Is this good?

i want to watch a mobster movie and it's between this and millers crossing

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pls oh pls DO NOT WATCH THIS
it's on my top 3 worst moving picture shows ive ever seen in theaters
literally nothing happens: the movie
boring city

Watch Miller's Crossing.

I enjoyed it, but it's laughable how these historic criminals are romanticized and the FBI is portrayed as somehow being a little bit unjust in delivering justice.

true that

b-but christian bale....

Yes, it's very good. It's a bit slow though, so you have to pay attention throughout the film.

Dillinger did nothing wrong. He never killed anybody if he didn't have to, and he gave the money away that he robbed most of the time. The banks deserved it. Remember, it was during the Great Depression. He was seen as a Robin Hood.

watch both u retard.

It was ok, but fell a little flat.

They didn't really have characters. All you learn about Dillinger is that he is good at crime. Literally nothing else. He has no personality apart from this, and everyone else in the film isn't much different.

Its fucking bad dude. Theres one good chase scene with some good music but the other 99% of the film is garbage tier and dry/slow

This. It's one of those films that you want to like more than you do. It's slow and seems to insists on itself a little too much without any payoff.

I remember the use of dramatic music when Johnny Depp was about to give a woman some kind of jewelry as a gift. It was weird and bad. I didn't like this film.

"Hey guys we can rob a bank in under 60 seconds."Cool. It happens. 119 mins of talking. The end

Gunshots sounded good in this movie.

Can't say much else that is positive though.

It's p. lame

Public Enemies is horrendously bad.

Millers Crossing is a 9/10.

Also, aside from being a horrendous mess of a narrative, it's technically incomptent. Features some of the worst cinematography ever released in a major motion picture.

The 60fps used in the film makes it unwatchable

It's very stylish and I have a hardon for all the 1930's firearms.

I un-ironically loved the ending.
It felt good idc if you call me a pleb.

Watch Road to Perdition instead

motherfuckin thompson submachine gun

No thanks I don't watch capeshit, pleb

I'm sorry man jeez

The framerate in this movie made it look like shit.