Decide to watch this with the family

>decide to watch this with the family
>antifa comes on screen and I immediately go back to my room to play vidya
did i miss anything worth wild Sup Forums?

>Sup Forumsfags

you missed paul dano giving another classic performance

>sage is a downvote

literally who?

so you watched like half movie?

other half is a manipulative tearjerker, that incidentally makes a compelling argument for becoming a vegan.


you do know farm animals can't rape each other right? a normal sized pig would just stand there and not give a fuck if it was used for mating

I never understood the point they were making with the movie.

Every character exhibited extremely bad traits that you shouldn't associate yourself with.

Little girl did borderline terrorist activities, damaging property running away from kind old grandpa, having only concern for Okja and herself. A fantasy animal that exhibits human emotions.

The Animal Liberation Front is completely fucking insane, and it's members too. They regularly damage property and are willing to harm other humans for "animal rights".

Even though they are aware of Okja's origins, a genetic experiment to solve world hunger by creating an animal that is better for the environment than cows which are slowly destroying the earth.

Instead of realizing that farming super pigs is exceptionally better than cows, they target the group that will solve other problems other than pointless "animal cruelty".

The Super Cow people aren't even bad, Okja was a created for food. To be better for the environment that would eventually cease production of cows/pigs etc.

I don't remember anything they did wrong, other than hire the steve erwin character who was nuts for no reason.

This movie is to target stupid ass fucking people. Because believe it or not, people actually fucking believe dogs act like Okja, among other animals.

Without realizing that the reason there is so many of these creatures is because we made them to serve our purposes, and because they integrated with our society for centuries people have grown attached to these things created for food, entertainment, service whatever.

They are mass produced to serve our needs and fucks actually think that these things are more important or equal to humans.

Fucking ridiculous.

that's not the point of the movie, and that's a bullshit overgeneralization.

nature intended animals be hunted by predators, not moved to concentration camps and genocided, like tutsis in rwanda

rape is a term invented by humans because we exhibit emotions far above any animal can. Rape is unconsensual sex between humans.

This can't happen to animals, hell even some animals are designed for "raping" with barbed penises and mandibles for latching on to potential mates.

>nature has rules

If animals could, they would.

Thing is they are so fucking stupid they have to result to complete shit bare bones tactics to survive.

That is why they are captured and domesticated for our purposes. Hell, in nature you regularly encounter gluttony, killing for territory even though it isn't warranted, stupid ass animal studies people even encounter vengeance in some animals, and other stupid shit animals do because they are hardwired to do it.

man evolved from nature and now we can make it our bitch. As long as we don't destroy the earth and keep things sustainable it doesn't matter what we do.

b-but dude bernie 2016 dude! just smoke weed and love

since human beings are so smart, why are they still depending on mass murdering cows to get their protein intake? cattle raising is killing the planet.

Because it tastes good. Also, because its not murder, because they're not human.

I'm antifa what's up white boii you scared of Me ya fucking faggot

is highly inefficient and not sustainable. literally worst than any other industry for the environment.


>worth wild

exactly, there really isn't anything we can do to keep all species of animals alive. Creatures go extinct every day when you look at it. It's just stupid ass people think that animals have emotions and rights because we see them everyday, and they are the domesticated ones to. Your dogs, your cats, cows, pigs etc.

Really stupid ass shit, people don't realize that certain species of animals just disapear do to one reason or another, there isn't anyway of saving those.

It could even happen to any animal at any point, but fuck. We see dogs everyday and they are "innocent, beautiful creatures" so we should give them rights and cry when they die.

Humans are the only thing that matters, we obviously shouldn't just destroy anything. But being that the topic movie in hand was actually offering a solution to a really big problem and the whole movie is trying to foil their attempts for some bullshit reason.

Seriously, animals are just as old as we are and they fucking can't do anything. They aren't even close to the value of a human and shouldn't have anything close to the amount of freedoms and rights we have. But stupid fucking people think they should.


>U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) data show that livestock production accounts for 3 percent of greenhouse gas emissions. By contrast, transportation accounts for 27 percent

Wow, its almost like what you're saying is complete bullshit!!

t. sociopath

Okja was shown throughout to have exceptionally high levels of intelligence and empathy. It's clear that, in the their quest to create a better cow, they actually created something far too advanced to be used as a simle food source. While killing fish and chicken is debatable in terms of morality, at least they aren't capable of emotion/thought on a level which should be respected. They're basically machines. Superpigs aren't.

The harvesting of superpigs would be clearly immoral on a level not seen with other livestock. Little girl was right.

There were no concentration camps in Rwanda you idiot, you are thinking of WW2 and the treatment the US gave to Asian Americans.

why can't they destroy what they created? should i log into you BLACKED account and delete it? Cuck.

Hey maybe if you call people stupid more, your argument will get better, edgelord.

Animals display qualities which should be respected. For example, the ability to suffer.

Are you a troll or do you really think like that? I'm not angry, I'm just amazed a person could actually be that stereotypically pathetic and 4channish.

your mom did say her back hurt after i was finished with her last night

I wonder how a sequel would play out assuming the kid meets the ALF again

do i think a person has the right to do what they want to something they created and own? this might blow your cuck mind but yes

golly good one

cars and china actually.

you can't murder cows, they aren't people.

They were actually bred to be stupid and delicious, bovines aren't exactly your prime example of a great lifeform other than eating. In fact, they probably would be extinct otherwise do to human expansion.

99% of the big animals you see that aren't domesticated will be extinct or borderline extinct due to human expansion, who the fuck knows what else will go extinct in the next 50 years.

And the human race will be fucked in 100 years if we don't figure out how to create large amounts of water and terraform the moon/mars etc.

Holy fuck. You done got btfo!

more like american government is protecting a profitable bussiness by telling bullshit to the public

How about their children? They created them. This may blow your mind, but we created laws to protect children, and place them outside the boundaries of ownership. We could do the exact same with animals, if we came to a consensus on what animals are too intelligent or self-aware to eat.
An-cap libertarians like you usually grow out of it by 21, if they aren't too thick

So try not to make them suffer before we kill them. Obviously this isn't always achieved, but its a far more realistic and less obnoxious goal than getting the planet to stop eating meat because in your personal morality system shared by a small minority of the population, its wrong.

>cows are children

It is an unfortunate side effect. And guess what, if they got it that finite to that degree you could just breed out the intelligence or genetically modify it.

I am sorry to say but when you get down to being able to modify shit on the celluar level, you got to expand your ideas of what it means to be cruel and mean.

Because eventually we will be able to just straight up make humans with desired attributes and traits and we will be all the better for it.

Little girl was not raised right for the world they live in, she wasn't taught about the potential future of humanity and how humans are the only thing that can make a change in this world. Some Smart Cow is significant only that it was created by us, to be used by us.

>The major source of food for the population of the world produces a major portion of pollution
Wow, how fucking crazy and amazing! Of course, I forgot plant agriculture uses no water, has no need for any land, produces no land degradation, and has no waste products.

Well, that's what we should be discussing. Morality. Personally, I find the unnecessary death of the more intelligent animals distasteful, and I'll advocate for that point of view. If i convince enough people, maybe we can do something about it.

Please KYS reddit.

what makes you feel empathy for other humans, but not for other mammals? how about people from a different culture or race, do they count as humans?

what make human beings deserving of an special treatment? why can't we just murder and eat the weakest people?

I'm simply making the point that property, as a concept, is determined by the community. It's not set in stone, and can be changed. Perhaps we can consider animals to not be property one day.

Then they should be doing that breeding, and not killing superpigs until it's done. If you can breed a superpig with the intelligence of a fish, they should do that. It would be a lot less morally dubious.

Why does an animals intelligence affect the morality of eating it? What animals are so exceedingly intelligent that they are placed above the others and shouldn't be eaten?

most of the agriculture is necessary only for feeding livestock, retard

Literally never been on that site, i just find the idea of a person sincerely using the word cuck to be really pathetic.

>For example, the ability to suffer.

This is just a biological tick to avoid dying. Every emotion could be rooted down to a base level and reasoning to why it exists.

And they are only significant in humans, no animal has done anything to help humanity other than to feed it and aid it in it's progression early on.

Sadly, people have grown attached to these animals which are insignificant, they will do absolutely nothing to aid the progression of mankind and will ultimately die off because of human expansion.

Believe it or not but Dogs/cats are fucking terrible for the environment and eventually should just be left behind and to have them cease reproducing.

And if the whole world became vegan, suddenly we'd not a fucking shitload of agriculture to feed ourselves instead, you fucking idiot.

Becasue our same perception as humans as being "above killing" comes from our intelligence. It gives us personality, morality, sensitivity to emotions, and understanding of self in relation to the world. These are the traits which put us beyond the realm of being property, and if animals exhibit them, they should have access to the same protections for the same reasons. As for where we draw the line, that's up to our law makers and ourselves as a community.

back to plebbit

>Then they should be doing that breeding, and not killing superpigs until it's done. If you can breed a superpig with the intelligence of a fish, they should do that. It would be a lot less morally dubious.

Why? That is what we did with dogs and cats, every dog you see is a shadow of it's former self never destined to be the head of a pack again.

Every one of them is bred from a beta and those that exhibited alpha techniques were just killed off.

Thing is, Humans are the only thing that matters and especially when we get down to genetic enhancements and perfecting it to the point in Okja. Humanity gots to start caring about eachother, not some stupid experiment that we inherently anthropomorphize because we see traits in them that humans do.

It is our base biological inclinations that do this, which humanity at least the higher end has learned that a lot of that stupid shit can be just subverted.

I really think you're a sociopath, and i don't mean that as an insult, i just don't think you're the kind of person we should listen to when we have this discussion. Most people agree that causing pain and suffering is not a good thing. You seem unable to feel that. I think most people do, but being a vegetarian is difficult, which leads to a real cognitive dissonance about how we treat animals.

I feel empathy for animals, I believe they can be killed and eaten because they are not humans and don't need to be treated in exactly the same way. You realise if they were, the whole comfortable society you live in now would be completely and utterly impossible? We would LITERALLY still be hunter-gatherers surviving day-to-day and killing each other with sticks.

most agriculture wouldn't be necessary anymore.

if the whole world would consume as much meat as americans, there would be literally not enough land on earth to feed the livestock.

which should only be attributed to other humans. Unless we can create or biologically enhance something that actually contributes to the progression of intelligence. Which animals contribute absolutely nothing, other than the ability to experiment on them in place of humans for experiments do to the fact that they are also biological organisms.

When you get smarter and smarter, the lesser organisms don't matter as much. Especially when you can potentially create life like in Okja.

ITT: Reddit spacing

>morality, sensitivity to emotions, and understanding of self in relation to the world

As far as I know, there are NO animals that have these to any significant degree. Would you care to point out some examples though?

Because dogs and cats can't feel, reason, or affect their world like superpigs do. We're talking about a fictionalized animals with traits much closer to humankind. Okja saved the girl from falling, and hid a superpig baby to save it's life. It knew the girl personally. These traits indicate a level of intelligence not found in other animals. If this movie were nonfiction, we should advocate for the animals protection.
I think you have trouble accepting that, because it shatters the arbitrary line you've drawn between humans and animals.

>>U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) data show that livestock production accounts for 3 percent of greenhouse gas emissions
That is still a fucking huge amount for cows farting and shitting everywhere.

I am a huge pro human advancement guy. People treating animals above or equal to humans is quite infuriating, especially when they don't realize why they exist in the first place, and what actual harm they do to environments because they exist.

One of the stupidest things we did was continue the domestication of animals past when they were necessary. Dogs and cats for example are going to be a huge fucking problem in 50 years as they don't stop mating and are super predators.

Cows and livestock is a whole other story, which is also more easily controlled and people don't freak out as much as Dogs and Cats.

I'm mostly just talking about Okja, but it's an interesting thought experiment to try and find where we draw the line, in terms of what we deem too intelligent to kill. For me, the line is far behind Okja.
I think everything has an inherent interest in being alive, and we should respect that. Wy kill something if we can find ways to avoid it. Most people are too lazy, however, and would rather live on in the way they are now. Burgers taste really fucking good.

judging by your writing style I'd beg to differ.
maybe you emigrated from 9gag you sjw cuck puss

You don't treat them above or equal, you simply protect them from being needlessly killed. As our society and technology advances, this should be a goal. Better food production techniques, and less wanton waste, would make a much more humane style of diet.

>NEET Sup Forums loser complains online
I hope this is bait

I shit all over your 600 lbs life, you autistic virgin

Kill yourself you heartless gook

Okay, you are ignoring the fact that humans have advanced to a point in the movie to create something like this. Do you honestly thing if we accidentally create a hippo with an apes intelligence we should spare it let it breed etc?

We could potentially create hundreds of species with this level intelligence and you expect us to just let them exist, procreate and possible decimate other ecosystems that have existed for millenia?

You are bonkers if you think this, and no we shouldn't halt the progression of controlling genetic mutation, augmentation and creation. That's fucking stupid, it would hinder the progression of mankind.

Eventually we will get to this point, eventually humans will expand to the point they will rapidly cause millions of species of animals to go extinct. We are expanding to fast, and we do too much to the environment that would aid in these creatures existence.

The sooner you realize this, that humans are the only thing that matters the better off you will be. You will be able to physically witness this as well, of us reaching 10 billion humans and more.

I haven't seen the film, but something that really annoys me is that I feel many people ridiculously overestimate the emotional and cognitive intelligence, awareness, and consciousness of animals, precisely because of movies like Okja.

If people were to research these things for themselves, they would find that even the most intelligent animal species are far more rudimentary in these characteristics than such people would consider their pets to be.

The whole isssue will solve by itself in ~100 years when lab grown meat will make animal agriculture obsolete.

In 200 years MSM will say, with reason, that we were all savages living in a precivilized era

>eating soy estrogen meat and not test boosting real meat

good goy

> Do you honestly thing if we accidentally create a hippo with an apes intelligence we should spare it let it breed etc?
We shouldn't be creating animals that intelligent specifically for the purpose of slaughter and food.
>We could potentially create hundreds of species with this level intelligence and you expect us to just let them exist, procreate and possible decimate other ecosystems that have existed for millenia?
I expect us not to create such animals, in general.
>That's fucking stupid, it would hinder the progression of mankind.
How will creating such animals assist in the progression of mankind?

As for the rest of it, maybe we shouldn't act in such a way to absolutely devestate our environment. We need a good plague desu, there are too fucking many of us. I'm not trying to be an edgelord, I just really think there are too many people. i don't see a solution that doesn't massacre the environment.

>discussing a film you haven't seen


>I think everything has an inherent interest in being alive, and we should respect that. Wy kill something if we can find ways to avoid it.

Dude, just by existing we decimate animals ecosystems and way of life. Because of our desires of entertainment and other luxuries cause this. It isn't a bad thing, we gained these freedoms because we are the most intelligent beings on this planet.

It isn't going to stop either and it quite frankly shouldn't, I like animals they are cool and I think that they deserve to exist as long as they don't hinder the progression of mankind.

Zoos, biodomes, sanctuaries, this is the fate of all popular animals eventually. Human expansion will completely destroy any hope of animals actually existing like they normally do.

Do you think that is living though? To be destined to be domesticated and eventually all the instincts that made you what you are bred out of you? People think that's okay for dogs, cats and farm animals so it should be fine right?

Or do you think that we should start limiting human liberties and freedoms just so a few animals could exist in the same mediocre manner they have bin for millions of years.

You really can't give them a chance to improve either, as it took thousands of years(millions for some) and they still are the same fucking animals they were to begin with.

>Ignoring my point because I didn't talk about the film but instead argued about meat eating
>In the same post, doesn't talk about the film but argues about meat eating


When that time comes, many people will pay extra for freshly hunted game meat, or meat from small local farmers and fishermen who still sell the real thing. Unless the government in 100 years straight up outlaws these things, which means we will be living in a dystopian future where we are forced to eat fucking lab-grown meat.

>It's just stupid ass people think that animals have emotions
They do though. That's about it for most creatures though. That and instinct.

i'm under the impression that most people overvalues the human intelligence. despite the obvious differences, your life experience doesn't really seem to be that different than the life experience of a cow or a dog, most of what is really important in life is the same.

Yeah but the ridge of the penis is clearly designed for rape(pull out other semen) so what's the problem

>We need a good plague desu

This is the kind of stupid shit I was expecting, every human has the chance to produce something to the progression of humanity and if they choose not to okay. Animals however can never individually achieve this goal.

As for animal testing and genetic experiments. It's accidental, science is the art of doing shit until it works.

It isn't going to just jump to "yeah we won't make this thing smart" it will take time. And we will create things like Okja, and we should accept the fact that it is a small step in the progression of mankind.

They will assist in the progression of mankind in respects to many, many things. As Biological animals could potentially surve as surrogates for human organs, cheap means of food, some animals eventually could do all manners of things.

In fact, even though you will think it is ridiculous eventually we may get to the point in modifying our dna with an animals to obtain some traits from them.

We all are made out of the same shit, problem is configuring that all together to make something happen which we are close to starting but not even close to the level of Okja.

It is infinitely more complex, and has a million differences. You can say 'Dude, on a grand scale they're, like, the same experience', but you can also say 'Dude, on a grand scale, an apple and the planet Jupiter are, like, basically the same thing' and be just as correct.

Can you give me a quick rundown on the concentration camps?

I think that is not the reason, the whole purpose of the ridge of the penis is so you can ejaculate faster as it is bigger than an average vagical opening so you can just hump fast and get work done.

No ida who thought of this scooping out semen, because usually you get that shit in deep and you just push it in further.

>Dude, just by existing we decimate animals ecosystems and way of life. Because of our desires of entertainment and other luxuries cause this.
If it's done as an absolute necessity, then that's just the circle of life, but as technology advances, there's no reason why we can't live more harmoniously with nature. I'm not trying to sound like some hippy faggot, but I feel an empathy with other creatures that tells me raping and pillaging the environment out of convenience is immoral. We fundamentally differ in one regard: You say as human's progress, we should pay less attention to our environment. I say, as we progress, we should spend our efforts in finding ways to live in such a way as to leave the Earth in the state we found it.
>It isn't going to stop either and it quite frankly shouldn't
We could stoip it if it became a priority for our species. i agree most people seem to be more interested in their own personal satisfaction than living up to what i feel we could as a species: a steward for the planet.
>To be destined to be domesticated and eventually all the instincts that made you what you are bred out of you?
Most of what you perceive to be the future for animals is in flux, and changeable by human action and care. Maybe you see this outcome as unchangeable. I don't, and wont let it happen without trying to stop int in the ways i can.
>Or do you think that we should start limiting human liberties and freedoms just so a few animals could exist in the same mediocre manner they have bin for millions of years.
Yep, it's a political decision we make as a community, and i know what side I'm on.
>You really can't give them a chance to improve either, as it took thousands of years(millions for some) and they still are the same fucking animals they were to begin with.
Doesn't matter. It's an inherent interest in being alive, and the more we progress, the more we should try to respect it for all animals. Technology makes it possible

Also the "scoop theory" would be counter productive in impregnation as it usually takes multiple sessions for that to happen.

Adam Egret, tell the folks at home

Okja almost killed itself several times with the girl its amazing it lasted 10 years with her to begin with. But if a 10 year superpig is the same size as all the other super pigs at the end of the movie what is the growth rate for them that makes it profitable?

>we should spend our efforts in finding ways to live in such a way as to leave the Earth in the state we found it.

In that case, farm animals would never even have existed. So your solution to ending the suffering of farm animals is to make them cease to exist? That's straight up anime villain tier thinking.

>It isn't going to just jump to "yeah we won't make this thing smart" it will take time. And we will create things like Okja, and we should accept the fact that it is a small step in the progression of mankind.
I don't disagree, but the company in the movie wants to continue making Okjas. Our laws shouldn't allow that, at least not for he sake of livestock. It's too smart.

I don't disagree with anything else you said.

>infinitely more complex
kek. no: a monkey life and yours are basically the same thing. an insect is much more akin to a plant.

you could also eat human lab meat, but some people would pay more for real human meat.


y'know I walked through ash and bone looking for my brother...

By letting them breed themselves out, or finding an environment which suits them? How is that villainous? I don't care about the species suviving, I care about the level of suffering cause by our practices. If we can feed the world on lab grown steak, we should do that, and either let cows die out in peace, or find them a place to live where they wont fuck up the environment.

I've never seen a bunch of chimps sitting in a tree arguing with the retard chimp who wants to convince them that eating meat is bad.

>a monkey life and yours are basically the same thing
Could you please explain how this is true? I hope you don't think monkeys are just humans with the intelligence turned from 10 to 5.



How is finding them a place to live in peace "leaving the earth in a state we found it"? That requires just as much, if not more human intervention.