruffled
Calm down dick cheese

Bett from The Walking Dead ??

Like a bag of sand

It's true. There are a lot of insecure white boys out there who'll consider a woman "tainted" for taking black dick, although one could argue she was already tainted by all the semen she's taken


>tfw no jordi bf

Just pointing out your stupidity, bud. No need to get upset.

>thread still up

Can he ever be stopped?

Who's the qt?


you realize they are actors right?

I never got the impression Phoenix is all that large aside from her ass

yet I see her frequently in scenes recently where she's lifting up other people in odds positions

is she /fit/ in her own way or she just works with man and womanlets these days?

Try not being fat


It's just weird that these mediocre looking and kind of goofy men become porn stars

Reminds me a bit of David Duchovny. Guy's a sex addict despite being kind of a weird looking midget. Women like that sort of thing for some reason.

reported of implied child porn

Why can't these sites admit they aren't going to make any money and take commissions for scenes involving some sperg's favorite pornstars instead of doing the japanese thing and becoming weirder hoping to attract more freaks?

protip, how a man actually looks means fuck all in the porn industry

casting agents really look for a combination of the biggest dicks possible and stamina/ability to remain hard/get hard on command

I don't know man, it's just kinda disgusting desu. Not that her being a general cum slut would make things better but that blacked stuff is just the cherry on top of her degeneracy list.


Would you let this succubus consume your vitality for $50?

>an unfunny meme is better than porn


getting blown counts as losing one's virginity these days?

or did he let her snowball him?

most men can't stay hard for an hour with a whole film crew watching. looks isn't really the limiting factor for male pornstars.

>Post deleted
Is the janny deleting posts ITT but not the actual thread?

reddit janitors

I clapped.

>you will never have a qt gf that got blacked

porn is Sup Forums

>what is finishing in her mouth

Hi Quentin
I promised you a surprise for tomorrow
Remember :^)


based Jordi

Something that people in real life never do?

>THICC posters irl

How much does it cost to hire Chloe?


Remember burning the coal is bad for even sheboons

>the front page of Sup Forums is porn
Feels good The newfag janny has been deleting anything off topic or that he wasn't aware of being part of Sup Forums immediately. The porn being back makes this feel like home again.

>Thread still up
Jesus christ, this shithole of a board is pretty much dead. I'm back to Sup Forums now.