Has there ever been a better trilogy than this?

Has there ever been a better trilogy than this?
> Gamera: Guardian of the Universe
> Gamera: Advent of Legion
> Gamera: Revenge of Iris

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It's also one of the few trilogies that actually got better over time.

I disagree. I find Advent to be the weakest of the bunch. Would actually rank Gamera the Brave of above it.

What don't you like about it?

Found the human element in Legion to be underwhelming. Didn't care much for them. Especially the new girl. I think the child actors of Gamera the Brave turned in strong performances and its one of the best human stories of the genre.

Why is Gamera's tail so long?

Fair enough
I'd actually rank the Heisei era as Revenge of Iris > Guardian of the Universe = Gamera the Brave > Advent of Legion, but it's easier to just say it improves over time

Sub or dub?

I fully approve of this ranking. What did you think about the latest "trailer/teaser?"

I thought it looked cool, and it got me very excited to see what kind of new stuff they could do with the IP.

It's a shame about how bad the CGI is, but that's kind of expected given the fact that it's a proof of concept trailer and Gamera isn't big enough to get a Shin Godzilla-level budget.
I liked the fact that they're continuing with the Gyaos storyline, and I absolutely love the new kaiju they showed off.

If we ever do get another Gamera film, I hope they keep some of the stuff they showed off in that trailer, albeit with better CGI. Given how much traction kaiju movies have been getting lately, it doesn't seem at all farfetched that they might be pushing to make another Gamera.

Honestly, I hope they continue with practical effects. Someone needs to keep the tradition alive. From 90's onward Kadokawa/Daiei were better at it than Toho. Aside from a few mistakes, those films still look great today. Only downside is it would limit its international appeal I imagine.

Iris' design always bugged me. Seemed completely out of place for a Gamera movie.

> Seemed completely out of place for a Gamera movie.
How so? Seems to fit alongside Guiron and Legion fine.

I just thought it was way too busy, especially the CGI tentacles which were very jarring. Legion's design was also complicated but it just looked more rugged so i thought it blended in better with Gamera.

Fair enough. What's your favorite Gamera opponent?


Barugon is the best.

the director of the Gamera trilogy also did this godzilla. I think it's the best of the pre-shin heisei godzillas

Why not Zedus?

It's probably Legion. For such a complex design, I thought it worked very well. Though as silly as they look, I always had a thing for Viras and Barugon. I'd love to see a more modern take on them.

Dub you weeb

I don't think he has a rainbow ray. I'm not sure since I haven't seen that movie.

Zedus was one of the best looking monsters, but he wasn't anything memorable. Except when he eats all those people.

Did you know Ayako Fujitani is Steven Segals's daughter?

One of my favorite Godzilla films. Though from what I've seen online it seems quite a few people don't rate it as highly as his work on Gamera. One of the major hangups is the monsters that replaced Anguirus and Varan. Wasn't Kaneko's fault. He was against it too. They were forced on him due to the disappointing performances of the two prior films. Toho wanted a surefire hit. Mothra and King Ghidorah are Toho's biggest draws after Godzilla. I don't think it's a big deal. And people seem to forget that Ghidorah was used as a hero in Godzilla vs King Ghidorah.

Yep. But I cared more for Maeda. Had the biggest crush on her back in the day.

Each one was superb, so glad I got around to watching them. Legion was my favorite monster, but Iris was my favorite movie. I liked them all though.

I got really emotional with Gamer the Brave. Really underrated movie.

That's cool, were those the original designs for Varan, Angirus, and Baragon (versus what was put in) for that movie? Scrapped designs are really interesting to me.

Why did all the MUTO designs look so generic? Is it so hard to think of something beyond skinny, pale, long-armed, monster? I wish they just went with the teaser monster instead.

Yeah I guess they just wanted that B-2 Bomber look.

Yep. Those are the official scrapped designs. Purportedly the suit designer was a huge fan of Varan and was disappointed by the news. As compensation he incorporated some Varan influence into Ghidorah's heads.