Those lips

haha that actually is pretty funny

third time ive seen this posted on Sup Forums today

That child is ugly as sin


>half black kid
>looks 100% Slavic


maybe you should spend less time here

The albining is real.

>it's another Sup Forumstards harass white women in interracial relationships despite being virgins themselves episode
You people are truly pathetic. Let people be happy.

thats beside the point

what the fuck was she expecting?

Manjaw made for precision steel cutting


I'm hoping it's just bad angle+timing

Why is always blondes? They really are as stupid as the stereotype portrays them aren't they?




Like a white Tuvok



Polish after all lmao

She looks pretty attractive to me


>in interracial relationships

Not anymore.

>Let people be happy.
>singe mother now because the dindu that knocked her up left her like dindu's do
>child is hideous

she's not in a relationship no mo homie

Black + white = black

Cute kid. She's gonna look more adorable with age. Would date Mum to be closer to that adorable looking girl.

>pol loses so many arguments that they have to go after a literal baby


You know, user, that's a really funny way of saying "in the last twenty years since the Internet became accessible to just about everybody, we have worked mercilessly to find out what you probably knew but didn't want to address - that the Rothschild Family, George Soros, David Rockefeller and a host of other soulless individuals have been working non-stop for the last 250 years, from generation to generation, to destroy every non-Jew on this planet and create a paradise for themselves, and themselves only."

I'm pretty sure that's what you meant, right? Right?

Pro-tip, sonny. There's no "middle ground" anymore. They control the banks. They control the media. They control your "entertainment" that you talk about here on Sup Forums. They control everything and use unethical and immoral means to continue controlling it.

You're with them, or you're with us. Take the Sup Forums pill. We have a cosy fire and marshmallows!


Name me a time when Sup Forums was wrong. I'll wait.

Is this accurate, fellow redpilled gentlemen?


Not at all, friend. The winning never ends, so sometimes we take a little break from our schedule and go after fresh meat.

wait that cant possibly be the black guys kid is it? Its white, so no wonder he left. Right?

Only in liberal cities, and the fat obese numale voted Bernie

You shouldn't be laughing at a kid that's mean. Sad how the parents are really the ones to """blame""" yet the child will be the recipient of all of the jokes.

>girl now has to raise an ugly kid with bad genes all by herself
>its statistically proven that kids without fathers are more likely to be criminals or psychologically damaged, too

whos happy except the niggerfuck who takes no responsibility? seriously she and him and the kid deserve all the hate they can get

This is sad.

Claiming they're not virgins

Damn, mixing is literally like tweaking the rpg character creation buttons. Why aren't genes more subtle and just go full negroid?

single mothers are a burden on the society.

The poor bastard of a baby never had a chance

When they claimed romney was gonna win?
When they claimed Le Pen was gonna win?

That's some projection there, champ.

To be fair to Sup Forums they're not harassing her but are merely mocking her on the internet.

im pol and not a virgin

wat now

She deserves it.

I actually feel bad for the kid

Imagine not even being a year old and neckbeards already make fun of you

I dunno user....

Looks like an albino orc baby. Fucking nigs lmao.

its really funny
i can't look at the picture of the kid without laughing

I'm filipino and this why I am scared to breed with blond women, their features are just way too different.

my brother married an Italian and my nephew's at least look normal since his wife has dark hair and olive skin which blended together a bit better.

would look totally retarded if they ended up blonde and shit

she looks like a cunt cant blame him for taking off

>living anywhere near niggers

Projecting virgin redditor

>When they claimed romney was gonna win?
No they fucking didn't.

>When they claimed Le Pen was gonna win?
Also wrong. They wanted her to win, but they knew she was going to lose badly.

Technically she's not in an interracial relationship anymore.

I saw a post on reddit that said bernie was going to win. Fucking liberals never right lol.

>muh Sup Forums boogieman
Back to r*ddit.

They often do, most blacks in the US are mixed

>Sup Forums
>celebrating impurity

even the commies over there want whores rounded up with the rest of the undesirables.

ur not a slut are you user? ur waiting for marriage, right?

Oooh what about them? They look... fresshhh!

As if any of you desperate fa/tv/irgins wouldn't fuck her and take care of the child if she asked you to.



It's because blacks are especially aggressive in acquiring blonde girlfriends and cumming inside them.

Cheering for Le Pen was not the same as claiming she was gonna win and Romney was wishful thinking fueled by polls.
t. old french Sup Forumsack


Lots of chinks mix with Slavs and turn out fine

>when they claimed romney was going to win
Just how new are you?

stop blaming the woman she`s just a victim of the jewish media

Looks like miscegenation is back on the menu boys!

Uh huh

So personal responsibility and independent thought no longer exist?


She's an idiot. She deserves to be ridiculed for thinking she can mate with a nigger and not end up a single mother.

Thats a fucking child you sick fuck

never claimed they were going to win. They just rooted for them. Trump was memed into existence.

She made bad choices and now she has to live with them.

That baby is fucking hideous.

>responsibility and independent though

They are literally mental children who follow the strongest leader in their environment.


With a fucked up looking kid.

The neighbours kids are not for eating.

I don't speak Polish but according to some of the comments the title is just clickbait. She's talking about what it's like being a single mother in general, without actually being one.

damn where did he get that cp

>those two nu males in the bottom right
When memes become reality.


Really? I can't imagine having a chinky face then blond or light hair to look decent. seems like it would look retarded.

I can honestly see my nephew's looking Enrique tier who is half filipino in the future since they at least got their mothers nose lol. but even if they got a wide filipino nose it would still suit cos their hair would still be black or a very dark brown

my nephew on my sister's side has my sister's face but his hair is light brown which looks kind of weird. if he had dark hair he would look normal. I really hope he doesn't go Elliot Rodgers in the future. any ways I can prevent this happening?

that said. didn't this pic related nigga have a huge mole somewhere?

She can't help being a victim.
She's a woman after all.


>Its white
Only by skin color. It got the father's race's facial features. It's a literal wigger

The average black American is 30% European with a higher than average % of Injun. In reality they're more like mulattos.

Keanu Reeves is hapa and Bruce Lees kid

The taxpayers and future generations have to live with her bad choices.

Fuck off, redditor